Review by Curt Wagner

Star Trek: Discovery 2017

So far it's pretty bad... ( the Last episode I watched is #5)...

According to Trakt, this show has 9 episodes, and so far nothing important or interesting happens. There is no actual overarching plot so far. While this was true for the first season of the Expanse too. That many different seemingly unconnected plot threads only connected at the end of the season for a big climax, here there are no multiple plot threads to connect.

The Discovery discovered mushroom magic propulsion technology which allows them to teleport their ship where they want. This is the crux of the plot so far. There is a war with the Klingons and the Discovery is the only ship equipped with the magic mushroom drive. And that's it...

This is not helped at all by how unbelievable the main character is written. She is a rebel in a military organization that constantly disobeys direct orders. Cpt Picard or Cpt Sisko would have kicked her out from their ship\starbase right away.

Klingons are one-dimensional villains who have only one mode 'Kill Enemies'. For some reason, they also don't want to 'culturally appropriate' the Klingon language so this results in tedious extremely long scenes where Klingon characters speak only Klingon. This happens in Game of Thrones too when they speak Valyrian, but the scenes are never as long or tedious as the Klingon speaking scenes in Discovery...

Also, normally I don't care about things like this, but it seems the show went out of its way to cast as little white men as possible. As I said, this is not something I would usually care about, but it's so comically obvious that it's disturbing. It's like they are living in a world where there was a plague that killed 90% of the staight male population...

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@curtwagner1984 Do I understand you correctly, 90% of the straight male population on Earth would be caucasian?
