Warren Daniel K


Johannesburg, Gauteng

Christopher Robin

This movie is fulled with charm and is downright touching. Having watched The New Adventures of Winnie-The-Pooh in my early years, my heart melted every time Pooh was on the screen. This bear if simple brain looked delightfully adorable as did his other friends from the Hundred Acre Wood. In many ways, at this stage of my life, I can probably better related to Christopher Robin's struggles in the film and so there are things adults can take away from this movie beyond the joy kids will get from seeing the animals of the Hundred Acre Wood. Jim Cummings knocks it out of the park as the voice of both Pooh and Tigger and Brad Garrett is a good Eeyore. Ewan McGregor turns in a charming, and at times touching, performance as Christopher Robin.
Between Paddington and now Pooh, bring us more charming and stuffed bears to the bring screen.

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Black Panther
Black Lightning: 1x01 The Resurrection

Very impressed by the first episode. Usually try goin in with an open mind to new shows like this and they most certainly made a good first impression.
a little hard to relate to the overt ratial themes, bit the way they were presented most certainly made for a good final product.
Very interested to learn more about Jefferson Pierce as he was a very compelling character and effortlessly carried the episode. I have no doubt he'll capably carry the rest of this show as well.
Cliff hanger was no real surprise but will see how they continue to follow up on it.
Black Lightnings costume looks nice, but preferred his more comic accurate looking costume that we briefly got a glimpse at early on.
Bring on Episode 2!

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The Fury

An entertaining Kirk Douglas movie when he is on screen and looking crazed. More of a chore the rest of the time and tough to follow at times. A little laughable and hokey in places and slow in the middle but satisfying action when the action kicks in. An great rousing and creepy score at the top and during the credits though.

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