


Talk to Me

I never want to watch it again. Haunted me like Hereditary. One of the best horror-movies of the last 10 years.

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I'm Going to Santiago

A beautiful vibrant and real way to spend a quarter of an hour in early sixties Santiago, Cuba. You're keenly aware by the end of the immense loss of Sara Gómez at so young an age - after this and her feature film, what could have been ? A sad thought but this film throbs not with sadness but with life!
We're so lucky to have a restoration of this.

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German Crime Story: Gefesselt

Richtig starke True-Crime-Serie aus Deutschland, die von Anfang an fesselt.

Really strong true-crime series from Germany that is gripping from the start.

Highly underrated!

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Surprisingly few (bloodless) kills and not really scary but great fun with friends/family. Probably boring for those who have already seen all chucky-movies or hundreds of horror movies, but a well made movie for everyone else.

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The Innocents

This is a family-friendly film about children discovering that they have superhero-powers.

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Violent Night

"Violent Night" is more fun that the critics would let you believe. There are many plot-holes (and not just the one with the "christmas-magic") and a few cringly-scenes, but overall the acting is pretty solid and the action and gore are great. This could become your new yearly christmas-flick. Just send the kids to bed before.

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The Secret Life of Pets

A few good laughs and ideas, but all in all pretty average. Okay with kids or if you like animated movies.

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Way better than expected. Worth a watch. But at least watch the Original first.

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All Quiet on the Western Front

One of the best anti-war movies of all time. I was shaking and had heart racing the whole run-time.

One of the most memorable cinema-experiences I ever had. After the credits rolled, no one made a move for two minutes. Everyone sat quietly and thought about what they had seen. At one point early in the movie almost everyone had also stopped eating their popcorn.

Watch it in Cinema if you can. Watch it in german if you can. Watch it in german with subtitles if you must. Or wait for it's Netflix-Release. But watch "All Quiet on the Western Front" no matter what. And learn from it.

One of the most intense movies you'll ever see.

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Some say "Athena" has little substance in terms of Story. While this may be true, this didn't stop films like "The Raid" to be great either. Athena has strong imagery and an impressive 10 minute opening-"plan-séquence". Sadly it couldn't hold my attention the full runetime. Amazing camera-work too.

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The Big Bang Theory: 2x15 The Maternal Capacitance

Best episode so far and one of the best of the whole show. Almost non-stop hilarious.

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Cinema Paradiso

As good as movies get. A film for the ages. "Cinema Paradiso" is a love letter to Cinema. And one of it's greatest.

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The Terminal

Shout by Zephir
BlockedParent2022-07-28T19:32:32Z— updated 2022-07-29T22:16:21Z

Wholesame, fun family-movie. Sadly not without (Story-)flaws. Along with "Catch Me If You Can" (2002) one of Spielbergs more friendlier movies he wanted to shoot after the Events of 9/11 to lift the mood in the country and the world.

The Story is loosely based/inspired by the real-life-events of Mehran Karimi Nasseri (and his book "The Terminal Man" from the same year as the movie), an Iranian refugee who lived at the departure lounge of the Charles de Gaulle Airport for 18 years, from 1988 until 2006.

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Fast-paced John-Wick-esque Action-Movie. Great, mindless fun with many superb violence and action scenes. Too bad they don't make many Action-Movies like this anymore. Was great to see Christopher Lloyd as well.

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The Passion of the Christ

One of the most powerful, well crafted, well acted and brutal movies ever made. A once in a lifetime experience. "The Passion of the Christ" will leave you speechless and crying.

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One Piece: 7x217 The Captains Square Off! The Final Combat Round!

Shout by Zephir

It's Afro-Luffy!‎ Fun.

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Halloween Kills

Most fun I had with a Halloween Movie since the Original and Halloween III. I don't get the critics and ratings, I liked it even more than the previous movie. David Gordon Green just knows what Halloween and MM is all about. Great job.

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One Piece: 6x174 A Mystical City! The Grand Ruins of Shandora!

Robin is so damn cool

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The X Files: I Want to Believe

I knew this movie was not well received, but this is something else...
What were they thinking? This is all they came up with after 10 years (since the first film and well... 6 years after Season 9)?

Avoid this movie, watch the first one and the Show and skip straight to Seasion 10.
It's just boring, pointless, cringe and has barely anything to do with the X-Files, except the Cast.

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The Hunt

The Tribe, I mean Hollywood, is trying so hard to start a race war

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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

All Women = good, all men = bad

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Doctor Who: Season 11

The stories are terrible. Summary: all identity politics, NPC/SJW drivel. All plots can be boiled down to "white men bad" "White civilization people are all invaders/polluters/enslavers/ fill in the negative "Women are infinitely BETTER than men. Americans are crass, hateful people. The Doctor is a MAN plain and simple. There is a 50+ year history of strong female roles (Romanna, The Rani, Ace, Sarah Jane, Leela, Amy Pond, Martha, Donna, Liz Shaw, etc.) There could have been a spin off with a woman.

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Freddy vs. Jason

Shout by Zephir
BlockedParent2018-10-18T17:20:46Z— updated 2020-01-13T18:23:48Z

Pure fanservice, for all the others it might be just another Slasher Z Movie

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The Room

"It is like a movie made by an alien, who has never seen a movie, but has had movies thoroughly explained to him."

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Train to Busan

Most depressing Zombie-Movie I've ever seen, nonetheless a first-class ride

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The Walking Dead: 7x01 The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

45 minutes of pure psychological terror, probably the best episode of the whole show. I'm definitely hooked again.
Negan > The Governor

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Naruto Shippuden: 20x479 Naruto Uzumaki!!

Beautiful ending for now, this was the last canon episode for a long time, the next few weeks are all filler episodes (Boyhood-Arc) and in december or so we'll get the Hiden/Shinden Light novels. :3

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Black Mirror

Set in an dark, dystopian world full with dark humor and unique, creative stories which pretty much could happen in the future, "Black Mirror" is one of the best shows of all time. Everyone should watch this. ♥

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Evolution of a Filipino Family
The 7 Tyrants of Jiangnan

I'm highly interested in "lost media" and Big and Little Wong Tin Bar, notable for being Jackie Chan's film debut, was lost or at least incomplete for a really long time until a few months ago the full movie was uploaded on Youtube.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__1xiVlz2Yg (black & white and without watermarks, sadly it still needs to be subbed)

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