



They made a 2 hour movie from a 90 min story.

To long and gets boring pretty fast.

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Bad acting, bad story. Not worth watching.

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Man of Steel

This is how a superman movie should be. Thank god no luther, no bullshit kryptonian island. A fight between kryptonians will result in mass destruction and high casualties. Zack snyder did everything right. Hopefully this will result in a great superman trilogy.

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Not a good movie but not as bad as the others here say.

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Lost in Translation

Most overrated movie ever. Was entertaining at best.

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Zero Dark Thirty

When after 30 min I am looking at my tablet then I know its not a good movie.
Was bored and just could not get into the movie.

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Star Trek Into Darkness

The presence of khan felt forced. And it added nothing to the story. Everything khan should have been left out.

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Expected much more but was fun to watch

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Colossus: The Forbin Project

Shout by Wilco

Fellt like it stopped halfway through. Not that good.

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Brick Mansions

Banlieue 13 was awesome but this pales in comparison. The action scenes are not very good nor are the music and sound effects.
Also it misses Cyrill Raffaelli. I like Paul Walker but he is not very good in the action scenes. He deserved a better movie to be his last.....

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Iron Man 3

I overal liked the movie however there are some points.

Didn't like the mandarin twist, the mandarin is a major villain in the comics and would have liked if he was treated like that in the movie. although Ben Kingsly did a great job, watching the trailers if feels like I'm cheated out of a good mandarin movie.

Also Pepper should have died at the end.
Some flaws like I did not understand why tony did not summon all the suits when his house was attacked by the mandarin. But I had a great time watching it so I gave it an 8.

good movie but with some flaws.

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An Evening with Kevin Smith

Hilarious !!!

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Black Panther

Growing up I loved the avengers and especially the black panther.
Seeing this movie i recognize nothing of the black panther I loved.

This movie is average at best. The acting is average. CGI isnt great, story isnt great.


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A Scanner Darkly

Great movie, fucking weird but fun to watch

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Moon Knight

Ditch the fake accent , better yet ditch the Steven Grant character.

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Street Outlaws

Bunch of idiots who think they are Dominic Toretto

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The Man with the Iron Fists

It's an entertaining movie but nothing more. It's great the RZA got to make this movie but I liked him better in californication.
The voice over not neccessarry and the music felt mostly out of place.

But all in all enjoyed it.

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Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

Overrated, not worth watching

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The Equalizer

A great movie. I loved the equalizer series and besides the name is has little to do with that. Nevertheless a great movie. Denzel at his best.

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Transformers: Age of Extinction

The visuals are good. But thats all. for a run time of almost 3 hours thats not enough.
So many things are wrong with the story.

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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Usually I hate just about everything ben stiller does but even though this is a remake I had a good time watching it.

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The Watch

I dont understand why stiller still tries.

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Children of Men

One of the few films I have watched that I actually found boring. Nothing happened that got me into the story also found the acting pretty bad.

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Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Pretty bad

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The Adventures of Tintin

Bored out of my skull. Total waste of my time. Animation was good but the rest was crap.

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Breaking Bad

Finale in season 4 was awesome

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Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Not as bad as the first but not a good movie.

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Enjoyed it for what it is, a simple action movie

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New Kids Turbo

Short stories were fun to watch but the movie sucked. Some scenes were fun but not enough to carry the whole movie

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Lucifer: 5x06 BlueBallz

I'm struggling more and more to keep watching this. Loved it in the first season but there's nothing left worth wathing

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