
1 follower

Terre Haute, Indiana

Doctor Who: 1x04 73 Yards

Me: "There's no way they can even come close to being as good as the last episode."


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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x09 Lagrange Point

Not bad I guess. But come on, Burnham chose right then and there to have a heart-to-heart with Book???

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GoShogun: 1x12 Montmartre, Land of Goodbyes

Well that was different. I like the character driven episodes a lot, but dang...Remy was done wrong.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x08 Labyrinths

Overall a good episode but, geez, so much Burnham and her whispery drama voice. Star Trek is best when it's an ensemble. This show should've been called Star Trek: Burnham.

Couldn't we get to know some of the random bridge crew just a little? The officer who had the conn while BOTH THE CAPTAIN AND FIRST OFFICER were on an away mission seemed interesting, for example. (And, honestly, both the captain and first officer beamed down during a dangerous situation?)

Ugh it's just frustrating because there's a lot to like about this show, but some confounding story choices really weigh it down.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x07 Erigah

I love me a diplomatic standoff so this was the best episode of the season so far...by far.

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Space Runaway Ideon: 1x25 Ideon's Counterattack

Shout by Zoso5

Noooo not Kitty Kitten! I'll send a prayer your way.

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X-Men '97: 1x10 Tolerance Is Extinction (3)

I'm overflowing with emotion after that. Outstanding. The action, the high stakes, the drama...and the cameos! Oh god the cameos!

This show blew away my expectations. I can't believe they pulled it off.

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Science Ninja Team Gatchaman: 2x24 Suspicious G-2

Pretty strong episode actually. I'm glad I didn't give up on this show.

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Saturday Night Live: 49x18 May 4 - Dua Lipa

The fantastic last several episodes had SNL on a hot winning streak, but this one ended it unfortunately. Something seemed to go wrong during the cold open and things went downhill from there. Even the music performances, which lately have been visually quite striking, were pretty bland.

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X-Men '97: 1x09 Tolerance Is Extinction (2)

This episode really gets into some complicated issues and nobody seems to have a good answer just like the real world. Can't wait to see how the finale plays out. One of the most thought provoking superhero shows of all time.

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Ultraman: 5x48 Monster Girl's Festival

Well...that was insane. Gotta be the most unhinged Ultraman episode I've seen so far.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x05 Mirrors

Am I the only one lost? Burnham and Book are sad. The two antagonists are sad. The doctor is sad. Tilly was brought back and is barely being used. Otherwise the crew (what little we see of them) is looking for Jenga pieces. That's about it right?

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X-Men '97: 1x08 Tolerance Is Extinction (1)

Yet another episode that made me shout "YES!" The way this show drags emotions out of me is so weird but I'm not questioning it.

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X-Men '97: 1x07 Bright Eyes

Waking up early, bleary eyed and watching this show reminds me of early-morning cartoon watching when I was a kid. Except with more tears now!

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Science Ninja Team Gatchaman: 2x21 Youth's Broken Wings

Good episode and it makes me glad I didn't give up on this show early on. Still, I wish Gel Sadra was more villainous. In fact I wish he (they?) were menacing even a little bit instead of being the goofy clown he's been so far.

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X-Men '97: 1x06 Lifedeath (2)

Another home run. This show has me in a vice grip and I don't want it to let go. I actually stood up and cheered during the episode's climax (and I'm not a stand-up-and-cheer kind of guy).

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Science Ninja Team Gatchaman: 2x20 G-Town's Critical Moment

I quite enjoyed this one. Good to see a Jun focused episode (sort of). No spoilers, but this one would carry some trigger warnings if this were a new show.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x03 Jinaal

This season's first two episodes were enjoyable enough but this one was pretty boring. A lot of the show's issues are evident here.

The plot holes, for example. Bookham conjured their phasers and didn't really use them and yet the creatures knew they were dangerous? And those creatures were dreadful.

And the relationship stories. We've been expected to care about Burnham and Book's relationship and Grey and Adira's relationship without really showing us why. So it's hard to feel anything there.

I'm so struck by the incredible amount of insubordination being shown in this episode. The new Number 1 (who is 100% unlikeable) is insubordinate to Burnham and Tilly is insubordinate to him in return. Picard would've never stood for any of this lol

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X-Men '97: 1x05 Remember It

I truly can't believe how good this show is. Every episode is better than the last so far. I mean I'm actually shocked. I wasn't expecting to like it at all.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x01 Red Directive

Shout by Zoso5

Wow there was almost no crying!

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Science Ninja Team Gatchaman: 2x19 Trap in Another Dimension

Might be essential. Possible future story threads here. Plus you get to see Joe being more badass than ever.

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Science Ninja Team Gatchaman: 2x18 The Spaceship that Doesn't Respond

Optional episode. Some good Jun moments but mostly a Jinpei solo adventure.

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X-Men '97: 1x04 Motendo / Lifedeath (1)

This show is a gift to us long time X-Men fans and I'm here for it.

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X-Men '97: 1x03 Fire Made Flesh

Now I understand why the critics gave this show such positive reviews after viewing the first three episodes. I was lukewarm to the first episode but the second was better. This third one was fantastic.

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Science Ninja Team Gatchaman: 2x16 Blackout Joe

Another clip episode. That's two in the first 16 episodes. Skippable unless you want to watch clips from the original series.

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Ultraman: 4x24 Look! A Giant Transformation in the Middle of the Night

Good Lord this would've traumatized me as a kid!

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A Shop for Killers: 1x08 Listen Up, Ji-an

I hope viewers weren't deterred by the first 3 episodes or so, because this show turned out to be way better at the end.

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A Shop for Killers: 1x07 Trap

This show has been a slow burn to say the least. But it sure is finishing up strong.

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Science Ninja Team Gatchaman: 2x14 Red Impulse of Space

Another pretty good episode and definitely one for fans of the first show. Essential.

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Galaxy Express 999: 1x113 Illusion of Youth(Part Two)

I've wanted to watch this show for almost my entire life only to find that I really didn't like it all that much. I don't know what I was expecting but I was really let down.

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