
Baby Reindeer: 1x06 Episode 6

Man, I just love his Dad. So awkward but good

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Surprisingly moving documentary about the Wham! phenomenon of my youth, and also in showing what an amazing person Andrew Ridgeley is. He was the force that brought out George Michael's talent and he had the grace and wisdom to let his best friend go on without him.

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Dave: 3x07 Rebirthday

Robyn is amazing. Love their chemistry

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Great movie.
Excellent casting, especially impressed with Anna Kendrick, who I haven't seen much before.

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The Terminator

Try watching the beginning of this movie and un-know what you know about the franchise. Who are these two guys? Where did they come from? Why are they after Sarah Connor. It is a great example of suspense-building storytelling.

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Easy A

Not the greatest comedy I've seen, but nevertheless very good. Very well written, and carried competently by Emma Stone.

And like the good Major, I really liked the parents.

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The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Billy Mitchell is a grade-A d-bag, but I found Brian Kuh to be even worse.

Billy Mitchell at least got the world record legitimately back in the day, and Kuh could never measure up to him or to Steve Wiebe, so he had to settle for being Mitchell's sycophantic bitch.

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Spirited Away

This was my first Studio Ghibli movie when it first came out, and still my favorite! Absolutely amazing.

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X-Men: First Class

Amazing movie! Deeper and more emotionally engaging than most superhero movies, yet with enough kick-ass (sorry) action to make it a superb superhero movie as well.

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Bamse och den flygande mattan

What the? I watched this:
The plugin even showed the popup notification with the correct title.

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Wasn't what I was expecting. Much better in fact!(3)

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Classic. I must be on my tenth round through all the episodes.

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The Liverpool Goalie

Released 1969?? The API that scrapes iMDb must be way off.
If you follow the iMDb link it says 2010.

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Meh. Watched about half the first season, but couldn't really get into it.

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Veronica Mars

am addicted to it

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