Luca Zampieri

1 follower

Padua, Italy

Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl

To watch after the season 1. Worth watching, roller coaster should be an anime category, this would be on the top 3 for sure. Man i need some time to recover now.

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I Want to Eat Your Pancreas

I was just waiting to be killed, and yeah i got killed. I kind of disagree with other comments, the plot is nothing new, but i found the narration original in its way. In any case is definitely worth watching, good animation and good narration, it never bored me.

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Tokyo Ghoul: Season 3

Just a mess. Only for manga reader. Otherwise just skip it or watch the last 2 episodes (for fun/action), you wouldn't understand anyway.

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This show has everything. The scenography is awesome! I believe the cultural aspects are respected too, though i am not an expert at all, just a feeling. Most importantly: THE PLOT. Is not some sort of shitty plot like: there's zombies, let's do stuff (yeah TWD). The plot is consistent, there are zombies and there is a reason, also their strenghts/weaknesses are defined, and we discover them with the characters. Is not 100% clear yet, but there is a sense of progress of the plot, not just a repetition of the same stupid mistakes and dumb characters. Every character here has his own story and personality and as of now, you'll be surprised, IT MAKES SENSE. This show literally saved the zombie genre! Must watch.

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  • 2 for: 1) (as many others said) the volume of the soundtrack was way too high compared to dialogues. Intentional or not in many scenes it felt out of piece. Like he wanted to give you a sense of urgency/action even when nothing was actually happening.

2) It gave me, overall, an uncomfortable confusion. Rewatch may help but i don't care, i don't like any kind of art that requires prerequisites like external knowledge, several 'exposures' to itself (rewatch), etc. I go to the cinema, i watch a movie, and that's it. The problem in this case is that so many little things happen so fast that in the end you have the feeling you missed too much stuff, or at least this was the case for me and other 2 people that watched it with me. So it's not being confused by itself, is watching characters just mastering the situations while you don't even understand the basic mechanics of the game. So a lot of stuff happens and the only way to deal with it is simply

'Wait what?'
'Time travel stuff, whatever'

Everything else is really good though!

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Love, Death & Robots

Any second season suffer from the 'lack' of novelty one way or another, i expected that. Overall this second season has some good animation. I am disappointed by two things:
1. Only 8 episodes. After the success of the first season Netflix proceed like this. Well, nothing new on this side.
2. 2 episodes out of 8 are based on the classic 'robot go crazy for no reason'. It's really old, especially without any reasonable trigger.

Overall it is definitely worth watching considering it takes the time of a movie.

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Happy Sugar Life

This anime is perfectly sick. The main theme is obsession, some say it's exaggerated, i disagree, it is as exaggerated as friendship, duty and high school love in many other anime. I think most people find it "too much" because it's an exaggeration of a feeling that, luckily, most of us will never experience. Worth watching (with the right mindset).

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The Walking Dead: 10x09 Squeeze

Watch the first 10 min, skip to the last 5, the rest is pure trash.
By the way nice job completely ruining Carol in the last 2/3 seasons. She was one of the few that could do what was needed sometimes, being weird, but at least not retard. Now she's also retard, i guess it's contagious.
Ah and obviously the 2 inside would be dead in any somewhat realistic situation, but it's TWD so let's just wait for Daryl to save them because apparently he can just hang out in enemy territory alone.

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Season 1

I am just at episode 5, but really i can't understand why this show doesn't have comedy in the list of genres. It's very original, but i can't believe there was no intent of comedy in making this. Literally everything is somehow comic: character design, the storytelling, dialogues, calling each "attack" they make, you name it!
I think first of all is a comedy, then all the rest.

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A Ghost Story

This could have been a short film. 45 minutes would be enough to send the message. I can understand indie, no mainstream and whatever you want, but this can only be remembered as a boring movie that you will never ever watch again. I really like the idea, but after 10 or more shots with totally no movements it becomes so repetitive that the initial effect get lost in thoughts like "oh my god another one" or "how long was the last one? 10? 15 minutes?".
Personal advice is to watch until you get bored, jump at around 60 min, try not to kill yourself and watch other 2-3 shots, finally jump to the last 5 minutes.

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Down to Earth with Zac Efron

I was skeptical and i was wrong. It's interesting, it's fun and the structure of the documentary is quite original (not an expert here, but never seen this mix of nature, eco, food and curiosities).
Overall is definitely worth watching. Sometimes there is a little too much excitement, but it didn't annoyed me.

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Definitely one of the best movies in the last 10 years. I don't give 10/10 just because my math professor always told me: ''10/10 is impossible to achieve and that's why you should always try to get there'', so i got traumatized.
No, seriously, i just felt the acting a little too forced in certain scenes (which doesn't mean i consider it bad, not at all!).

Why are you still reading go watch it! It's one in 10'000 movies.

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Kizumonogatari Part 3: Reiketsu

I started with bakemonogatari, then these movies, i feel like it's going to be a weird journey. The more i go into this serie the more i want to see. I loved the plot.

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Weathering with You

It's really a 10/10 for the animation. The story is good although quite linear imo. As others already said some aspects may not be very clear, i don't know if it's intentional or if it's just because i am not familiar with the folklore. In any case is definitely worth watching!

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IRODUKU: The World in Colors

Strongly recommended. Beautiful artwork and animation, the soundtrack is also good and the plot is solid, although a little bit too linear some times. Overall is enjoyable, if you want more at the end it means it's worth it.

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American Horror Story: Season 9
The Walking Dead: 10x12 Walk with Us

If we let aside that they skipped the ending of the battle because this show sucks and that the little girl still seems to be stupid, which makes me think that probably is now irreversible (ty writers for ruining one of the best characters). And let aside that OMG that idiot shoot an arrow in the head of Maria Zombie INSTEAD of the Beta (officially joining the retards team). This is the only episode i enjoyed because they managed to save the best character ever: Negan is back! (because of course is Negan).

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I started with no expectations, just because of a suggestion. It ended up leaving a hole in my daily life like "what am i going to watch now?". It's not really my genre, but the rithm is perfect, not too many dead moments or cliffhanger, is like an easy ride, consistent but not boring. If you are the kind of person who can emphatize with the main characters (independently of the genre) than this is a must watch. If you are worried about the fact that everything (literally) is built around a card game, don't worry, this anime is about life choices, challenges, psychology and relationships. The card game is just the perfect environment to develop the story and the characters.

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Loved it. Definitely worth watching!

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I Am Mother

It's an original point of view of AI / post-AI future. Unfortunately not particularly intriguing. Two things i didn't like (no spoiler): how they managed, complexively, the relation between 'mother' and daughter (not that deep as they could have gone in a situation like this); and then the ending. I just can't stand anymore this kind of 'open' ending. Don't misunderstand, the film is concluded. Is just that they really needed to end with something like 'you know, there may be a sequel, but we are not that sure, so we are just gonna throw a few scenes here and there, but not really giving any clue about what may happen, let's keep those 20 million possibilities open'

Anyway i tend to focus on negative sides, still worth watching on an average week evening.

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Neon Genesis Evangelion

Definitely worth watching! It's inevitable to compare to walking dead, in my opinion (although we are still at the first season) this is better on any sense. The zombies are more aggressive and the disease spread faster allowing for more tense situations, no plot holes for the moment, being in something like 500 b.c. (i may be wrong here) makes everything more realistic (you will never wonder how come they have infinite gas or gunpowder like in TWD).
I can't wait to see the next seasons, the premises are exciting!

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Tokyo Magnitude 8.0

For some people it may result a little slow, especially in the middle, but trust me go on until the end.

Yes i am dead inside and i don't know why i like it when it happens, but my god this one got right to the point.

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Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

One of the best isekai imo. This show is solid, good plot, no stereotypes, characters have a personality and they evolve. The fights are average, nothing crazy, but that's not the focus here and it didn't bother me at all. The 'reality' of this isekai is original and gives a different feeling.
This show really deserves to continue.

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The Haunting of Hill House

Except for some super annoying jump scares and volume peaks, the show is overall good.

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Made in Abyss: Wandering Twilight

Avoid spoilers and any review of the movie. They got me hyped and probably made me enjoy less. It's very good, just watch it!

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Magical Girl Raising Project

This anime doesn't shine for any thing, the story is nothing new, the MC is the classic lame character, the fights are generally too short and simple, characters in general do not evolve, they are static, also their past and personality are explained too quickly in order to get attached to any of them. Nothing is bad and nothing is good.

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Japan Sinks: 2020

Great show and it's even getting better as it goes. Definitely worth watching!

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The Seven Deadly Sins: Season 3

This could have been 12 episodes. It feels really dragged. Many people complains about the animation (and i agree), but the storytelling is really poor. It's slow and they lose too much time in pointless dialogues. Stop the chit-chat every 2 seconds of fight! give me 1 minute of pure action and reserve the talking to when it's needed. So many things are unexplained. Literally everything could end just with the hand of god coming down the sky and killing whoever it wants. With all these random things happening at least spare me the "HIS POWER is 88,000!!" It doesn't mean anything and we all know that there is only one show that can throw random valuation of powers.
I hope in something better with the next season.

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