Review by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-07-24T03:05:58Z— updated 2019-03-23T01:44:51Z

That last scene was awesome. Too bad Euron couldn't of waited five more minutes for Ellaria to "invade" Yara. That drawbridge smashing someone was a perfect start to a big fight. RIP two of the three sand snakes. One of them cut Euron, did she poison the blade like Oberyn did to the Mountain? If he is poisoned and gets back to King's Landing fast enough maybe Qyburn can save him and turn him into an undead zombie too. So the gift is Ellaria Sand? It makes sense since she killed Cersi's daughter. Also poor Theon, Ramsay has ruined him for life. That cockless coward. The look Euron gave Theon and that laugh makes him certified crazy, right?

Daenerys plotting how to take over the Seven Kingdoms was fun. I'm glad they started right where they left off last episode. It is interesting to see all the women in power at that table. Daenerys calling out Varys was needed. He always seems like he is out for himself. He made a convincing argument but I'm not sure how much is true. Tyrion seems like he has the right idea with taking King's Landing with Westeros armies and Casterly Rock with the Dothraki. Too bad it doesn't look like that is going to happen. Will Daenerys take Olenna's advice and act like a dragon?

So is Melisandre going to be staying in Dragonstone and supporting Daenerys? Does she think the prophecy says Daenerys could be the one to bring the dawn or does she think that is Jon? It was also nice to see Missandei and Grey Worm finally show real feelings for each other. It did cross my mind that this is a sex scene with a unsullied.

Cersi trying to recruit is sad. Didn't seem like many came to her when she called and they aren't all convinced. Jamie talking to Randyll Tarly to become warden of the south but he still isn't sure he is on the winning side. So Cersi has a big cross bow that can go through an old dragon skull. I don't think they will kill any of the dragons. The only way I see any dragons dying is if they are fighting the white walkers. Then the Night King will bring it back and we could have a zombie dragon. Now that would be trouble. Would it breath fire or ice?

Jon leaving for Dragonstone is exciting. Daenerys and Jon meeting will sort of be a family reunion, because you know, Daenerys is his Aunt even if they don't know it. Sansa just keeps undermining Jon in front of everyone so might as well just put her in charge. Littlefinger is now on both Sansa's and Jon's shit list. I wonder how much longer he stays there or if he decides to turn on them?

We finally got the reunion we all wanted, HOT PIE and Arya! But seriously I'm glad someone told her and winterfell so she can head home. Too bad it looks like Jon will be gone. Another reunion with Arya and her direwolf Nymeria was short lived. At least she got to see her pet was still alive even if she has to let her go live her own alpha wolf life now.

That Jorah Greyscale scene was gross. I'm guessing Sam isn't going to get it to work. He was writing a letter to khalessi. Maybe he will try to go to Dragonstone before he loses his mind and maybe the dragon glass could cure him. Stannis' daughter was cured and they lived on Dragonstone, it could happen?

Good episode, things are moving pretty fast.

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@nmahoney416 You are not reviewing this episode. You just write 30+ lines of spoilers/things that just happen.
This comment should not be marked as a Review.

@jrzbraga I think trakt just calls it a review because I gave it a score. I didn't write a review I was just writing my thoughts on the episode. If you are looking for a review I suggest going to IGN or indiewire or any media outlet, they all have reviews.

@nmahoney416 What you can say about this fast episodes? Is because is the last season ?

@nmahoney416 Comments are reviews when you type a certain amount of words otherwise it's a shout. :) nothing to do with scores :)
