Review by Neal Mahoney

mother! 2017


Review by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2017-09-15T02:54:35Z— updated 2018-06-29T23:31:59Z

EDIT: There has never been a movie like this that I didn't like but I really wanted to read and talk more about with other people. I guess Darren Aronofsky at least got people talking about his movie, even if people didn't like it.

What a weird movie. I really thought the sound design was great. Really creepy and creates great tension.

So Jenifer Lawerence is Mother Earth and Javier Bardem is God? Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer are Adam and Eve and the heart crystal is the apple of eden? I don't know much about the bible but that is what I got. I guess the message Daron Aronofsky is trying to say is we treat the Earth like shit. It is going to kill us all but its bound to repeat again? I don't know, it is a weird movie.

EDIT2: So after seeing this after a long time of not thinking about it I realized that Darren Aronofsky really hates humans. The bat shit crazy third act can not make up for the boring first two acts. And knowing that this is just the bible made it even worse. I don't hate this movie but I'm definitely not a fan.

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@nmahoney416 yeah I also interpreted it in that way.


Reply by Deleted

@nmahoney416 The baby is Jesus! But yeah, that was pretty much it.

@nmahoney416 Here is a really good article that explains msot of it:

@nmahoney416 that's what I understood too. I just don't get what was that yellow thing she drank.

@nmahoney416 Look wider. This is a novel about the creator, creativity and creation in general.
