Andreas Stenlund



A Man Called Otto

Based on the lauded Swedish film "En man som heter Ove" (A Man Called Ove).

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Silo: 1x02 Holston's Pick

I noticed that the note Juliette found at 18:50 reads "Remember where you were the last time you saw this? I found what I was looking for," whereas the note she handed to the sheriff at 27:45 reads "Remember where you last saw this?" (and then it's cut off, being torn in half). Production error? Feels kind of sloppy for a show that otherwise has amazing production design and a very keen attention to detail.

Overall, so far I like the show! I don't remember much from the books, but the looks and atmosphere seem to have been captured incredibly well here.

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The Northman

Coincidence that Alexander Skarsgård — aka. Eric Northman — stars in this movie? I think not!

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Better Call Saul: 6x06 Axe and Grind

I so want to move in with Howard. That house!

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x09 Hide and Seek

Wow. This episode had some of the least tactical combat I've ever seen. This whole dumb guns akimbo action setting had me checking out hard.

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Moon Knight: 1x05 Asylum

I'm confused. Didn't they hint a third personality in the last couple episodes? Well, the scales are balanced now, so I guess not.

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Poker Face: 1x01 Dead Man's Hand

This was great!

The writing, acting, directing, photography, and sound design were all top notch. I'm normally not much for crime dramas, but I thoroughly enjoyed this. I liked how it required some engagement by the viewer in order to piece the story together. At the same time, the limited number of characters helps keep the story-telling concise and efficient. The story turns out to be quite simple in the end, and that's a plus in my book. Others might have tied themselves into a knot trying to be clever, creating all kinds of inconcistencies and plot holes along the way, but in this show the cleverness of the writers comes through via the characters. Very well done. And I loved the camera-work; really pretty and pretty inventive.

Oh, and is that Rian plinking away on the banjo?

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Poker Face: 1x09 Escape from Shit Mountain

Rian does it again. This episode was masterful in every way, what a ride! A lot of praise should be directed towards the writers as well. The Zuckermans were unknown to me until now, but this was some really tight writing. Suspense on this level can only be achieved when every part clicks. More of this, please.

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Community: 2x03 The Psychology of Letting Go

Keep an eye out for Abed in the background.

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Arrested Development: 3x11 Family Ties

Great episode! I liked the little bit of meta at the end as well:

-Marry me!
-It's weird on so many levels.

Weird indeed, especially considering the fact that Jason and Justine are actually siblings in real life!

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Project Almanac

Gaping plot hole: the time travellers each experience a to them linear time narrative, but somehow David sees his present self in a 10 year old home movie?! That should not have been in David's "original" history at all, since it's only AFTER seeing this home video that he travels back to that birthday party. Of course: had he not seen himself in the video, he never would have built the time machine in the first place...

There is simply no getting around the fact that a circular causality (causal nexus) like this never, ever works when the time traveller's personal timeline is linear (or immutable). The only way they could have swung it would have been by going fully mutable (as in: there is only one timeline, which everyone shares), but even then a circular causality would still be considered a paradox.

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The Man Who Fell to Earth: 1x05 Moonage Daydream

So... where did the hip flask come from? Also, that's not how Faraday cages work.

Weird show, but I'll stick with it for the remainder of the season, at least.

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Better Call Saul: 6x02 Carrot and Stick

Number of camera angles per minute are through the roof!

I like it.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 15x05 The Gang Goes to Ireland

What's up with the CG fire in the stove in that bar?

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Just saw the first episode and it's utterly terrible. Watch the BBC original instead.

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Barry: 3x02 limonada

"You have too many dogs"

I can't even :joy:

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Outer Range: 1x04 The Loss

Weird detail: The teller's process for opening an account at the bank ends with pressing "cancel" twice. What's the why of that little sprinkle, I wonder?

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Frasier: 5x03 Halloween

Fun seeing Camille Grammer as Eve in this episode.

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Frasier: 4x18 Ham Radio

My heart stopped for a moment there at the end, during the post-credit scene. Hope that very expensive Neumann mic wasn't damaged! (Looks like a U67 to my eyes.)

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Superstore: 2x20 Spring Cleaning

"What's the biggest dog you've ever seen, and why?"


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Best Mindfucks

Great list!

Triangle, mentioned by sp1ti, really deserves a place on this list, IMHO

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Prison Break: Season 5

Man, this would have been the perfect April Fools' gag! Sadly, it's not one of those... :[

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Inside No. 9: 5x05 Thinking Out Loud

Fun fact: "galen" is Swedish for "crazy"

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The Brothers Sun: 1x05 The Rolodex

I absolutely loved the product placement fakeout with the tea, hilarious! :joy:

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x02 Children of the Comet

"The odds of us surviving were... in fact quite low."

Of all people, I wouldn't have thought that Spock would be one to get this wrong. What he meant was that the likelihood was low. Anyone else would get a pass on this from me, but not Mr. Spock.

Disappointment weighs my heart tonight.

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IMDB: Top Rated TV Shows

Nice list, but you have the wrong Game of Thrones. The correct one is
Also, there are two Cosmos entries for the same show here on trakt (don't ask me why). The more popular of the two is

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Best Mindfucks

@BenFranklin, I have a couple more nominations, though I'm not a hundred percent sure they qualify as mind-fucks (someone help me here): Exam (; and The Tall Man (

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Best Mindfucks

You have Along Came a Spider on the list, why not add the two other Alex Cross movies as well: Kiss the Girls ( and Alex Cross (

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