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Omicron Persei 8


This is 3 hours of my life I'd love to get back. This had a lot of the best ingredients; excellent director, 2 superb lead performances throughout with Phoenix and Kirby and promising source material. The end result, however, was an unengaging and disjointed mess with great production values but no coherency at all. Very disappointing.

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Good grief. This was just... awful. I can't remember the last time I DNFd a movie.

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Invincible: 2x07 I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE

The animation conversation during the Seance Dog comic signing just had me in stitches - utter genius!

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The Continental: From the World of John Wick

The John Wick movies are probably some of the best action movies made in the last 10 years. They managed that by being stylish but much more grounded visually than films have been for a long time, action that you can follow on screen without being overwhelmed. On top of this they DON'T TAKE THEMSELVES TOO SERIOUSLY!

The caps here is what's missing here for me - this series doesn't have the same sense of humour and without it the series falls flat. Top this off with a story which, really, could have been covered off far better in a 2 hour movie format, you end up with a general snoozefest with an occasional break for some solid action and a few good character moments here and there. I really struggled to keep focused on this throughout.

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How does a show with a 7.7 episode AVG raring get this low?

This is an excellent character study piece - it is not easy watching by any means but it's one of the best crime dramas I've watched in years.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x09 Subspace Rhapsody

I really loved this - I adore how this series really captures the heart of the original series, which had weird stuff pretty regularly.

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Star Wars: Visions: 2x06 The Spy Dancer

This was the top of the season so far for me. Short and sweet. This kind of story is where Visions really excels.

There's a great touch here for those of us who remember the toys from way back. The "bouncy" troop carrier that was basically made up by the toy company finally got used!

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Secret Invasion

This should have been huge, but it's a woeful non-event that's only vaguely worth bothering with because Olivia Coleman is just so wonderful.

The storyline worked far better in the comics medium with all the crossover potential. It doesn't work as a series like this.

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The Great: 3x06 Ice

This episode threw us into literal disbelief for a solid 15 minutes. That was true cinematic genius, transitioning into one of the purest expressions of the different types of grief I have ever seen.


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This was a beautiful piece of work, from the stunning artistic design, excellent performances and it's haunting soundtrack.

Modern blockbusters have become so dominated by far more action and noise than you can ever take in and this is a real contrast to that. This is a sedate, deeply emotional journey full of hope and determination in the bleakest of circumstances.

This is one of the most beautiful and imaginative dystopian sci-fi movies I've seen in many years.

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The Last of Us: 1x03 Long, Long Time

This was an absolutely outstanding piece of drama - not at all expected but wonderfully put together and juxtaposing Joel dealing with the loss of Tess in the previous episode.

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Citadel: 1x06 Secrets in Night Need Early Rains

oh no, a second season has been announced - good grief why?

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Citadel: 1x05 Time Renders Us Enemies

This is a bit silly now. I've got enough investment now to finish the season - don't think I'll be back for a second though...

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11.22.63: 1x01 The Rabbit Hole

Good grief - Given that this was one of the best books I've read this year this show is a hot mess right now. The show seems, so far, to miss the point of everything that makes the book so compelling which is a real shame - I hope it picks up.

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Inside Man: 1x04 Episode 4

This whole show has been completely absurd. They've taken a good concept (anyone can be a murderer) and a great cast and thrown them around a storyline that just doesn't make sense most of the time - Very few of the characters in this follow anything like proper motivation at all, it's all very Deus ex machina in the way it evolves. If it wasn't for Stanley Tucci's wonderful performance this would be a complete write-off.

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Extrapolations: 1x01 2037: A Raven Story

This really is proper terrifying.

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I really enjoyed this - It managed to do what few films do these days and be a fine mixture of entertainment and social commentary. The exposition of the inherent problems to both communism and capitalism in the Tetris story are what make it for me.

I wasn't sure who I despised more by the end of it, Maxwell Sr., Maxwell Jr. or a certain member of the Communist party.

I also loved the way that there are plenty of characters at play, all trying to do what was best from their point of view - it's a refreshing take on things.

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Transformers: Age of Extinction

I wish this movie didn't exist even more than the previous ones. Bumblebee has been the only decent one. Quite how something so good can be done so badly beggars belief.

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The Sandman: 1x06 The Sound of Her Wings

Outstanding. This is a double gut punch episode of 2 of the best issues in the series in one. Loved it.

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The Sandman: 1x03 Dream a Little Dream of Me

This show has been top drawer for me so far - a superb adaptation. JLCs Constantine was absolutely spot on. A Hellblazer spin-off with her would be a superb choice.

Really looking forward to the next one!

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The Gray Man

This is awful. I nodded off watching this yesterday and now I'm web surfing. Grief, this has no engagement factor at all.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks: 3x07 A Mathematically Perfect Redemption

Lower Decks basically IS now what Rick & Morty used to be before it became regurgitated garbage. I was a huge R&M fan but the last season or so has just been so weak. Thankfully Lower Decks is still here for my humour fix.

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

First Marvel show I DNF'd

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x05 Mean, Green, and Straight Poured into These Jeans

I am dropping this show. First Marvel show I've even seriously considered that for.

Can't win 'em all!

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x04 Is This Not Real Magic?

This just gets more and more lame as it goes on. Of all the shows I'm still bothering to watch this one is at the bottom of my list each week. Rapidly descending into garbage.

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x03 The People vs. Emil Blonsky

The more this goes on the less it's my thing. It's not bad, it has it's funny moments, but doesn't go much past passable entertainment IMO.

From a comic authenticity perspective, the approach really works, it's just not so much my thing. For me this is the lowest MCU series so far, along with Falcon & The Winter Soldier. I'm finding the CGI really hard to get past in a lot of the scenes, this has really gone downhill since the first episode - lip sync is way off and movement flow is sometimes really unnatural.

All the above being said, the scene where Pugliese puts Jen on the stand to testify for her former colleague was the moment of the series for me.

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Westworld: 4x08 Que Será, Será

I do NOT get how / why a 5th season here would make any sense whatsoever. This feels like a series finale to me.

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The Orville: 3x05 A Tale of Two Topas

Outstanding. I really love this show. I find it so ironic that with all the new Star Trek series out there these days, old cast and new, this is still the one that carries the heart of Gene Roddenberry most powerfully.

Paramount could do far worse than kicking Goldsman out the door and bringing McFarlane in to right the ship.

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Ms. Marvel: 1x04 Seeing Red

Lovely cultural exploration episode here for Kamala, leading to some real thematic treats for the audience as well as beautiful family moments.

I really feel though, unlike most of the other Marvel shows so far, that the pacing on this is a bit off. This series probably needs to be longer and needs much more space to explore it's themes, culture and characters rather than always feeling like it's trying to do a little too much all of the time. In some ways this is really to its credit - this series just has so much to say and do - but it's really suffering from cramming, much in the opposite way to Obi-Wan Kenobi which suffered from being padded out too much.

The Disney+ shows are suffering from this quite a bit and maybe they need to reconsider how they determine the length of a show run and let it be a bit more organic.

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Ms. Marvel

I am loving this, now 3 episodes in. I remember reading the comics when they first came out and they hit me like a ton of bricks as being so different and fresh then. I grew up with my best friend being from a Sri Lankan family and was very aware of the different cultural elements at play and the comics captured this for me wonderfully with Kamala and Bruno.

Now in episode 3, after initial jarring of the change to the source of powers, I'm getting the same feels from the TV series and it's just beautiful. Kamala's Dad's speech to her brother was just wonderful.

Re: powers - I get it. In the comics Kamala was an Inhuman - the source of her power here is different as Inhumans have a different place in the MCU but I still don't get why the nature of the power had to change. If the bracelet is like a key then the effects seem rather redundant.

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