Adam "Wolf" Deville

1 follower


The Flash
Blue Beetle
Godzilla vs. Kong
The Orville

Just started the second series. is the show good? yes is it great? not in my mind. its suprisingly interesting but theres always a nagging aspect that i cant put my finger on that just stops it being a great show. script? story? to often a "Star Trek" trope in the feel of the episodes? and the oddly rediculous situations that althought are (kinda how the world works) just dont feel right.. at least not to me. i do like the show but prob not watch it more than once.

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The Mandalorian

Finally watched season 3. and what can I say. I found that the Original Season was slow and difficult to get enthusiastic over .. beautiful shot, and enough little fan service. and its hard i am finding it harder and harder to watch shows and movies, knowing how much body work is enovolved for some of the actors fight scenes, stunts etc and with a show where the main character wears a helmet how are you sure its not just thier voice .. i dunno maybe I am being too picky and expect to much. but that being said, this show does a really good job of convaying good story and emotion even when you cant see anyones face. the recent inclusion of Timothy Zahns creations of admiral Thrawn and Pelion are just amazing to someone who was a big fan of the extended universe and was saddened by its decanonziation by the B*****rds at disney so many good and better storys wasted than the trite of the squel 3 movies

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ok I am half way through series 1. and I am conflicted. on one hand, I am enjoying the show. but the other hand do i think this is "The addams family" not really.. it would have been a show that would work, if you change all the characters names. I dont know it kinda just feels again like another "Sabrina or The Order" feel. schools, secret socities, magic, mythics and popular supernatural tropes. Now dont get me wrong I love this stuff, but I dunno the nostaiga in me doesnt get a feel of the addams. maybe I am just tired of " reimagining and bringing things into the modern age" lack of new ideas and remakes, prequils and sequels just to cash in on popular franchises. but again this is not me down playing the "good story" or "well acted series"

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Just rewatched this again after a few years and having just completed star wars rebels. Id seen youtube footage of Chopper and the Ghost but i was so shocked to hear "General Syndulla" being called over the loudspeaker so this movie that i thought was good went up another couple of notches for bringing things together.

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Star Wars Rebels

Honestly one of the best Star Wars shows. no agender, no politics just good stories, see Disney this is how its done.. you can make new characters male female alien, and not have them be badly writen or unlikeable. or push them at the expense of established CANON or beloved Character reduced to husks of life. Luke Skywalker *sequel verison" im looking at you.. and Obiwan and boba fett in thier respective series. i hope that Ahsoka honours the legacy of these characters .. i do Recommend this show, the first season is a bit slow to find its feet but once it gets going, this is a rollercoaster of feelings from caring about the new charaters to cameos and YES Sneaky undoing of disney throwing away the Extended Universe canon.. THANKYOU Dave Filoni

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Jurassic World Dominion
Spider-Man: No Way Home

Great movie. Great performances and bringing characters back to a more "classic look" .. but again small bit of dialogue ruined for me by again with unnecessary racial reference .. with an apology for not having right skin colour...

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The Batman

I'm about halfway through this incarnation of the Batman character. And I've mixed feelings. I'll try to elaborate without spoilers. Concept and cinematography I like.. dark wet and gothicesque in parts. Colin Farrell was unrecognizable as the penguin, great performance. Batmobile bit too madmax dystopia for my taste .. script and editing make the pace of parts of the movie seem forced and slow in places. Riddler I don't like..comes off as too chaotic in my opinion. Pattinson makes a good batman, especially in dialogue but his walk lacks the authority and presence .. but on the whole a better movie than what's been done to the star wars franchise.. edit: one line spoiled some dialogue .. Hollywood please stop bringing race into it... if don't you want racism, stop highlighting it !! This goes BOTH ways it's not ok no matter whose mouth it spews from.

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Technically and graphically very impressive.. story was at the very least interesting.. but unfortunately even as an Adam sandler fan from his early work.. I find the acting and characters of the "familiar faces" to just be repeats of same generic personas from other movies. The jokes seem rehashed and tired no enthusiasm.. even all the classic retro references fail to keep me excited (done much better in ready player one) not the worst Sandler movie. But not worth watching over and over to see if you missed anything.

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Cobra Kai

I went into this not really knowing what to expect, would this be some half assed attempt to ride a classic movie .. it was recommened to me by someone special to watch, and whos opinion i trust.. and rightly so.. this is amazing show.. without any spoilers, just know its not what you would expect, well written, well acted.. and even when you see the plot coming you still sitting on your seat watching intentsly.. the 80s references hit the mark, and all the guest actors reprise thier roles perfectly .. just binge watched season 1 and 2 cant wait to start season 3..

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Hellboy II: The Golden Army

Rewatching this again as part of the lockdown movie marathon. just finished the first one.. and after 20 mins I feel the need to Air a few things that not sitting right.. compared to the first it seems they have tried to turn it in to a Men in Black Clone.. where main base seems to now be a "Hub" for supernatural creatures to be processed ect .. just to me doesnt seem to fit with the first movie .. and what happend to manning for suddenly he has become a jibbering idiot.. without explaination .. this is by no means a detraction to what is a good movie but when you watch them back to back you notice things more.. like why did the need to CGI Proffessor Brooms photo into the army group shot in the begining? on the whole the CGI is good and isnt dating to bad in 2020. Luke Gross gives an Awesome Performance

but still this a good movie and worth watching ..

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