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Omicron Persei 8

We Are Still Here

The film starts off with every haunted house cliché in the book. It's not until late in the third act that it really kicks into gear and delivers some gorey moments before reaching a fairly underwhelming climax.

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Color Out of Space

Really good telling of Colour out of Space. The director makes good decisions regarding what to show and what not to as the sense of dread is built upon with dream-like visuals that almost contrast the affect that the strange cosmic phenomenon is causing.
Decent special effects and the cast is great, Nick Cage is himself as usual and steals the show a bit, but the supporting cast really make it work.

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Clearly intended to be an uncomfortable watch throughout this film is plagued by poor acting and an even poorer script.
The protagonist never reacts in an even remotely realistic way to the events that befall her and those around her appear to be, for the most part, terrible people who can't see that their assumptions clearly don't fit the symptoms and default to judgemental at every encounter. It's impossible to really like or care about any of the characters at all.
The ending is pretty ridiculous, somewhat predictable and isn't really worth the 75 minutes of runtime you've already wasted.
(Even bigger shame that this is the first thing I've seen Charley Koonts in since Community)

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Pretty predictable plot and doesn't really suit Sean William Scott in the lead role in my opinion.
Slow building serial-killer fare that's more or less a rip-off of Dexter.

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