

Linköping, Sweden

Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

They really did it. They came up with an ending that is actually worse than Dexter’s. Congratulations, what an achievement!

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

Even worse than the Battle of Winterfell :(

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

What was this, Disney’s Game of Thrones? All these seasons of build-up... and we get this? How many characters of importance died?

I’m disappointed.

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The Silence

It’s not that bad, but it’s mediocre at best and you're better off watching A Quiet Place or Bird Box instead.

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Black Panther

I don’t understand how this movie can be so universally praised. For me, this is the weakest movie yet in the MCU. It wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t anything extraordinary either. Too bad, since I thought Black Panther was the highlight of the last Captain America movie.

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This Is Us: 2x14 Super Bowl Sunday

This show is a damn masterpiece. An emotional rollercoaster.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

It was a bit too long and predictable, but entertaining nonetheless.

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Game of Thrones: 7x07 The Dragon and the Wolf

Amazing finale! The season felt a bit rushed, but I think it’s the best one yet. I hope we don’t have too wait too long for the next.

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Six Feet Under: 5x12 Everyone's Waiting

Can’t think of a better ending to any show, simply fantastic.

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Game of Thrones: 7x04 The Spoils of War

Certainly one of the best episodes of the show.

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One of the best X-Men movies, that's for sure. I watched the noir version (black and white) and it was fantastic, visually beautiful and had a great feel to it.

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This was surprisingly good, certainly one of Shyamalan’s best. It kept me entertained all the way through. But just as with 10 Cloverfield Lane, the ending was a bit over the top (though not quite as much), and I think the movie would have been better off without the supernatural part.

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Silicon Valley: 4x02 Terms of Service

"Richard entered us without consent."

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Sausage Party

Occasionally pretty funny, but some scenes were just a bit too extreme (and juvenile) for my taste.

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American Horror Story: 6x10 Chapter 10

This season started out so good, but ended so so bad. Unfortunately, it's gone pretty much downhill since Asylum (my favorite).

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Independence Day: Resurgence

I'm feeling generous giving it a rating of 4, but it would've been lower if it wasn't for the CGI, which was maybe the only good thing about it.

It's been maybe 15 years now since I last saw the original movie as a kid, so I'm probably a little nostalgic about it, but it surely must've been a lot better than this, right?

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Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter

The best season ever? I think so.

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The Trust

I didn't really know what to expect from this, but this was certainly not it. I usually like thrillers with Cage, as they're more often than not good enough to watch for 90 odd minutes. But this was utter crap. It wasn't serious at all and they tried to be funny but failed at that miserably.

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The House of the Devil

What a disappointment, I expected a lot more considering all the positive reviews.

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This Is England '88: 1x03 Episode 3

Damn, that sure was an emotional episode.

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One of the worst movies I've ever seen, the only good thing about it was Johnny Depp.

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The scenes with Swearengen "Sweadgen" and Wu are the best.

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Game of Thrones: 5x10 Mother's Mercy

Holy fucking shit... the last 3 episodes have been crazy!

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It sure had it's moments and I really liked the music and the scenes where they all had a shared experience, but for the most part nothing really happened. There was no story there. It got better in the last episodes but overall it's somewhat of a disappointment.

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Sense8: 1x06 Demons

More things happen in a single episode of TWD than in the first six episodes of Sense8. I really hope the second half of the season is better.

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Outlander: 1x16 To Ransom a Man's Soul

Damn, it was almost painful to watch at times.

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Orphan Black: 3x07 Community of Dreadful Fear and Hate

Best episode of the season so far.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

I had no expectations of this movie when I went to see it on cinema. I never saw the original movies (and I don't intend to either), but I must say that I was positively surprised by this one. It was action packed with something happening all the time, so there was really never a dull moment, although I think it was maybe a tad too long with all the back-and-forth. The characters were brilliant and interesting in their own way and let's not forget - completely insane - but in a positive way of course. The sheer amount of creativity poured into the production simply amazes me. Everything fits together perfectly. I'm giving it an 8 simply because I realize that, although it certainly delivers on it's promises, it's just pure (but awesome) entertainment, and I generally expect more from a movie to give it a higher rating.

Oh, and don't bother with 3D, it doesn't add anything to the experience.

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The Flash: 1x23 Fast Enough

One of the best episodes of the season, very emotional at times. This series turned out to be a lot better than I expected, much better than the last Arrow season.

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Game of Thrones: 5x06 Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

I'm glad that I don't read books so I can appreciate this for what it is.

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