Review by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-07-31T03:15:27Z— updated 2017-08-14T03:08:39Z

RIP Olenna Tyrell. The OG badass bitch, even when she is dying she still has to have the last laugh. She is right though, Cersei is a disease and she has infected Jamie. Cersei really is just the worst. What she is doing to Ellaria Sand is awful, fair but awful. Her alliance with Euron might really change the war or at least make it more even.

The battle for Casterly Rock was great, I loved Tyrion narrating how he expects it to go but it never goes as expected. This will end up being a huge misstep for Daenerys. Her army is spilt and they are now landlocked. At least she still has the dragons and the Dorthraki. Looks like Cersei has a couple of tricks up her sleeve.

It was nice to see another Stark reunion. Bran was a little creepy like, you looked so beautiful the night Ramsay raped you. Sansa seems like she is a natural born leader. I wouldn't be surprised if she ends up Warden of the North or maybe even on the Iron Throne at the end. After all she has been through it would be fitting. Hopefully we will get another Stark reunion next week with Arya.

And of course we only have the biggest meeting of characters so far on this show. Jon and Daenerys finally meeting and they introduced her with a thousand names and Davos was like "This is Jon Snow... He's King in the North." Jon seems a little petty not to just bend the knee. Its not like he wants the iron throne. The Starks were loyal to the Targaryens in the past. A little gesture could of gone a long way but at least they have some dragon glass. I think the only way he is going to convince her or anyone is to capture a white walker and bring it back.

Quick thoughts:
Theon is alive, maybe another chance for redemption?
How will the iron bank play into this war? If Cersei has money who is she going to get to fight for her?
Jorah is healthy, I hope he goes to dragonstone right away and she takes him back. I bet she was just thinking when she sent him to "find a cure" that he was going to die. She is in for a surprise.
Why does Melisandre, and Varys, need to die in Westeros?
Cersei gives zero fucks now, who cares that people she her in bed with Jamie. The Targaryens did it so why not the Lannisters.
I can't get enough of Euron and Jamie, I hope they more awkward scenes together.
I wonder if Daenerys is going to follow up on "taking a knife in the heart?"

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