


Hannah Gadsby: Nanette

She's so fucking amazing. We should literally learn how to human from her.
I'd love to write the thoughtful comment this show deserves but I'm left speechless. I've spent so much time, like up until a few years ago, thinking that I didn't like or even get comedy (especially stand-up) because all I'd been exposed to was that white-cis-heterosexual-man comedy that mostly just felt deeply offensive. People like Hanna Gadsby and Hasan Minhaj were the first ones who showed me a very different picture and I'll always be grateful for that. This show deserves all the recognition and praise I know it got and more!

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Hightown: 1x05 The Best You'll Feel All Day

Hot take: I think the most interesting and captivating part of the show so far is the dynamic between Junior and Osito.
Everyone else is getting on my nerves but their scenes have been top-notch.

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The Haunting of Bly Manor: 1x06 The Jolly Corner

you guys, Flora putting a "face" on the ghost did make it hella creepier but at the same time my mind kept going to the Dwight scene in that first-aid episode of The Office lmao :rofl:

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The Haunting of Bly Manor: 1x05 The Altar of the Dead

Shout by Céline

ok BUT. Did the ghost lady from the lake target Peter specifically for some reason? Because to me it kinda looked like he got caught in her Roomba trajectory of her routine house sweep?

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A Discovery of Witches: 2x04 Episode 4

Marcus's storyline this episode reached peak cringe!
Side note: Phoebe, my girl, you're very pretty and I love your accent but that's some scarily alarming shit you're pulling. Not how hook-ups (or even first dates) work. That was fifty shades of weird if you ask me!

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The Expanse: 5x10 Nemesis Games

Ngl the biggest mystery for me this season has got to be Filip. More precisely, what the hell is going on inside his head?!
I can't read him. And I really wanted to know his side of the story. Like, is he all in with Marco's plan now? Or is he fed up with that manipulative asshole? Cause he was acting pretty weird in this episode. Is he on the fence about this whole thing, maybe because getting to see Naomi in person changed his perspective a bit?!

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The Mandalorian: 2x04 Chapter 12: The Siege

Two episodes in a row of food shenanigans have proved Baby Yoda is such a little shit, but that's kinda why we love him so much! ♡

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Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj

Shout by Céline
BlockedParent2020-12-06T01:23:35Z— updated 2021-02-25T23:17:55Z

You know that face Hasan makes while looking at the side camera when something shady AF comes up during the episode?
Yeah, that’s what came to mind when I read this show was “canceled for unknown reasons” lol, at least they could have used the pandemic as an excuse ... it’s not like I always agree when shows are renewed or not, but with Patriot Act’s widespread reach and popularity this feels kinda off? Am I being paranoid? That said, finding something as unapologetically upfront and also entertaining about such topics is gonna be really tough!

In case anyone's interested there's a petition you can sign to "Bring back Patriot Act" (https://www.change.org/p/netflix-bring-back-patriot-act-by-hassan-minhaj-and-his-crew?redirect=false)

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Happiest Season

Shout by Céline
BlockedParent2020-11-30T00:16:23Z— updated 2020-12-02T20:28:42Z

I can't believe we finally get to have a lesbian Christmas rom-com with all the fucking tropes with hate to love.
And it's actually so good and fun? Is this like cosmic balance for how fucked up 2020 has been?
Also, don't hate on me but Aubrey Plaza as the stunning lesbian doctor kinda stole the show for me!

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The Addams Family

Wednesday Addams is my queen!
Morticia and Gomez are THE best married couple of all time and they're at the center of the most well-adjusted, supportive, and loving family ever portrayed in fiction. I absolutely adore this movie and the way it manages to subvert every stereotype, be funny as hell, provide iconic one-liners, and subtly convey such positive life lessons that feel fresh even after nearly 30 years from its release.

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SJ Returns: 4x56 I will show you my life with trot~ Enters the cutie in the trot world!

aww Eunhyuk is too precious for this world ♡
btw his song choice was super on point, I don't even listen to trot songs but I looked this one up right away!

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Stranger: 2x03 Episode 3

I didn't remember how much I missed Seo Dong-Jae until I watched this episode!
He gives out this fidgety energy that never failed to crack me up even in the first season. And it looks even more over the top when he interacts with Shi-Mok who, in my opinion, is just as much of a drama queen but like, in an understated way.

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Mr. Heart: 1x06 That Guy's Password

"Don't talk! Whenever you talk, the mood gets either sad or erotic" is legit such a great line?!
It's also lowkey a very appealing concept for a character, we should have more of them.

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Mr. Heart: 1x07 Jinwon VS Up and Down, Who is the Winner?

These gangsters are so extra?! Like, what kind of thug prepares "finish the race, repay your debt!" banners to intimidate?

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Lost in 1949: 1x27 Episode 27

If Chinese television wasn't so conservative Qiao Zhi Cai and Huang Li Wen could have been quite the power couple!
Allowing a bit more spark and passion between them would have raised the stakes just enough to make everything more exciting.

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Lost in 1949: 1x22 Episode 22

I love how smart Huang Li Wen generally is: she's a rational, practical woman who proved more than once that she can think on her feet better than pretty much anyone else except for Zhi Cai. So I'm gonna go out on a limb for my girl here and say that her willingness to trust a clearly suspicious unknown woman was mainly due to her unconscious wish to get closure from her past and move on. Same with the ridiculous grounds on which she accepted the marriage proposal. In the previous episode, she bent over backward to save the guy and had kind of an emotional breakdown at thought of losing him: best friend my ass!

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Altered Carbon: 2x06 Bury Me Dead

Damn, this is what I'm talking about! A totally unforeseen terrific episode after the ton of crap we had to put up with.
Everything about Quellcrist Falconer was finally just as glorious as the legend she is, Renée Elise Goldsberry was on fire. No pun intended. It's just, I don't have anything against Anthony Mackie but he's not vibing with me at all as Tak which is even more striking when he acts along with Will Yun Lee as the same freaking character (who also has way better chemistry with Renèe).
And now the plot has become interesting all of a sudden too? Go figure, they shouldn't have dragged this for so many episodes.

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Dark Blue Kiss: 1x12 Episode 12

I dig the timing of the resolution. Pete got the chance to be the knight in shining armor for the love of his life but not before Kao realized his complaisant way of ignoring problems wasn't solving anything at all. As much as you can find fault with this couple you kinda have to acknowledge how much they've grown because of what happened: on one hand, Pete has realized he's not as dependent on Kao as he thought, he can stand on his own two feet; on the other hand, Kao has finally learned how to push back and stand up for himself.

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Dark Blue Kiss: 1x07 Episode 7

Kao and Pete's relationship is kinda the worst kept secret of all time!
It is somewhat adorable they'd believe no one can see how outright flirty their every interaction is.

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Dark Blue Kiss: 1x05 Episode 5

Pete's dad is the real MVP of this drama (or like, Thai dramas in general even?!)

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Voice: Season 3

Impressive season. Almost as good as the first one!
I was stunned by Park Byung Eun's understated performance that's even more unsettling if you watch this after "Because This Is My First Life" where he plays an adorable emotional dork. They combined spot-on casting and compelling writing for his character. Do Kang Woo was a huge letdown, though. Unpopular opinion: even though Jin Hyuk started out as an irritating jerk he had a decent enough character arch and personal growth if I remember correctly, while Kang Woo is consistently an ass. A pitiful ass with a tragic heartbreaking backstory, I'll give you that, but still an ass.

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Voice: 3x16 Kaneki Is Stowing Away To Japan

Shout by Céline

So they showed us one last weird shot of Do Kang Woo after his alleged death while we listen to director Kang's voiceover, essentially closing the season with the message that life for the team goes on as usual because they'll keep on fighting. What does that mean? Is he alive? My very personal take on this finale is that they somehow managed to fake his death to give him time to recover from his unspecified illness. Period. On the other hand, in my alternate universe Bang Je Soo is dead AF.

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Voice: 3x15 The City Of Accomplices

Freaking best episode of this drama!
Ok, maybe not exactly the best of the entire drama: season 1 is hard to top. Anyway, I may be slow but I found the plot twist mind-blowing and the shock value is even more significant because it really does change everything! Above all, it sheds new light on stuff I've had an issue with pretty much since Kang Woo showed up. This is so satisfying!

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One Tree Hill: 3x02 From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea

I miss Peyton's adorable curls!

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Voice: 3x13 Golden Time Team's Crisis

Shout by Céline
BlockedParent2020-07-23T11:43:25Z— updated 2020-08-01T21:59:13Z

Oh come on! WTF?!
Chief Na was the only character I really liked this season, a very unexpected feeling coming from a season 2 full of his prejudiced BS. What are they gonna do without the only brain cell of the entire squad? Basically, no one has been thinking straight this season except for chief Na.

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Humans: 3x07 Episode 7

Each episode of Humans is overwhelmingly rich in terms of themes and existential dilemmas.
Other than the more obvious ones, I noticed and loved the short moment in which Matty pretty much tells her mom that even if her own convictions are unstable and conflicting that's basically not the point; what matters is Sophie who doesn't see the difference between synths and human beings. My take is that adults should fight the good fight so that future generations won't even see the gap between "us" and "them" in spite of the fact that we can't help but be aware in some way of this gap we grew up with. Whoever "us" and "them" may be. I admit it is kinda corny but the world's already shitty enough without overlooking these small positive messages.

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Shameless: 2x10 A Great Cause

FYI I'm Italian and my language sounds nothing like Portuguese, even more so at that speed ... you wouldn't understand shit!
If that was Spanish then yeah, you could totally grasp the gist of a conversation but in Portuguese it's unlikely.

Anyway, very tough episode!

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HIStory: 3x11 Trapped #11

Shout by Céline
BlockedParent2020-06-05T14:33:18Z— updated 2020-10-15T18:15:59Z

Shao Fei in the rooftop scene is peak chaotic gay energy!
Tang Yi is clearly trying to be all brooding and romantic and like, that's so him?! but Shao Fei's having none of it and just goes in for the kiss ♡ I absolutely love their dynamic.

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The X-Files: 7x12 X-Cops

Scully being a mood in every single scene she's in is the reason this episode works so well, she is hilarious. And awesome. And so done with everybody! The part in the morgue could be one of my favourites in the whole series.

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Burden of Truth: Season 3

This season was tough but I fell even more in love with these characters, all of them.
As much as I care about a realistic and coherent plot, I'm only really captivated by a story when there are compelling, well developed characters living it and I feel "Burden of Truth" keeps doing exactly that with each season, thriving more often than not on awesome women and their mutual support. I loved they ended with Taylor becoming a cop! If they make a fourth season I hope to see more of her working with the others and maybe Owen becoming her mentor, I see a lot of potential.

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