

Sea of Japan, Planet X

11.22.63: 1x08 The Day in Question

Probably one of the most incredible series endings ever.

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Better Call Saul: 2x08 Fifi

Chuck is a first class POS.

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The White Lotus: Season 1

Entertaining, but really, 10 Emmys?

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Stranger Things: 2x06 Chapter Six: The Spy

My ONLY complaint, too few episodes.

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Breaking Bad: 1x04 Cancer Man

So hilarious and yet sad. The effects of meth causing paranoia and hallucinations. I worked with a kid whose mom and boyfriend got hook on it. They'd stay in the house looking out the windows saying there were men with guns in the trees. Wow.

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Godless: 1x07 Homecoming

I must say, this was a wonderful western tale. Excellent. Netflix is the new HBO when it comes to great series.

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Narcos: Season 2

It's just as good or better than the first season.

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Star Trek

I truly think it's the best film of the decade. Actors, story, action, music, etc. are all masterfully used to tell an engaging story I enjoy on each viewing.

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Narcos: 2x06 Los Pepes

Netflix is the new HBO. Quality of production is on par with the best shows made. I hope they rack up the awards, they deserve it.

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The Sinner: 1x01 Part I

I had a girlfriend who OCD. The morning scene reminded me of her. Brush her teeth all day, always cleaning, straightening, said she was counting in her head when we had sex. So glad we broke up, lol.

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Tora! Tora! Tora!

Excellent, I watch it every anniversary.

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Paranormal Caught on Camera

If you watch YouTube channels like nukes top five or sir spooks, you have probably seen a lot of these videos. But the good thing is on some of them they actually interview the people that took the film or are in the film.

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Who Is America?: 1x01 Episode 1

This just shows the absurdity in politics as it moves farther from the Center,

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The Sopranos: 6x21 Made in America

Man, I've watched the series in its entirety 3 times, with many smatterings of episodes along the way. Wish it never ended.

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Black Sails: 4x10 XXXVIII

Wow, now THAT'S the way to end a series!

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Invasion of Astro-Monster

Love it! I kicked butt!

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Live Free or Die Hard

Perfect summer holiday action movie.

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Mississippi Burning

Excellent movie about an issue that 50 years later still needs to be talked about and rectified.

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Simply magnificent. Try and see the play too, it’s excellent.

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The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Bogey ris a real dick in this one.

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Totally unrealistic but totally entertaining.

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Yellowstone: Season 1

Excellent series that gives a look at something rarely seen on tv, the reservation. Excellent story that is engaging and unpredictable. Modern cowboys and Indians.

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A Gray State

Watching this tragedy, something hits me. The altright are afraid of a government that doesn’t respect Americans civil rights, among other things, is in the near future. Ripping people out of their houses, killing people, etc. and it hit me. This is why football players are kneeling, why black lives matters exists, for them, that is already happening.

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The Crown: 2x02 A Company of Men

Gotta like Philip after he turned his yacht around to return an injured fisherman to his island.

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Wedding Crashers

Walken and Vaughn have never been better. A comedic masterpiece. Love it.

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Frontier: 1x01 A Kingdom Unto Itself

Ohhhh, this is gooooood. Another Netflix hit.

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Die Hard

Christmas ritual. From the golden era of action movies.

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Dawn of the Dead

One of the best zombie movies.

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The Final Countdown

Incredible sci-fi movie from the 80s. Has better F14 shots than Top Gun. The Blu-ray is great, the making of is excellent and includes many of the F14 pilots.

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Absolutely brilliant comedy, one of the top 5 in tv history. Really pushed the barriers of broadcast tv.

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