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Omicron Persei 8

Spinning Out
The Peripheral
Designated Survivor

While season 3 was definitely a bit weaker (mostly, I find it sad that they did not keep the cast they added on season 2 for season 3), the main cast was solid and the general storylines were interesting enough. Obviously it won't be a realistic translation of politics because everything mostly works out a little too great all the time but it was still gripping enough.

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The Cook of Castamar

This did not go the way I thought it would. I found the two leads to be utterly lacking in the charismatic department which means they had as much chemistry as two brick walls facing each other. I was definitely more interested in the secondary characters but they weren't the focus so it got a little tedious trying to get through the leads to get to the rest. It's all very soap-ish, while trying to be a bit more serious (which is never a great thing, just own the soap!)

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I know this was horrendously panned by critics but I liked it. It's probably not worth the money put into it, but while predictible in terms of scenari, it's a lot of action with two strong leads. Even though they don't have much chemistry together, the stories are solid enough for it not to be a problem. But that's just me and my taste is all over the place so what do I know?

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Poldark is the kind of drama that just goes on a little too long and would have been better as a three seasons type of things. Interestingly, the intrigue seem to both stretch, almost becoming boring, although the show spans an incredible amount of time. That is one of Poldark's witness. Despite having such a strong timeline to explore, it seems like it falls back on the same issues, over and over again. At first, it's good drama but then, it just gets tedious. Characters that never seem to evolve and gain perspective although so much time passes. It's a bit of a shame really. Since most characters are actually very charming and you just want to root for them but they do make it hard at times and you're left wondering why you bother...

Watch it for the pretty scenery, the passionate drama. You'll probably stick it to the end by season 3 because you'll have gone that far. Just prepare to lower your expectations as episodes go by.
It's still great acting, lovely characters (mostly), and amazing landscapes. The scenarii are the let down.

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American Gods

As usual, when something starts with Bryan Fuller, I have to watch it. I just love my Bryan Fuller fix. That said, this took awhile to get into. It is SO weird and quirky. And I normally love quirky but that was dark quirky and it did some getting used to but after a while, I realized that I was really looking forward to see where all those crazy people's stories were going. So yeah, the quality sort of drops every season, though it's mostly tiny things that almost make it feel like a different show, but overall it wasn't that bad. It's just a chaotic sort of show with a lot of chaotic characters. If that's your thing....

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Midnight Mass

I still haven't watched Mike Flanagan's House of Usher but I can seriously say, without a doubt, that I am a fan. Really big fan. I am not into religion at all, so you'd think this type of show would turn me off. Also it has a LOT of verbal diarrhea, probably a bit more than the Haunting series and at times, it is way too slow. But it's such a nitpicky thing to me that I will not rate this lower than ten. Zach Gilford is fantastic, Kate Siegel is fantastic but man, Hamish Linklater.... what a gift. He was enthralling from start to finish.

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The Haunting of Hill House

I don't think there are any words to say how much I loved this show. So there you go : I loved it. It's dark and moody and twisted and I just love it a lot. Now, this is definitely more psychological than straight up horror so don't go into this hoping for bloodshed and jump scares at every turn but if you love slow burns, family drama, you're going to love this.

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This was quietly heartbreaking but also so very full of hope. I don't want to get into it too much. I'm not a religious person so there's a lot I don't get or I get mad about when it comes to religion but never did I feel judgemental watching this which to me points to incredible storytelling and much grace when it comes to extremely touchy subjects.

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The Diplomat

This was beyond fantastic. Of course, it has Keri Russell so the fantastic is almost guaranteed. But man, I was prepared for a slow kind of political drama and I got flipping dirty talking diplomat Kate Wyler who's pretty much my hero and crush all in one. I don't know if I want to kiss her or be her.

The rest of the casting was incredible. The pacing is steady and fast. The whole thing was just smart and fascinating. Sign me up for MORE.

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This was just fantastic. What's even more fantastic is that it only gets better each season. Now, I need Netflix to get their shit together and stop cancelling awesome stuff. Also people need to start watching fantastic stuff so it doesn't get cancelled.
Yes, it's weird and a bit out there (especially for someone that has not grown up with the whole MMA or whatever fighting) and at first, you're really considering whether you should stick out and watch a few more episodes, but please DO.

The actresses are fantastic, the characters are fantastic, every tiny bit of secondary plot is worth it. Nothing's too much in this show. It's bright with kickass music, dark and sad and it just gets weird and awkward the next second. Just watch and you'll love it!

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Northern Rescue

It is important for me to preface by saying that I really do not like teenagers in tv shows or movies. They annoy the hell out of me (sorry to all teenagers across the world). And yet, watch this. It's cute, it's real, it's very heartfelt. It's just a very easy watch with kids that have issues but don't make you want to shake them all the time.

It's just great honestly.

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This was hard to watch because you know that's how it happens. So that's why you've got to make yourself watch it. To see and understand how Marie's story is just too common.
As far as the quality of the show itself, it's brilliantly acted, led by three incredible actresses, and the overall editing choices, as far as camera and sound work go, are spotless. However, the pacing might be off at times and things take a while to start coming together. I honestly think this could have been trimmed to seven episodes without losing its overall incredible quality.

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Army Wives

I watched Army Wives as it aired and got an urge to rewatch. I don't care much to rewatch shows with as many seasons and I honestly thought I wasn't going to stay to the end but there is something about that show... It isn't great and it is predictible and almost boring at times, fairly clichés but the heart of it all, it's very strong. I think, one of the main compelling things is that, at its core, it is about the women and their friendships and honestly, you don't have that many drama shows that just concentrate on friendships like this one does. It's not about upping the drama between friends, the drama is mostly external, between spouses or with the army. The friendships ? They barely shake in their foundations and that is the strenght of Army Wives. That is why you want to watch it.

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Miami Medical

After The Mob Doctor, Off the Map and now this, I wonder if I don't have a thing for medical shows that were not permitted to live and blossom. This is just a tad more generic than the two I mentioned upfront but I still think it had potential to evolve into something great. As it is, it's short and entertaining so if you want some mindless fun that goes nowhere served on a platter of medical tension and completely crazy situations, go for it!

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Arctic Air

I went into this to binge something different (one gets tired of action shows set in sunny places with bikinis all over the place). This was a welcome distraction into a different world but as far as action and storytelling goes, it was a bit weak. Not sure this rates as a priority for anyone to watch.

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The Queen's Gambit

This was mind blowing. I almost regret that I never watched this before but mostly, I'm just mad that I'll never get that first feeling of watching something so awesome you just binge watch it and forget to go to sleep. That's how powerful this is. Complex characters, chess, amazing acting all around.

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Love (and Trouble) In Paris

This was just cheesy as hell and not in a great way. Two women out of the three were downright childish for being women in their thirties and that was a really big turn off. Tom Leeb is incredibly charismatic though!

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Downton Abbey

I know I'm probably a little harsh in my overall rating of this but I do find a drastic change in quality between season 1-3 and 4-6. What I once found really enjoyable about Downton Abbey was the perfect balance in most characters of faults and qualities. At one point most characters almost become a caricature of themselves. And that's not talking about the movies because those are an aberration in themselves. I'd rather not expand because I really think people need to give this a try. It has an incredible mood, setting and costumes. The characters interaction are really worth exploring. Just be warned that it does not stay great throughout.

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The Rig

This could be so much better than it was. It starts off a little too slow and really picks up midway only to have a disappointing finale. Some characters are crazily annoying and unlikeable to the point of almost turning you off but overall, the story is intriguing and begs for more. At least, I hope there's a second season because the way this was conducted screams for another season.

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I've got to admit, I wasn't keen on this during the first two episodes. The cringe was real, the dialogue abyssimal and most characters/relationships were just ridiculous, over the top or trying to navigate between comedy and drama (and failing). However, I do feel like this found its footing and while the dialogues never quite get better, while the balance of drama/comedy is never impeccable, the ensemble does find its chemistry (some characters being so terribly more annoying than others but you'll just have to make up your mind about that). At first, you may feel this has not the charm of the movie but if you rewatch the movie, it has grown old and has its terrible amount of cheese as well so all in all, this is a really big expansion on the Willow world that's barely in the movie.

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Doctor Who

Okay, this is still on-going but I need to log it in because so many seasons, so many doctors. I'm afraid I won't manage to remember it all. First of all, never seen old Who. Probably never will. Too much tv to see, not enough time. Second of all, I love my doctors. So much I cry everytime one regenerates and then I'm so mad at whoever comes next that I need a year to adjust. Same with the companions. I think I get way too attached. Right now I just finished Capaldi's run and hope I'll get to see Whittaker's turn soon, but I've loved them all. As far as Doctor goes, I have a forever fondness for Ten's run but I found Eleven's turn with Amy and Rory so very compelling (that plus the addition of River who's just amazing). I thought Twelve had a darker tone to his episodes which I thought I enjoyed but they were overall a bit too dark to my taste. Oh well. This is Doctor Who and it is all about grand speeches and epic moments. What is not to love?

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Arrested Development

I would personnally put Arrested Development in the same vein as Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt : it's a comedy but I just don't laugh or find it very funny. It's clever and quick witted and I enjoy that in a way that I can't stop watching. Also, this is a more dysfunctional family than the one in Malcolm and that's just saying quite a lot.

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Squid Game

I'm actually putting this one under my horror list so that's saying something. I don't even know that I'll watch the second season. This was just too horrible in so many ways. I just not do cherish seeing human beings put in these kind of positions. And that's not saying that the show itself was bad. If I take feelings out of the equation, I thought it was well done. Every camera movement is a choice designed to draw that biggest emotion. It sure is slow at times but it's hard not to feel pulled in after an episode or two.

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The Expanse

Honestly one of my favourite tv shows of all time. Also, one of the best tv shows ever in my humble opinion. Although the seasons have slowly lost a bit of edge in my regards (but very slowly and barely), this was a joy to watch. It's great sci-fi with amazing characters. Each season has an arc although there's an overall arc to the whole show. I just really have no other words but for people to take the time to watch. It is so worth it.

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Locke & Key

Considering we finished this in like a week with my bf, I'd say we enjoyed the hell out of this, although we need to add that we finished the first two seasons in like three days and it took us four days to finish the third. We enjoyed the hell out of season 1 and 2 but as we feared, season 3 was quite a letdown. We normally hate teenagers in tv (shrugs) and were pleasantly surprised about these because, although there are quite a few mistakes, there weren't overall so annoying that we wanted to turn off the tv. Alas, season 3 definitely loses that.
However, it's certainly a cute show and if you enjoy magical elements and just generally like fantasy shows, this is definitely worth a watch. It'll go quick and it is overal quick paced (again, minus season 3 in that regard).

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Le Groupe

The things you do for nostalgia's sake....

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The Young Riders

Although I see more and more problems with this show with each rewatch, I think this will always a place in my heart. It was my first show, the one that I never missed, the first I fangirled over with friends. And while some characters have aged badly, even if some episodes are downright terrible, it's overall a great show about friendship and love. Although it starts as the Kid's show and evolves into Jimmy's show later on, each character gets a little change to shine.

If you're into western but do not care for the macho racist nonsense you often get with that genre, go for this one. It's definitely watchable in that regard.

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