Thi D.


Omicron Persei 8

Sex Education: 2x07 Episode 7

The final scene with the girls at the bus with Aimee was one of the most beautiful and genuine things i saw in TV for the last years! so pure!

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Charlie's Angels

Sometimes it's a good thing when you have your expectations very low, when I saw the trailer I think this was gonna be atrocious, but i think it was actually fun to watch and Kristen S. is really comfortable here. Plus, I really like Elizabeth Banks! The soundtrack is a win and the action scenes are also very good. Nothing remarkable, but it is entertaining.

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Riverdale: 3x02 Chapter Thirty-Seven: Fortune and Men's Eyes

The jailhouse dance scene was cringe to see

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13 Reasons Why: 4x04 Senior Camping Trip

wtf was this mess! Well, at least Ani wasnt in this episode, this is a bonus

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Call Me by Your Name

A movie to reach your soul. A movie about love and heartbreak and how the summer loves are usually the greatest ones, and that will forever leave a mark in your life. Its so intense and also so fast. Everything is great here, to acting, to photography, to soundtrack. The last scene is so beautiful and so sad at the same time that you won't forget for a long time.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 4x01 What's Your Story?

Love the start of the season. A bit slow, but very interesting and the new characters look good. This episode felt like a movie. I think morgan's introduction in this new world was well done. "I lost people, and then i lost myself". Love this part! And tbh, the walking dead is so boring since season 7, that its refreshing seeing something at least interesting here, so that's why I'm liking Fear the walking dead more these days.

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American Crime Story: 2x01 The Man Who Would Be Vogue

Amazing episode. Great performance by Darren. Season 1 was almost perfection, and I can already see that this second season is going to be a masterpiece too.

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You: 2x10 Love, Actually

The moment that Joe saw that Love is exactly like him, all the passion was gone because he wants a perfect woman, a idealized version that he painted on his sick mind and that's why he will never find and won't stop. I will say that it will be funny to see how he will deal with a psycho just as awful as he is, and a completely toxic and dysfunctional family.

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Riverdale: 2x16 Chapter Twenty-Nine: Primary Colors

I'm so done with Veronica being a selfish and fake person almost all the episodes this season, and also her mafia annoying family. Thank god for Jughead because he is seeing all Hiram bad plans. Betty will help him and Fred too. Archie continues to be dumb and blind, nothing new. Cheryl continues to be amazing and I'm loving her relationship with Toni.. Cheryl deserve some happiness.. Enough of this mess with her crazy and awful mother. Great episode.

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One Day at a Time: 2x08 What Happened

I'm glad Elena said all that things to her father because he really deserved a lesson after being such a crap father to her. Also, I'm glad papito defended Elena.

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The Big Bang Theory: 11x10 The Confidence Erosion

Sheldon's speech was so beautiful this episode! I love Shamy!

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Believe all the hype! This is not only the best horror movie of the year, but also of the last years!! It's a masterpiece, and I'm so happy that we have something so unique now in the horror genre, in the time of so many reboots and remakes. This one is special. This movie is sophisticated, it's original, it has some of the best acting I've seen and Toni Collette will be for sure nominated at the Oscar for this iconic performance. Also, the directing.. Wow. Absolutely genious! All the takes and close ups.. Perfection. The soundtrack is also amazing. Everything works and we have here a modern masterpiece that will be talked for years and years!!!

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The 100: 5x01 Eden

at was a pretty solid episode and solid acting by Eliza. It felt like a movie..when she was driving alone it reminded me of Mad Max. Ha! Great soundtrack too. Taken by this episode, I think we are in for a great ride this season. The end of season 4 was so iconic in so many ways, so they for sure started season 5 on the same level. I loved it.

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One Day at a Time: 2x09 Hello, Penelope

This episode made me cry with Penelope. What a great show and with so many important discussions!

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Stranger Things: 2x05 Chapter Five: Dig Dug

incredible episode! dustin was iconic with the "shit, shit". lol. and now we are finally seeing the entire history of what happened with eleven.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x02 College Tour

Clay is going nuts, but whats new

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Black Mirror: 5x02 Smithereens

well, honestly I saw some comments before watching the episode and i was expecting to see some s**, but I actually really liked. The acting was spot on, and I loved all the suspense with the hostage situation..Maybe it's not on my favorites list of all Black Mirror episodes, but it was for sure very entertainment to watch. I give a solid 9/10.

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Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

worst episode in GoT history..they really are butchering every character..

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The Big Bang Theory: 7x03 The Scavenger Vortex

i miss episodes having all the gang together like this. A classic tbbt.

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Riverdale: 4x07 Chapter Sixty-Four: The Ice Storm

And I thought it couldn't get worse than season 3..oh boy, I was wrong! i don't even know what tf is going on with this show ridiculous at this point and also embarrassing!

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Stranger Things: 2x09 Chapter Nine: The Gate

Amazing!!! i laughed, i cried, what a emotional ride! Mike and Eleven is the best OTP on the show easily. Their dance together.. i cried. Hooper and Eleven are such a amazing duo! Father and daughter oficially! And omg, Steve! One of the best developments ever! Hope they put him again with the kids. He rocks with his bat! And poor Will.. hopefully he will be better now. The poor kid deserves a break lol. This was iconis as season 1. Well done!!

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The Walking Dead: 8x02 The Damned

one of the worst episodes in tv history.

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Five Feet Apart

it almost is like 'That Fault in Our Stars' in a way.. the young love, the serious disease, the amazing soundtrack and a great cast with well done performances by the leads. Haley Lu and Cole Sprouse had a great chemistry here and you will cry, even if you know how it will all end just as the movie starts.. I really liked it!

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Game of Thrones: 8x05 The Bells

the WORST episode um GoT history..I'm honestly gonna pretend season 8 never happened, and remember GoT in their glory and gold for me, the series finale was the season 6 finale..season 8 was a absolute disgrace and I don't want to remember my favorite show in the entire world ending in such a pathetic way with such lazy, let's just pretend season 8 never happened and this will be good for my sanity.

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The Big Bang Theory: 11x11 The Celebration Reverberation

Sheldon and Amy are so cute with that little running at the end. Haha.

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The Walking Dead: 8x04 Some Guy

This season is one of the worst so far. I literally sleep every episode now. It looks that they can't really think on nothing remotely interesting these days. ugh. R. I. P Shiva tho.

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Stranger Things: 2x08 Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer

okay that was like the best episode ever!!!! that end..eleven and mike!!!!

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13 Reasons Why: 4x02 College Tour

Clay cant get enough of seeing dead people

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You: 2x10 Love, Actually

Honestly, Love turning out to be just as psycho as Joe wasn't so surprising, there was something about her that always seemed off. So, the twist wasn't great for me, and I hated that she killed Delilah and Candace. I just want a painful death for her in season 3. Joe can go to hell too. Forty was annoying, but didn't deserved do die like that too. Season 1 was way better for me. More consistent. But still one of the best and entertaining shows right now. Penn Badgley is so good in this, he is finally getting the praise that he deserves. And one more thing: Ellie was the best this season.

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

Brad Pitt's character honestly was the most amazing part of the movie. His scenes were truly gold!

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