Review by Deleted

The Walking Dead

Season 7

"You ever hear the one about the stupid little prick, named Rick, who thought he knew shit, but didn't know shit, and got everyone that he gave a shit about killed. It's about you".

Season 7 of The Walking Dead was... kinda of a mix bag. Compare to previous seasons, you know what to expect by now, as the formula is becoming more apparent. There were many episodes in this season that I thought was okay, but some I would call great. The awful episodes shouldn't go overlooked as well. Now we got a new villain and everything that the world use to be is decaying each day.

When we left off, season 6 ended on a cliffhanger which made viewers (including me) furious. I knew what it was there for and I wasn't having it. Of course when it's revealed who bite the dust, I wasn't all that surprised. Here's the problem with leaving a cliffhanger open for months, people will speculate and the odds seem more clear.

It also ruined what could've been a heartbreaking and a "Game of Thrones" like feeling of sickness, instead left me saying "I knew it". The tension and the build up was so perfect in the season 6 finale, but all of that is long gone since six months. Doesn't help when you killed off your character twice, which is Glenn. I mean, Glenn not being on the show anymore is sad and I've got to give Steven Yeun credit for improving over the years, for his acting skills. It wouldn't be the same without Gleen or Abraham.

Well with all that out of the way, lets talk about the actual good things.

Andrew Lincoln absolutely killed it this season, just like he always dose. It was so painful to watch Rick go through this soul crushing and embarrassment treatment of psychological torture. Effecting him and everyone else in the group. The scene at the start of season 7 where he breaks down in tears after Negan forces him to cut off his son arm. Truly great acting from him. Convincing the audience he's a father who would protect and cry whatever happens to his son. To be honest, he's the only reason why I'm watching this show. At the moment Rick is on a softer side, but that inn demon is still in there ready to be release.

Jeffery Dean Morgan is another stand out this season and stole every scene he's in. The devilish smile, slow tone talking, and brutal way of getting his point across. He makes the Governor look harmless. You love to hate him, everything that makes great TV. One minute your in shock or crying after he kills a fan favorite; you then laugh at the terrible puns he spits out while caving in someones head. How lovely. Making the character both evil and filth, but also giving a sense of respect and knows when he crosses the line. Pretty much a method of control. Later on, he must get the taste of his own medicine after the things he did. At the same time, you hate to see him go. Jeffery Dean Morgan was terrific.

It's great to see Maggie and Carol character becoming stronger since we first met them. Of what both went through and where they are now. And it's not just those two, the other character arcs that shown growth. That's what I like every season despite the problems.

Some of the unrealistic character monitions and decisions still need improvement like I said in my last review. Why are the final to these seasons always end so lackluster. You get the filler and predicable moments. Mostly things you expect. I bet the season 8 will repeat these mistakes, but hey, I'll keep watching anyway.

Overall rating: Ready for more zombie killing.

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