Andreas Stenlund



Andreas is watching


Dream Scenario

Neurotic, loser doormat gets punished the whole movie for being a neurotic loser doormat. But enough about BEAU IS AFRAID GUYS! I liked it!

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I read your comment with David Chen's voice in my mind. Awesome! I also quite liked the movie.

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A Murder at the End of the World

super excited for this one after having seen the OA

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Very quirky, but I liked it a lot. A true shame it was cancelled after two seasons.

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Special Forces: World's Toughest Test

Surprisingly good reality show. Hope for another season.

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@a-123e31ef-e96f-499f-bbb3-26eccbaf959a Your wishes have been fulfilled. Looking forward to season two!

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Succession: 1x07 Austerlitz

Alright, someone please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks Ashley Zukerman (Nate) looks like the perfect combination of B.J. Novak and Donnie Darko-era Jake Gyllenhaal.

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I was thinking the exact same thing!

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Silo: 1x02 Holston's Pick

I noticed that the note Juliette found at 18:50 reads "Remember where you were the last time you saw this? I found what I was looking for," whereas the note she handed to the sheriff at 27:45 reads "Remember where you last saw this?" (and then it's cut off, being torn in half). Production error? Feels kind of sloppy for a show that otherwise has amazing production design and a very keen attention to detail.

Overall, so far I like the show! I don't remember much from the books, but the looks and atmosphere seem to have been captured incredibly well here.

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@typongtv Goofy, perhaps, but I can't think of a better explanation.

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Silo: 1x02 Holston's Pick

I noticed that the note Juliette found at 18:50 reads "Remember where you were the last time you saw this? I found what I was looking for," whereas the note she handed to the sheriff at 27:45 reads "Remember where you last saw this?" (and then it's cut off, being torn in half). Production error? Feels kind of sloppy for a show that otherwise has amazing production design and a very keen attention to detail.

Overall, so far I like the show! I don't remember much from the books, but the looks and atmosphere seem to have been captured incredibly well here.

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@umbran0x I did. Problem is, the first half is not the same.

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Final Cut

Like cheese sushi: it's interesting but not as fresh as the real thing.

I went into Coupez! / Final Cut blind but almost immediately recognized that it was a remake of the excellent One Cut of the Dead. Sadly, that film was so original and well-made that a remake is superfluous and doomed to comparisons.

I laughed out loud a couple of times in The Final Cut, but my nostalgia for the original sushi meant the cheese left a bad taste in my mouth.

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@saint-pauly Thanks, sounds like I should stay away from this, so as not to adulterate my memories of the original. The latter was fantastic, one of my favorite films of the past handful of years.

For anyone whose interest is piqued:

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Academy Awards - Best Picture Winners

Hi Andreas,

Thank you for compiling such a thorough list! Is there a reason why its sorted by "rank"? Would it not make more sense for the most recent winner to be the first on the list (sorted via release date)?

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@luinwen Thanks!

Sure, that would make sense. The reason I chose to sort by rank is to also get the numbering. If you're looking for the 89th win, for instance, you'll quickly find Moonlight in the list.

I did notice an error in the ordering just now, so thank you for pointing my attention to it. It's now been fixed.

Oh, and I've now flipped the default sort order, so the most recent movie is at the top.

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The Last of Us: 1x09 Look for the Light

Seeing the thumbnail (thanks I hate it, trakt) I knew what was coming, but that opener was still very good and set the tone for the episode. Brilliant work translating the ambiguity that kinda made the game what it is. The question for me isn't whether Joel did the right thing - he absolutely didn't, twice over if we consider Ellie capable of making such a big decision for herself - the real question is who would be strong enough to make the right decision for a shot at a cure? Trolley problems don't seem so simple now, huh? :sweat_smile:

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Just so you know, you can disable screenshots and other spoilers for unwatched episodes (and movies) in settings.

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Holy fuck, Mia Goth! That end credits scene is gonna freak me out for days.

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Gotta love a happy ending.

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The Simpsons: 34x03 Lisa the Boy Scout

[9.8/10 on a post-classic Simpsons scale] This is the most wild and creative format bender The Simpsons has done since “Trilogy of Error” (the Linguo episode) and maybe since “22 Short Films About Springfield.” “Lisa the Boy Scout” feels like a modern-day successor to that installment, which uses the airtime give mini-stories to almost everyone in Springfield, albeit with a more meta-twist that left his feeling like something out of Community or even Rick & Morty.

(Though hey, shout out to “The Seemingly Neverending Story” which also used some creative storytelling moves in the post-classic era, even if it’s been ages since that one too.)

I love the basic setup here, with a group of hackers unleashing a spate of rejected story ideas and clips from the series in an effort to ransom their way into big money and maybe even bring down the Disney corporation. In truth, my only mildly significant gripe with the episode is that the hackers from the frame story falling in love elicits more chuckles than guffaws. But the duo spoofing Anonymous and using forbidden or aschanned Simpsons bits to get what they want provides the show an excuse to break loose from canon and go wild without disrupting the show.

Boy do they! I’ll confess, part of what made me enjoy this episode so much is the way it’s definitely targeted at terminally online Simpsons fans like yours truly. They poke fun at all the dumb fan theories -- like Ralph secrelty being Eddie the cop’s son. They take aim at the popular meme of the show predicting the future, with “Bart to the Future” era Bart beaming back to the original “Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire” premiere to feed his family some info from later days. They reference the fact that Wise Guy pops up all over the place with an amusingly out there explanation. (Though what of Squeaky Voiced Teen?) Heck, even the idea of whole run to this point being a coma dream from Homer after he fell into Springfield Gorge has some extra spark in its fan fiction-y pastiche.

Alongside those bits, there’s tons of fun meta-gags to tickle the funny bones of longtime viewers. My god, I died laughing when the hackers declared they were unleashing the worst of the worst to truly drive The Simpsons into the ground, and amid the original comic material crafted for this episode, they also included infamous real life clips from the show, like the dreaded Jockey Elves and Homer fighting a bear. Plus, the way the show perfectly captured the rhythms of a typical Simpsons episode with its bookends, replete with a self-jab about Homer doing something terrible to Marge and making it better with an apology, had me in stitches. This is, impressively, the most self-referential the series has been since “Behind the Laughter”, and the show’s ability to make comic hay from its own conceits is outstanding.

That said, it returns to one of showrunner Matt Selman’s hobby horses: poking fun at prestige television. I could be overreaching here, but I took the amusing scene of Sea Captain and Groundskeeper Willie communicating only in “Yar”s and “Aye”s to be an homage to a famous scene from The Wire where two detectives communicate using only the word “fuck.” I loved the scene where it turns out Martin is a 36-year-old undercover blue collar cop with a wife and kids, for its delightful absurdity and perfect rendition of those tropes. And the sequence of “enough of the lies” followed by glass throwing and major revelations worked brilliantly as a spoof of the need for big dramas these days to unveil familial twist after twist, no matter how contorted or strained, to keep fans talking and guessing.

But as with “22 Short Films about Springfield” I also just enjoyed the rapid-fire looniness of the whole deal. Santa’s Little Helper learning to talk, followed by Homer only being shocked that it’s morning is a classic Simpsons swerve. The array of punny names with single-episode images was a good laugh. And even the line about the show being propped up by NFL fans who fell asleep brings the meta humor back in a good way.

All-in-all, this is a real gem of a late-season episode, which takes some big chances and gives us something like Simpsons fans have never truly seen before. I don’t want them to go back to this well again, but seeing the Community-style, free associative, self-deprecating metahumor at play was a real treat for longtime fans like me. Bravo!

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I always enjoy your summaries, Andrew, but this one was particularly delightful and well articulated! I'll have to revisit the other episodes you mentioned, as I don't quite remember them off hand.

Oh and I agree about the episode. Even though most of the references flew right over my head, it was still succinctly hilarious.

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Moon Knight: Season 1

Review by Frank Carrizo Zirit
BlockedParent2022-04-20T22:52:25Z— updated 2022-05-09T10:05:03Z

I’m four episodes in and quite frankly, I don’t see this show getting any better. At least Wandavision picked up after the third episode. Those people saying this is the best MCU show so far must be on crack.

Now that I've finished watching all the episodes, I still feel a bit shortchanged with this show. I do think Oscar Isaacs did an incredible job all through the season, but I still feel it's terribly paced. Even though the last episode was awesome, I had already lost much of the initial interest. Ethan Hawke's character falls flat for me. Marvel films have created great villains with powerful motivations to justify what they do. Damn! I still think Thanos had a very good point! If Hawke was supposed to be Marc/Steven's foil, he came across as a bland bad guy who wanted to be bad because Khonshu is a trickster god who lied to him (we still don't know exactly how). Had his history arc been developed thoroughly, it would've opened more complex layers in the story. Also, they boast they got an Egyptian director who knew his way around Egyptian mythology... but... the show was quite lacklustre on that regards as well, IMO. Now we're left with a cliffhanger that hints at a second season. Oh my...

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@fzirit That's interesting. I actually found the first three episodes of WandaVision to be the best three episodes of that show. I liked the first couple episodes of Moon Knight best as well so far (4 eps in now). But maybe that's just me being gruff and tired of all the vanilla on TV, wanting something weird and innovative. I say bring on the weirdness!

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Frasier: 5x15 Room Service

Shout by dgw

Well now I have a reason to hate Lilith. Ketchup??? :nauseated_face: On eggs?!?!?! :face_vomiting:

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@dgw Not the best condiment for the dish, but it works. You should try it. But my mother puts ketchup on pizza, that's undefendable!

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The Legend of Vox Machina: 1x09 The Tide of Bone

Shout by Donald

"How bad is it?"
"Could be worse."
"But how‽"
"Could be my arm."

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@ystwyth Nice use of the interrobang :ok_hand:

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Frasier: 1x24 My Coffee with Niles

Was this episode title in homage to "My Dinner With Andre"?

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@paulidin I think you're right on the money there. What a wonderful episode!

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Yellowjackets: 1x08 Flight of the Bumblebee

Open the door and throw the stupid teddy bear out! Wtf? So contrived...

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@sintriangle No problem to open the doors in a small non-pressurized aircraft, like this Cessna 180. Also, she was practically at sea level, so the pressure difference would have been negligible anyway. However, I'm guessing that, since she was a beginner, she didn't have the plane fully trimmed out, and so she would probably have lost control of the plane while wrestling with the door and the burning teddy-bear. With her low altitude, anything this serious of a problem is probably an almost guaranteed crash. And this: you don't learn how to land a plane by reading the manual.

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Cheers: 11x23 Rebecca Gaines, Rebecca Loses

Shout by dgw
BlockedParent2020-09-28T04:30:30Z— updated 2023-09-22T04:34:38Z

Would really love to know what Cliff said after "Sayonara." Hulu lazily subtitled that line as "[speaking foreign language]"…

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@dgw Sounded like he said "jak się masz," which is Polish (and, I think, Czech) for "hello, how are you?" or "how do you do," similar to the phrase "wie geht's?" ("wie geht es Dir?") in German. The Polish phrase was later popularized by Borat (Google tells me that Kazakhstan has a Polish-speaking minority from the old Sovjet days).

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Cheers: 11x01 The Little Match Girl

Shout by dgw

I may never understand why Sam doesn't sell the boat Norm bought him with that roulette money last season, instead of his Corvette.

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@dgw Maybe he sank the boat.

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The Wheel of Time: 1x01 Leavetaking

Why is it looking like Xena or Hercules from the 90s? It’s really not looking good!

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@levim79 Yes, the encoding is not good at all, pretty low bitrate it seems. A bit disappointing, considering how good The Foundation looks!

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Disney Gallery: The Mandalorian: 2x02 Making of the Season 2 Finale

Absolutely loved seeing the care and thought that went into the final episode of Season 2. Appreciate the consideration from Favreau on how the technology of deepfakes can be used for good or for ill, and making sure that artists like this group are using it for the right reasons while at the same time, thinking about how to technologically keep things under control in the future in the interest of maintaining truthfulness.

Excellent job by all involved.

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@jytreberg Yes, this was an interesting and touching behind-the-scenes, indeed. I wonder if John realized that he was describing NFTs, pretty much exactly.

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Bad Moms

If you see the poster to this movie, the R rating and the fact it's from The Hangover producers and you think oh cool, this looks like a fun time...YOURE WRONG. DO NOT SEE THIS PIECE OF SHIT. ITS NOTHING LIKE THAT. This is a Katherine Heigl type movie with the F word. Man it was terrible. Also it's not an ensemble piece. This is ALL about Mila Kunis' character. Bell and Hahn are nothing more than her new friends. I can't believe I saw this in theaters. I wouldn't even Redbox this pile of garbage. Would have walked out if I wasnt a weirdo about finishing movies. SO BAAAAAAAAD

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@kurtmoney Yet your initial rating stands, somehow?

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Seinfeld: 9x21 The Chronicle (1)

shout out to the other bingers forcing themselves through this

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@niquarl if you've gotten this far...

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Seinfeld: 9x18 The Frogger

"Son of Dad" !!! xD !!

So how did they keep the frogger running when they unplugged it from the socket and back to the battery??

That Walt guy had a Birthday, Left the company, Was sick - and recovered! all in the same Ep.

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@stormsm If the machine was plugged into a power strip, they could send power in the reverse direction via one of the other "holes"

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Resident Alien: 1x03 Secrets

this episode is already released. can anyone edit it in?

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@supratik The air date field is locked on tmdb, but I've submitted a report.

EDIT: I got the reply that the air date is the broadcast date, which is unrelated to online availability. Meaning 2/10 is correct.

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The Haunting of Bly Manor: 1x01 The Great Good Place

Is this called the haunting of bly Manor, that's what I'm downloading so here's hoping?

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@kingy72 You are correct, the second season is indeed named The Haunting of Bly Manor.

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Welcome to the Blumhouse: 1x01 The Lie

i Do not understand this, is it a movie ? a show ? two movies appeared on Amazon, not shows of 42 minutes. is that it ?

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@great_vc It's an anthology of films. The runtime is likely different for each film.

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Daddy's Girl

I've been trying to watch this movie. Cant seem to find a link?

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@thunder338 It's on Google Play/YouTube, iTunes, and Blockbuster—at least in Sweden.

UPDATE: Noticed that my reply was to an old shout :$

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x06 A Light Supper

Great episode, but that is not Swedish lol sounds made up.

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@singis1 it is, actually, it's just really really bad Swedish.

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Terminator: Dark Fate

We need Edward Furlong to reprise his role as John Connor if this takes place after T2: Judgement Day!

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@twiztidjuggla420 That looks to be happening, actually.

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Aziz Ansari: Right Now

This was good. Honestly, expected nothing less from him, he's really funny in Silicon Valley.

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@mjcombs Yes, I think that's the joke. Watch the special and you'll get it.

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