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The MBA Edge is a leading MBA application consultancy firm in India with the team of best MBA admission consultants. Our primary agenda is to provide our applicants with the most informed & holistic B-School application assistance with services such as

  1. Comprehensive Program
  2. Hourly Consultation
  3. Interview Preparation

A vast majority of candidates want to apply for the top B-Schools but they don’t know how to shine through their MBA applications or which B-School is best for their career goals.

With the knowledge about specific business schools, our industry experts and consultants thoroughly evaluate the applicant's profile, and come up with the best solutions to build up a noticeable MBA essay that makes them stand apart in the crowd.

Based on their educational goals and various other statistics such as GPA, GMAT, work experience etc, we help them shortlist the best & suitable B-Schools. Working with MBA professionals will give you an extra edge to your MBA application.

We at The MBA Edge offer necessary MBA guidance and help applicants in selection at the best MBA programs in the world.

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A vast majority of candidates want to apply for the top B-Schools but they don’t know how to shine through their MBA applications or which B-School is best for their career goals.

With the knowledge about specific business schools, our industry experts and consultants thoroughly evaluate the applicant's profile, and come up with the best solutions to build up a noticeable MBA essay that makes them stand apart in the crowd.

Based on their educational goals and various other statistics such as GPA, GMAT, work experience etc, we help them shortlist the best & suitable B-Schools. Working with MBA professionals will give you an extra edge to your MBA application.

We at The MBA Edge offer necessary MBA guidance and help applicants in selection at the best MBA programs in the world.

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The MBA EDGE For up-and-comers who have specific weak spots in applying or some particular piece of the application that might require professional consideration, or for the candidates who need urgent positions in the latest possible moment in the top MBA colleges, an hourly consultation is the ideal choice.

In this assistance, our advisors, moved on from top business schools provide appropriate hour-based counseling on any of the administrations referenced underneath. This permits you a valuable opportunity to join our specialists to prepare on any part of your application you wish to pick.

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The MBA Edge is one of the top MBA consulting services in India with a team of experienced & dedicated MBA consultants. We are helping thousands of working professionals to secure admission to the top business schools like Ross school of business, Michigan, Darden school of business in Charlottesville etc. Our services include:

  1. Hour-based pre-application counseling
  2. B-school shortlisting & recommendation guidance
  3. Reviewing & editing essay & interview preparation

Our expert MBA consultants help you build impressive & compelling MBA essays that can help you stand out from the crowd. They conduct a productive discussion with you to know your career goals and suggest you the suitable & appropriate business schools that align with your career plans. Not only this, we also conduct mock interview sessions to help you shine in the interview. If you are looking for top-notch, reliable and comprehensive MBA consulting services, then The MBA Edge is your one-stop destination.

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Congratulations on getting your interview invite! Only about 40% of all applicants are invited to interview with their dream school, so this is no ordinary feat. Now since you have cleared the first hurdle, expectations and anxieties are bound to rise, however you should continue to remain focused and double down on your effort to ace the interview.

Some general advice to keep in mind while preparing for your interviews are:

While all schools offer a mix of on campus, off campus and virtual formats for the interview, its always recommended to meet with their admissions officers in person and on campus (to the extent possible) since it showcases your desire to be a part of their community and your willingness to be a part of the class once an offer is extended.

Since the interviews tend to be professional in nature, try to dress in a formal attire and make sure you reach your venue at least 20 min in advance for in person interviews or are online and waiting in lobby at least 10 min prior for virtual interviews. Carry multiple copies of your resume which was submitted in the application to the interview.

For virtual interviews, try to test your internet connection prior to the interview and always have your hotspot on standby in the case of any weakness in your internet connectivity during your interview.

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