


Kong: Skull Island

Gave up on this movie, couldn't care about any of the characters

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@cuddlelover haha bad for you the movie is good :)

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Kong: Skull Island

Gave up on this movie, couldn't care about any of the characters

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@cuddlelover haha bad for you the movie is good :)

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Halloween Ends

Clunky story writing but it’s finally come to an end

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@bunsbuns Like all movies nowadays pretty sad

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Halloween Ends

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Halloween Ends’:

  1. You’re tasked with creating a franchise-ending chapter of a legendary horror series with the iconic star/character that started it all, and this is what you put together? A “final” Halloween film that’s barely about Michael Myers. GTFO. Missed opportunities GALORE.

  2. The relationship with Laurie and her granddaughter starts out healthy and promising. A nice setup for chaos to ensue. Two seconds later, Allyson is ready to ditch her family for a random dude. So many out-of-character moments that made zero sense.

  3. This wasn’t the film to introduce (and focus on!) a character like Corey. Maybe mid-franchise this could have been done to mix things up a bit. Friday the 13th kinda sorta did that, where the killer wasn’t always Jason. But NOT this time, not when you’re touting a final face-off between Michael and his Final Girl. You’re setting your fans up for disappointment.

Bonus Thought: I’m officially pretending that this new trilogy never existed, back to when Laurie Strode was Michael’s sister and everything made sense.

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@tvwatcha3 So true i did not watch all old movies but damn this was so bad...

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Halloween Ends

This is atrocious. How this has the Halloween name on it is beyond me. Why are these 30 years olds acting like edgy, emo 15 year olds in an MCR music video? Why is Allyson so willing to go along with all this, and why is she so stupid compared to how she has acted in previous movies? Why does it feel like no one gives a shit and wants nothing to do with this production of this beloved franchise? The root message here about evil being born or created is an interesting one, but the implementation is some of the most amateur, hamfisted dialogue and storytelling I've ever seen, especially in a high profile franchise film like Halloween.

I was one of the few people that gave Halloween Kills the benefit of the doubt. I enjoyed it's metaphor-lead plot about mob mentality and the instigators being no better than the original perpetrator; but I felt it had middle movie syndrome that comes with being a planned trilogy. It couldn't push far enough because the finale still needs to be made so it just has to awkwardly tread water. Comparatively now to Ends, it appears they were just stalling for time. They had nothing left in the tank and were simply delaying the inevitable for this creatively bankrupt franchise.

Does that mean there is nothing of merit here? Not quite. The intro babysitting scene is very good and really sets your expectations far too high for the rest of the movie, and the compilation of kills throughout the last half of the movie are still decent enough for pure slasher fans. There is equally enough throwback visuals and easter eggs that will either be fun or annoying dependant on your tolerance for nostalgia bait and audience winks.

I'm just glad it's finally over, which I guess is the worst thing to say about a revival trilogy of a beloved franchise. Almost poetically, Mike Myers met his end just like this franchise. Slowly being chopped, cut and impaled until it didn't represent itself anymore, bleeding out slowly before being dramatically crushed before our eyes.

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@xiofire 30 years olds acting like edgy emos maybe they used/took something if you know what imean...
Otherwise its no wonder all new stuff is crappy made now...

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The Simpsons: 2x03 Treehouse of Horror

The first one is the best and the raven was as a kid my favorite :)
The Raven fun fact first time i saw this in my native language i did not fully understand it was to little now in english as an adult i don't fully understand it lol

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The Simpsons: 2x03 Treehouse of Horror

“Treehouse of Horror” is pretty interesting, though not very entertaining. I can see what the writers were going for, but I don't feel they hit the right blend with this initial instalment. However, I did enjoy the “Hungry Are the Damned” segment.

Overall, not very good, but showing potential.

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@mistalukaofficial Well if you would be a real simpson fan you still enjoy it.
This is a classic :)

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The Boys: 3x06 Herogasm

The fight was fantastic everything else is disgusting.

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@ahm3dsh4wqi The first fight was the worst in this episode why would she just stand there and wait until they attack her??? xD

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The Boys: 3x05 The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies

I feel like alot of the scenes could have been better: shot, acted or be written.

Musical with some filter or better transition would have fit better. Either make it realistic (that's why piano scene felt believable) or more fairytale like. Middle of the road tone didn't work.

Blue Hawk chew the scenery (which did worked for Gunpowder and Butcher) but not here. Perhaps, if it was done more sincerely and not just going through the motions, it would brought right response. I should have been pissed or cheering that A-Train finally saw the light. I felt nothing. But the Legend did worst somehow. I like the actor, but it was a miscast.

Dialogues that supposed to highlight different viewpoints were muddled and focused on the weirdest arguments. The Spice Girls all are murderers that's not what sets them apart from Homelander. Could have focused on danger of using Soldier Boy, the danger of him actually winning.

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@gloom8 Shows and Movies getting worse every year we know that. Real bad since 2020 for most shows...

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The Boys: 3x05 The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies

We're leading up to a bloodbath unlike anything seen before.

Stay Tuned

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@smatthew Like in rl well maybe ...

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The Boys: 3x05 The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies

5 episodes in
homelander = trump
cops = racists
crime stats = excuses
antifa = does not exist, an excuse
4chan = nazis

Did I get "the message" right?
Amazon is really proving the point about the media lol

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@nowyfolder And V is you know what xD

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The Boys: 3x04 Glorious Five Year Plan

Why is Frenchie so afraid of Nina. WTH??? There some things in this show make no sense.

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@whos_ur_buddha So true last season where fine...

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Oz: 1x07 Plan B

We all got problems.
lmpossible problems.
And then we meet someone who's got bigger problems than we have.
Or at least, they can't handle their problems as well.
And somehow, their weakness gives us strength.
Simple truth: You help someone, you help yourself.

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@astrix Well Simple truth: You help someone, you help yourself. does not work anymore since 2020...

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The Boys: 3x02 The Only Man in the Sky

S3 is going in guns blazing. loving it

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@moviemankev79 Lets hopw so far so boring

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The Shield: 1x11 Carnivores

11 September 2001 was done by muslim terrorists. This episode was aired in 2002. But they say islam is not religion for killing :) even buddhist people could kill. So, no need to explain like that.

I dont understand why they want to show islam like that.

But even they understood how dirty vic is. So, they pushed it and they succeeded.

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@cursedchico Maybe you need to research more about 2001 kid...

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Day Shift

I wish I had liked it more, the idea and the actors are good but the execution was not the best. at first, because of the first scene, I thought the movie would be something like "evil dead" but it ended up becoming a superficial comedy without major developments and with no scene better than the first one. if someone asks if you liked it, you'll probably say: meh

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Yeah so true i though omg they can make something good in 2022.
Like evil dead... xDDDDDDDD

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The Shield: 1x04 Dawg Days


Put two rivals to same building and strongest one killed each other.

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@cursedchico True this show has some fucked up stuff in there...was obvious...

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WTF was that ?

How the hell a crappy movie like this gets 8.0 in IMDB ???

The whole movie is extremely slow , almost nothing happens during the plot line .
The main character is the emotional equivalent of shoe. His expression is always the same , and he does not react to anything.

The plot line consist more of the main character staring at the wall then of him driving.

This movie is a total waste of time.

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@curtwagner1984 xD Xd XD xd xD ^^ OK I WASTE MY TIME READING THIS.... glad i watched it anyways...

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What a poor movie, i really don't understand how many people like this movie...

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@the_argentinian If you guys had taste... this is at least 8 still till today...

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House of the Dragon: 1x01 The Heirs of the Dragon

Boring. Rather rewatch got again…

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@nuwonda So true... can't see anything good here

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House of the Dragon: 1x01 The Heirs of the Dragon

Watching it now.. OMG the CGI.. NOOOO.. It does not feel like GOT, its a polished bad CGI spectacle… This is horrible!

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@ytijani1 Its soooooo badddd you guys have real eyes ??

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Tales of the Walking Dead: 1x01 Evie / Joe

Terry Crews spends most of the episode being outsmarted and overpowered by women half his size, its Tales Of The Wokeing Dead

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@hispanicatthediscord This was kinda bad i wish i where sleeping...

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Sprung: 1x01 Chapter One

First episode is funny. Will binge watch to see where this takes me.

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@tpasi well it is not funny watch some oldschool stuff like two and a half man...

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Shameless: 11x12 Father Frank, Full of Grace

So many questions:
Will V and Kev sell Alibi to a gentrifier or will Carl buy it? Will Tami and Lip have another baby? Will Mickey and Ian adopt a kid? Will Debbie go away with the psychopat?
Will they sell the Gallagher house? It was one of main topics of the entire season and it ended up so anticlimactic.
Did the writers really make Frank die of Covid? Seriously?
I cant describe in words how much I hated this.

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@vero_aubin Got had at least a bit style :) this not...

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The Black Phone

Boring as hell and simply not that good. It's so weak in both character development and overall storytelling. No idea why people here are rating it with 8s and 9s but I guess they must have been watching a different movie...

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@kingkon_nl So true they are on drugs like his brother upstairs who got killed ^^

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Cobra Kai: 5x07 Bad Eggs

I think it was a dirty trick to deceive Kreese, I think Johnny and Daniel are better than this!

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@jcpdiesel21 Maybe they will rue the day. If they need help again xD

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Cobra Kai: 5x07 Bad Eggs

This definitely has felt like the weakest of the episodes so far. Still fine but doesn't give me the same hype as the others.

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@callmeco The whole season is...

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Cobra Kai: 5x06 Ouroboros

Was that a deepfake, de-aging or a lookalike actor? O.O

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@the_argentinian Sure it was a deepfake how real it was...

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Cobra Kai: 5x05 Extreme Measures

This show is so good!

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@jarvis-11011248 It was so good now its just ok :)

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Cobra Kai: 5x04 Downward Spiral

What the hell happened to Daniel's son?? He just floated away under the water, it looked like the kid drowned haha

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@celozzip Maybe the boy got the vax XD

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