Yuk. What the hell happened to Dr. Who? What was the budget for the Cybermen, $40.00 each?

Teased twice with a new doctor/regeneration, do it already and get rid of Peter Capaldi. The companion this season was twofer, Black and lesbian, and then you slip in gender fluid, enough already, you already destroyed Torchwood, the gays have that one now, leave Dr. Who out of it.

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@chazeb (forward @ cuckoo clan members)
In case of times of clear thinking in you, this season being bad has no reason in the companion being black or gay.
This show was a gay show from the beginning, at least since the reboot in 2005. If you ever looked up the show runners. Most of the writers for the storytelling are gay. And many others... You just didn't noticed because homophobia misted you mind.
In every science fiction, even in every creative process, also in science, medicine, politics, clothes, anti-war.... in the world gay people were & are (secretly or openly) involved and invented the cool stuff. Look it up! YOU are also a multiple beneficiary of it!

Without gay people your underwear would still itch between legs like to grandpa's days.
Why them!? Because homophobia people aren't capable of doing anything useful - they just hate other humans.
