

Saint Louis, MO

Marvel's Daredevil: 2x03 New York's Finest

Guys! Guys! How do we top a one-shot long hallway scene?

No, wait, listen. I know! How about...no, no, hear me out...how about? 10 flights of stairs!

No, make it 20!

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Gotham: 2x09 Rise of the Villains: A Bitter Pill to Swallow

Ugh, young Bruce Wayne is a bloody moron.

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The Flash: 4x09 Don't Run

I am so glad that Iris threw some shade at that stunt by Oliver and Felicity.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 1x13 Leviathan

Shout by will0

Ok, seriously, Rip should have just pointed his gun at Carter's head and said, "Kendra, Carter will come back if I shoot him in the head right now, maybe, but Savage won't if you bash his head in. So either kill Savage, or I kill Carter."

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Twin Peaks: 3x07 Part 7

and all I could think is...

Why the hell isn't he using a wide push broom?

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Lost in Space: 1x06 Eulogy

She's an awful therapist.

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Marvel's Inhumans: 1x01 Behold...The Inhumans

Ouch. I've watched some hot garbage before, and I'll likely watch another episode at least. But this has some issues. For one, Inhuman society is horrible. Monarchy, castes, those that don't get terragenesis manifestations are enslaved.

And what was up with awkward beach party. I'm glad they shaved off that hair, that was just awful. And Blackbolt is as compelling a character as warm, spoiled milk. I'm struggling to find anything redeeming in this rn.

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The 100: 3x04 Watch the Thrones

Clarke, girl, what are you doing?!?! Did you see that dress she wore? No one wears that to just "get their bandages changed"! Up your perception game Clarke, you're missing all the clear signals.

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This show is full of horrible people with severe daddy issues. Fitz is a putz, thinking his penis is a flagpole and anywhere he sticks it he's claimed as his for the glory of the republic.

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Black Mirror: Season 3

So so good...

And double the episodes of the previous two seasons. All projections into a very possible, and often frightening, near future. One even has, imo, a happy ending. That's not something you would have gotten with only three episodes...

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Quantico: 2x01 KUDOVE

In Season 3, she's going undercover in the seediest government agency of them all, the DMV!!!

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Mr. Robot: 4x04 404 Not Found

With one episode left, we get...was this an episode? Felt a bit more like an admission that they've never had any idea where they wanted this to go...

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House of Cards: 5x05 Chapter 57

Doug Stamper, world's least dynamic lover. o.O

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Dark Matter: 2x02 Kill Them All

Five, when given the choice, picks the gun that's bigger than she is...

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Ozark: 1x09 Coffee, Black

Is it really a mystery why Fed man can't keep a boyfriend?

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x19 Failed Experiments

So duplication lady...she's part of a collectivist community, pouring herself drinks and talking to herself. That may just be the most unintentionally ironic display of self-absorption ever captured on film.

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Atlanta: 2x10 FUBU

Damn. Just got punched in the gut.

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The Flash: 4x14 Subject 9

The chair is a mechanical device, she could have just turned around and blasted it. wtf...

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Marvel's Inhumans: 1x08 ...And Finally: Black Bolt

This series was utterly disappointing. But, on the bright side, Iron Fist is no longer the worst Marvel television series.

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Gotham: 4x06 A Dark Knight: Hog Day Afternoon

An entire episode without Bruce Wayne or any of the others in the brat pack. Did anyone notice?

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Marvel's Inhumans: 1x06 The Gentleman's Name is Gorgon

For f-k sake, maybe the people of Atilan could learn to interpret sign language....or at least Blackbolts closest advisers.

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Wayward Pines: 2x06 City Upon a Hill

At this point, I'm rooting for the Abbies. All these people are horrible.

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Into the Badlands: 3x14 Curse of the Red Rain

Why did you put her in a cage with witchy witch supplies? That didn't seem wise.

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The Expanse: 1x02 The Big Empty

Shout by will0

I appreciate that they are including a lot of little touches that convey the flavor. The Coriolis gravity effect when pouring water, the ways in which the different environments have shaped humans into almost separate species. So far, they are hewing quite closely to the source material, and I'm liking it.

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I give it a full +1 on the rating just because...

Beating a guy to death with a Tonka Truck.

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Limitless: 1x03 The Legend of Marcos Ramos

Calling it now, for the season finale, he discovers he's been taking placebos this whole time...

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Gotham: 4x20 A Dark Knight: That Old Corpse

If everyone Jim gets with turns into a super villain, maybe he should like, stop.

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Marvel's Inhumans: 1x07 Havoc in the Hidden Land

Is it because everyone is so incredibly dumb? The painfully predictable dialog? That I'm expected to care about a family of royalists? This show is so... Disappointing.

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Dear White People

Wish there were a way to validate someone has watched a show before rating it.

It was quite good, better than I expected. Lionel is the hero we deserve, though all the main characters demonstrated worthy development arcs. Made me a little wistful for college even.

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Quantico: 1x05 Found

Shout by will0

ZOMG this show is ridiculous.

Making smoky eyes at other "undercover" agents across the party floor...
The whole "Anonymous" subplot, that one of them would use the line, "If you are innocent, you have nothing to hide."

Ok, beyond ridiculous.

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