

South Fork, Colorado


This movie scared the Bitch Wizard outta me! Mama is so scary!! I was wearing a black scarf while watching this movie. After it was over I went to the kitchen to get a snack and as I leaned over to pick it up, my scarf moved. All I saw was dark movement out of my the corner of my left eye and immediately tensed up . Bricks were almost produced. I was like "No Mama No!!"

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@Ben & pody, I completely agree. After the Lithgow season, I noticed things definitely took a dive in terms of quality and writing. Hope the new season is more on par with seasons 1-4.

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John Carter

Really cool movie! Loved that little bulldog thing that liked to run fast. :)

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Breaking Bad

Yeah Ben, Looks like we'll have to wait until July for season 5...

From Cranstons Twitter:

"a few weeks before cameras roll on season 5. I cant wait. I love doing this show and will miss it when its time to say goodbye. Airs in July"


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Seriously, Swearengen was awesome! Absolutely loved this show and hated to see it suffer the same fate as so many other amazing HBO series. I'll miss this one..

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New Spartacus needs to gain about 30lbs of lean muscle or more... He would be destroyed by the real Gladiators. He has huge shoes to fill, Andy was a perfect Spartacus and was physically strong. It was believable when he was plowing through all those wrecking machines in the first season, but new Spartacus is weak. I hate that Andy died, the guy was just getting started and had so much potential.

Hope the new season gets better, really was into the first. I thought the acting was good (Main Characters) and I liked the story. It didn't seem cheap or poorly written.

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Seriously not happy about the cancellation of this series. It was solid, highly entertaining and unique. I absolutely loved watching this show and will miss it. I cant believe it got cancelled.

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American Horror Story

Really like this show, hope the writing stays good. Seen too many shows go to crap after a promising start. So far though, this a great show and I look forward to seeing it all week.

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The Walking Dead

It's a terrible shame how bad season 2 is so far. Seriously hope it gets better, I am disappoint. Loved the first season.

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Breaking Bad

This is one of the best show's I've ever seen. The acting is top notch... It's easily on my 'top three best shows ever' list. I loved Cranston in Malcolm in the middle, had me rolling laughing more than a few times. He's so good in this, shockingly good, the guy is imo possibly the best tv actor. Totally addicted to it now. I didn't expect to like it as much as I do, the first few ep's were good, but it gets so much better as the story fleshes out. Give it a chance to get going if you find yourself not liking it at first.

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Lost was the best tvshow I've ever seen. I doubt there will ever be another show that will touch me in a way lost did. I just finished watching all episodes, marathon style, I've never been so absorbed in a tv series.. I think it's the most important show I've ever seen.

What an amazing story, real shame it's over. I could easily watch lost everyday for years, the quality was there, they could've kept going for along time. I think some people didn't like it because they couldn't follow it. I was blown away by the story and how everything ended up and was enthralled the entire time I was experiencing what was happening up until the end.

I actually thought the seasons following the third one were the best, that's when all the really cool stuff started happening. I loved every single episode of every season though! That Smoke monster is just too cool, love the sound it makes. :)

I will miss this series and the characters, wish I could go to the island... Maybe I will someday. .

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