Trevor Devendorf


Decatur, Texas

The Gentlemen

Amazing Guy Richie filim!!!! Colin Farrell is brillant in this Coach role! McConaughey is flawless.

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Crazy. Good. Flick. it's a revenge story set in 1983 A.D. think of it as a blend of Blue Ruin, Lost River & Officer Downe.
80's vibes out the Wha-hooo! Well made flick right here 10 out of 10! Must-see of 2018
I really love Red Miller (Nick Cage) and love that Bill Duke is in this flick as well!!!!
Panos Cosmatos did amazing work!! A very lsd-laced trippy atmospheric thriller. top notch!!

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Guns Akimbo

Not bad. I love the action scenes and the choreography is top notch! very entertaining for something that they did right with the cheesiness and campy & cringey parts.

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Amazing film all-around! To it's core it is a straight forward action movie with some bits of comedy. Gripping... and ground-breaking cinematography by Stefan Duscio. Amazing choreography as well, it felt very John Wick-ish!
Also Director and Writer, Leigh Whannell did a fantastic job!!(before this all he directed was Insidious Chapter 3 <Another favorite)!!!

Some-what cliffhanger ending...
Man THAT ending tho!!! Just knowing that Grey Trace is still inside his own body, but being controlled by a sentient robot bio-metric bullshit thing... in which I don't even know how that would work in reality. STEM is the real threat.... all HE wanted has to be like a human.
Logan Marshall-Green best performance ever!!! all-around great casting! plus Simon Maiden is the voice of STEM, awesome!!
This universe is ripe for more sequels and spin-offs, I would love to see!
100% fresh film here. If it gets a sequel I will see in a heart-beat!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x14 Moonshot

Hands down one of my favourite tv shows in recent memory!!! Spoiler? I guess... The best part this episode was when Victor Garber and Dominic Purcell singing out the Banana boat song from Beetlejuice!! I can't wait to see what happens with Eobard Thwane!! Only 3 episodes left until the big season finale!!!!

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Titans: 1x01 Titans

Great start! Each character has a great beginning! I loved every moment esp. Beast Boy at the end stealing a video-game with his powers! =D I Cannot wait for when Jason Todd comes in!!

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Happy!: 1x01 Saint Nick

Wow.... and this is just the pilot. I can't wait for more back an forth between Meloni and Oswalt! What a crazy concept... I didn't even know this is based on a comic book. I must get it! also can't wait for the next ep!

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The New Mutants

was there hype or hope for this film!?

I went in not really knowing these characters, out of all the mutants present in this film, the ones that stood out and caught my attention throughout the movie, were Cannonball, and Magik! I Loved seeing a CGI Lockheed!!! Anya Taylor-Joy is perfect for Magik and also Lockheed, they were amazing for the screen time they got. Charlie also really flawless, love Cannonball! I really enjoyed this film a lot, still going to wonder if they're making a spin-off or sequel.

only the future can tell now....

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American Horror Story: 8x08 Sojourn

Great episode!!! I love the direction in this season so far... The Son of Satan Rises!!!
I'm beginning to fall in love with this well developed Michael Langdon character! i've seen him since murder house (when he's born) to know and understand where he comes from and what his powers are.
A well written episode! Astonishing performance from Cody Fern!

Gawd! I Love this show!!


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Marvel's Daredevil: 3x01 Resurrection

Damn Charlie Cox is really amazing as Matt Murdock, his performance is top notch!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x17 Guest Starring John Noble

Omg... Yes!! Yes!
That scene with John Noble and Brandon Routh was hilarious! I'm in love with this show!

Oh shit man... Mallus appears!

...enter John Constantine!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x10 Daddy Darhkest

Brilliant Episode mate!!!! Bloody hell of a time!!!

I love Matt Ryan so much as John Constantine definitely nothing like Keanu Reeves' version... I might add. He's a bit more cheekier.

Legends back on track! Great times!!

Mallus, John Noble = wow amazing casting!!!!

Sara and John shag so they say...

"His girlfriend is a guy" - Mick LOL

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Peacemaker: 1x02 Best Friends, For Never

Terrific fuckin show!!! I absolutely love Freddie Stroma as Adrian/Vigilante ~"I am extra special careful in all my heroic endeavors." LOL

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WandaVision: 1x09 The Series Finale

this is the finale. you get to see it conclude.
I really liked this alot and can't flippin' wait to see her in Doc Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and or possibly:
Spider-Man: No Way Home...
:100: masterpiece of a miniseries!

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WandaVision: 1x05 On a Very Special Episode...

Oh man pure chills down my spine when Vision said "what aren't you telling me?" to Wanda

man I absolutely love this show!!!

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Justice League Dark: Apokolips War

That was some amazing story telling... damn I was not expecting how good this movie ended up.
This one really hit me in the feels, a few times I did cry.
By far the BEST animated DC comics film made to date!

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Well that was a fresh and surprisingly good flick!!! This is a Transformers movie! 80's nostalgia! No Shia... No Marky Mark...
No complaints from me!!

MY favorite line happens toward the end ..."He's more human than you'll ever be." - Charlie

this is probably the one only defined Transformers movie. well-acted, great script! ...just Wow!

PS. John Cena needs more bad-guy roles!!

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A Quiet Place

Outstanding performance from Blunt and Krasinski... sometimes it's hard to judge kid actors but these guys nailed it!! Great dialogue/script. Had me on the edge of my seat the whole time! Turns out aliens that hunt by sound.... is scary as fuck!!

I love the creature design! Its like a weird blend of the Demogorgon from Stranger Things and the alien in Super 8!

Huge props to these guys; Bryan Woods, Scott Beck & John Krasinski for writing this masterpeice!

Top Notch!! A Must-see mystery thriller that can make think more about the sound we make in the world now!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x12 The Curse of the Earth Totem

Wow another amazing ep!

Maisie Richardson-Sellers really fit in so well with Dominic Purcell in all the pirate scenes esp. w/ that accent. (Maisie is SUPER FINE!)

Definitely had Pirates of the Caribbean and Black Sails vibes!

AVALANCE! *They Kissed*OMG Loved every moment between Sara and Ava so adorbs!

Gawd!! Loved the part when Nate yells "Hey you guys!" Heehee

Seeing Arthur Darvill and Keiynan Lonsdale's Careless Whisper karaoke scene is just what I needed... it got me in the feels and in the laughter! LOL

Also its pretty crazy that Brandon Routh basically shot/killed/and then saved his own wife Courtney who is Nora Darhk. ;)

Now I wonder what Damien Darhk and his daughter are gonna do with Ray.

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Channel Zero: 2x01 This Isn't Real

brilliant start to a crazy horror show!! I love it!!

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Bates Motel: 5x10 The Cord

Just finished watching the last season! Wow! Amazing work & top notch performances from Freddie Highmore and of course Vera Farmiga as Norma Louise!! Im both sad and happy that its all over... It was so amazing using parts from the 1st season leading up to Norman's death scene, and when Norman said "Thank you" I understood that he still just wanted to be with his Mother... (i actually cried at the end.)

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Gods of Egypt

not half bad ...if you like cheesy cgi and video game type standards... you might enjoy this flick!! theres a lil story here and there :P

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There's Something Wrong with the Children

what the eff...that ending shot was crazy!! ok this movie has some quality cinematography! It has a lot going for it in spin-off or prequel territory in the future, because I like the mystery behind the giant pit in the ruins. (I've got so many questions.) so many questions come up. I love that it's got Evil Dead and Children of the Corn vibes! Its like some Stephen King-ness.
Also the sound design and score kept my attention the whole time!

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x01 Aftermath

interesting direction from Dave Filoni... I really love this show so far. Just as good as TCW s7 and Rebels.
Absolutely stunning and well made story!

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Jason and the Argonauts

Childhood favourite!!!! I love how it's made. The practical effects are Superb to me!!! I think it's Must-Watch for any one!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x13 I Am Legends

"what sentient zombies are this well-dressed!?" -Nate
Pretty goddam entertaining episode!!!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x08 Romeo v Juliet: Dawn of Justness

Lol "You guys are being replaced by Riverdale!" best line ever!!

Brandon is a f*cking brilliant actor to portray Ray Palmer!!!
I f*ckin' love all these idiots!!!!
Although I am going to miss Ray very much, he's my favorite character ever since first appearance on Arrow!
I'm going to miss Brandon Routh and Courtney Ford!!!

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Jay and Silent Bob Reboot

Holy F**K this movie is entertaining AF

Ahhhhhhh, My precious podcasting ears" -Kevin Smith

Soooooo many great lines of dialogue! the Real Kevin Smith is a fucking genius. Such a Meta movie.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 13x05 The Gang Gets New Wheels

Best episode this season lol!!!!!! Love all of Dee's and Dennis' moments! Loved the whole epsiode!
Dennis: "Be gone from me now..."
"Be Gone you soy boy beta cock the transaction is complete."
Jonathan: "Dennis I don't understand"
"BE GONE!!!!!!!!"

Love the Never Gonna Give You Up song nostalgic as hell!

ps. "I think I killed a kid" "I saw!" "Shhhh doesn't matter... doesn't matter." "You're in the range rover now." lol

best episode ever! holy shit!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x13 No Country for Old Dads

Of all characters, Damien Darhk made me tear up. Great well-made episode! He's still hands down one of my favorite villains in all of arrowverse! Also with Nora becoming stronger with Mallus being part of her (because of time aberrations ) + Damien... the Legends are almost f*cked... they do got a speedster now Mr. Wallace West and also access to John Constantine. I feel like Constantine is gonna come back to help out the Legends take down Mallus maybe.

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