Neal Mahoney


St. Charles MO

Knives Out

Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2019-11-30T22:21:45Z— updated 2020-01-26T00:23:05Z

It's so much fun. It knows what type of movie it is and delivers. The story kept me on my toes. The ensemble cast is terrific. Chris Evans having a blast playing an asshole, Ana de Armas is great, and Daniel Craig playing a detective with a funny accent is a treat. I want to see this again knowing the plot so I can look for all the subtle foreshadowing.

After a rewatch I am even more impressed with how good the script is and how much is set up and paid off. This one is of the better movies of the year.

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I was surprised by how much I liked this. I went in with low expectations of just a dumb action movie, which it still kinda is, but it is also a decent sci-fi and the action is pretty great. The beginning is a little slow but once Grey gets Stem then it picks up. Logan Marshall-Green (or better known as the Tom Hardy look-alike, Tom Hardly) does a good job here. He moves like a robot pretty well. The action is great. There are plenty of action scenes and the short runtime makes it move fast. There are a few decent laughs too. The cinematography was very interesting too. The way the camera moves in certain action scenes are really cool, it makes a normal scene stick out as something special. One of the best things was the world it set up. Modifying humans with different upgrades is really cool. The whole gun in the arm is stupid but a crazy, cool stupid and I want to see more of that. I would like a sequel.

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Baby Driver

Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2017-06-28T02:43:28Z— updated 2017-07-05T18:47:13Z

This is a smart, funny and very entertaining movie with a killer soundtrack. The soundtrack has a little bit of everything and is choreographed perfectly into the action. Ansel Elgort is great and so are Kevin Spacey and Jon Hamm.

EDIT: Saw it again and it is still just as great.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2020-01-10T03:55:15Z— updated 2020-01-26T00:27:23Z

An incredible technical achievement. Roger Deakins's cinematography elevates this decent war story to something that is one of a kind. There is hardly anytime to catch your breath. The score is fantastic. I need to see the making of documentary.

Seeing this again it is still very impressive. The story is fine but the way we are always with Schofield and Blake with almost no relief makes this super tense. The score really is great.

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Game of Thrones: 7x07 The Dragon and the Wolf
Westworld: 2x08 Kiksuya

This is the best episode of the season so far, maybe the best episode of the show. Akechta's story is heartbreaking. When he was walking around looking for Kohana and found her and then realized he could do nothing about it really got to me. That piano cover of Heart-Shaped Box was fantastic too.

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The Leftovers: 3x08 The Book of Nora
The Walking Dead: 8x04 Some Guy

I guess they spent all the CGI budget for the season already. RIP Shiva, I cared more about your death then the 20 kingdom people that died too.

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El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie

An unnecessary and well made epilogue for one of the best characters from Breaking Bad. Aaron Paul is great and I loved getting more time with Jesse Pinkman and some of the other characters.

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Uncut Gems

This was a loud non stop chaotic trip. There were very few breaks to catch your breath. Some people are going to hate it. Adam Sandler is terrific, it's great to see him doing something different than his normal Netflix crap. The music is trippy.

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Black Mirror: 4x03 Crocodile

"Who kills a baby?"

Jesus, that ending was brutal, intense and heart breaking.

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Game of Thrones: 7x01 Dragonstone
Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

Absolutely incredible what they were able to deliver from a technical perspective. I just wish it was a little brighter, it was so dark that it was hard to see everything. A ton of great moments.

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The Walking Dead: 8x01 Mercy

Those windows won't hurt anybody now. Seriously wtf were they shooting at?

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The Invisible Man

More of a thriller than horror but it's great. Elisabeth Moss is really good at playing an unstable woman. The action is awesome and shot well. The plot has a few shocking moments.

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Game of Thrones: 7x05 Eastwatch
War for the Planet of the Apes

This is one of the best blockbusters ever. It has a ton of action, it is emotional and it makes you think. It's crazy how good the CGI is, you stop thinking about it because of how invested you get in Caesar's journey. Great supporting characters with Maurice and the new addition of Bad Ape. Woody Harrelson is fantastic as always. It will be interesting to see if Andy Serkis' name comes up for best actor next year at the Oscars. He definitely deserves some recognition for his performance.

I think its funny that nature has a ironic sense of humor. The disease that killed everyone is now turning the rest of the humans into a more primitive state. Caesar sparing the colonel was a very emotional moment. Showing he is a much more complicated character than just an ape on a revenge mission. This whole trilogy asks a lot of questions on what is humanity? A very emotional end to a great trilogy.

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Black Mirror: 4x02 Arkangel

This is every kid's worst nightmare.

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Atlanta: 2x06 Teddy Perkins

Wait, Donald Glover was Teddy Perkins?!?

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-09-02T00:06:15Z— updated 2023-03-17T12:22:23Z

@nmahoney416 Did you notice the picture in the beginning of the movie with the father and daughter in front of the high school? The high school is the “home of the catfish” :)

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Ad Astra

I like most space movies and this one is no different. It is shot incredible well with some fantastic shots in space. The score and sound editing were great. Brad Pitt gives a terrific quiet performance. I can see why some would think this would be slow and boring but this held my attention the whole way and I wanted more.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x12 Home

That last scene was brutal and super gory. Hard to believe this is a marvel show.

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Frozen II

It's fine but not as good as the first. There are not memorable songs like Let It Go. The story is ok. The animation looks great. Kids will love this too but adults will probably be bored.

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Game of Thrones: 7x02 Stormborn

This is the most I've cared about the human story in any transformers. It has a lot of heart and is quite funny too. The music is fantastic and it never lets you forget you are in the 80s. Hailee Steinfeld is great and John Cena does what he does best. The action isn't too over the top. There are definitely the way too much CGI parts but those are few and far between. I would like to see more prequel stories with new people every time without Michael Bay.

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I, Tonya

Fun movie. A lot more entertaining than what you would think a figure skating movie to be. Margot Robbie was great and Allison Janney was fantastic. I really enjoyed the music. I thought every time they break the fourth wall was a smart way to deal with conflicting point of views from the real life people and they were funny.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2018-10-05T03:10:54Z— updated 2019-06-29T02:27:22Z

This is the lamest comic book movie in a while. The first act is terrible but once the symbiote finally get to Eddie Brock it picks up. The best part by far is Tom Hardy talking to himself. Everyone else is just bland. The effects are fine but the final fight is just a total CGI fest and kinda dull. This isn't worth paying for but it's worth watching to see Tom Hardy act crazy.

Edit: I did like it a little bit more on rewatch just because Tom Hardy is going all out.

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Lady Bird

Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2017-11-24T18:39:26Z— updated 2018-02-25T20:02:42Z

I feel like just about everyone will connect with this movie in some way. It's funny, sad, charming and honest. Saoirse Ronan's performance is one of the best of the year. Her chemistry with Laurie Metcalf makes the Mother/Daughter relationship really work. Lucas Hedges and Tracy Letts are both fantastic too. I think every kid in high school should watch this movie.

Edit: I saw this again and it is still my favorite of the Oscar nominations. It really has a way to make you feel like your in high school again. Makes you realize how much you parents do for you and how much I love mine.

Edit 2: I watched this again, twice in two days, this time with my parents. My dad was cracking up at every time Lady Bird was shit talking her mom while my mom didn't think it was that funny. He also said some of the dad's lines literally right before he said them. After it ended my mom said "That's it? I thought she was going to come back and write her mom a check."

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Game of Thrones: 7x03 The Queen's Justice