Todd Fury



Star Wars Resistance

Shout by Todd Fury
BlockedParent2018-10-18T13:14:42Z— updated 2020-01-11T07:21:20Z

Doesn't feel like Star Wars. Super Disneyfied. Characters are not very deep or memorable yet. We'll see as it goes on, but it feels very hollow so far.

Edit: After the first 5 or 6 episodes it starts to get way better. Feels like Star Wars now! I just didn't give it enough time.

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Preacher: 4x07 Messiahs

"Is this Heaven?" "Well, it ain't the south of France." "Who's that?" "Dunno. Some girl fishing."

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The Twilight Zone: 1x22 The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street

60 years later, the message of this story hits home harder than ever. Humanity is it's own worst enemy.

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Preacher: 2x06 Sokosha

Best episode of the whole series so far. Adding in the actual art and panels from the comic was just awesome!

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x12 Missing in Action

Captain Gregor was a badass! He will be sadly missed.

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The Mandalorian: 2x08 Chapter 16: The Rescue

I don't care if people say this is fan service. This was fucking awesome.

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Preacher: 2x07 Pig

Herr Starr coming off as every bit of the badass he is in the comic. Pip Torrens is amazing in this role!

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Winter on Fire: Ukraine's Fight for Freedom

Fuck, just realized this existed today. Pretty eerie.

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Preacher: 4x03 Deviant

Loved it. The Saint reminds us again why he is the most bad-ass fictional character ever created!

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Star Wars: Forces of Destiny

I don't understand why so many people seem to be hating on this. Is it cheesy? Yes. Is it part of the whole Disney PC agenda? Of course. But it's still good!

The bottom line is that these are short little fun "webisodes", and they're good!

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 6x11 Voices

One of the best episodes of the entire series!

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x09 The Crossing

Man, the music in this show is so good!

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x02 Ruins of War (2)

Diggin' it. Loving the new updated visual effects!

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: 1x06 Resolve

I thought it was cool that Filoni gave her the pseudonym of Ashla.

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House of the Dragon: 1x04 King of the Narrow Sea

This episode made me realize how much this show is lacking a Ned Stark/Sean Bean charisma level good-guy character.

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Bill & Ted Face the Music

Shout by Todd Fury
BlockedParent2020-08-30T18:54:43Z— updated 2021-02-16T18:30:23Z

As someone who grew up with these movies and quoting lines from them every chance he gets, I loved it. Hell, I even named my League of Legends summoner name Deputy Van Halen. Don't listen to the people saying it's "woke trash." Watch it and decide for yourself. Is it a great movie that has amazing acting and is going to win awards? Hell no. Does it have brilliant plot twist and suspenseful turns that leave you on the edge of your seat with your mouth open? Absolutely not. It's a goofy, dumb comedy about two incredibly stupid guys in a rock band who save the world. And that's exactly what is so great about it.

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The Mandalorian: 1x01 Chapter 1: The Mandalorian

Went into it expecting it to be pretty lame. Ended up loving it. This episode was 100 times better than The Last Jedi. Loved the big reveal at the end.

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Who Is America?

Man, this country is fucked.

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The Orville: 1x03 About a Girl

I'm surprised at how much I am liking this show! Hopefully more people will give this a fair chance despite the dick jokes.

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The Mandalorian: 3x02 Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore

My god, the art during the end credits is so damn good.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x12 The Outpost

This episode fucking delivered. What an emotional rollercoaster. Tense in the mine scene in the cave, avalanche/post avalanche segment, sadness at the loss of Mayday, and sweet revenge at the end. The writing in this one was cinema-level quality. Redemption arc baby, let's go!

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Arrested Development: 4x02 Borderline Personalities

This episode was just all over the place and the timing was way off. Kept doing other things while watching it, definitely not engaging.

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Final Space

Trying to finish the third episode, but it's really dumb.

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South Park: 6x05 The New Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer

Definitely one of the better ones of the season!

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Star Wars Rebels: 2x14 Homecoming

Aww, it's Numa! The one Waxer and Boil rescued in the Clone Wars! :)

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Star Wars: Clone Wars

Loved it. All of the characters are 100 times more badass. Even the clones have achieved maximum asskickery.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 2x06 Tribe

My god, the animation in this episode was awesome!

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: 1x03 Choices

Hopefully we get at least one more episode with Dooku finally getting the proper badassery on screen that he and Christopher Lee deserve!

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Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi: 1x02 Justice

Loved how they didn't even mention Dooku's name even once. Would have preferred they hadn't said Qui-Gon's either, but I can live with it. Everything doesn't need to be on the nose. Pretty sure everyone watching this knew exactly who both of them were in the first 2 seconds of the show, anyway. Much better than the first episode.

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Star Wars: Andor

Imagine if this was the movie we got before the last trilogy. Or did it take all the backlash from the last trilogy to get to where we are today?

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