


Turning Red

I'm neither a girl, nor teenager or Asian and I still enjoyed it. Imagine only watching movies you identify with facepalm

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Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

Only cultist Trump supporters wouldn't find this funny. Hilarious AND it has some heart.

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Technically marvelous but I felt nothing watching this. No thrills, no suspense, nada.

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Porn for film historians and cinephiles but not much else for the average Netflix subscriber and even Fincher fans. It will frustrate and bore a lot (would love to see Netflix’s statistics on how many made it to the end).

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Sound of Freedom

One of the most shamelessly manipulative piece of propaganda that I've seen in a long time.
The characters are one dimensional and the villains so cartoon-y. Don King? C'mon... The accidental pedophile that was going to kill himself but saw the light after a message from god? LOL.
When the third act started, I thought it was going to turn into Rambo III. It was more like First Blood.
People are being overly emotional because of the subject matter. The movie itself is just not worth the hysteria.
The epilogue should be updated to add that Tim Ballard is a pervert

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South Park: Post COVID

It started really funny but the longer it went on, the less amusing it became. There's a really good 30 minutes episode here.

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The Godfather

If you don't like this, you don't like cinema. Period.
How can some people say it's slow and boring when there's always something happening?! Don't want to think what you'd call entertainment.

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The Matrix Resurrections

This is nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. Even the usual dudes that whine all the time about "wOkE" and diversity can't say sh*t.
It was too self-referential and meta in the first act but it got good once Neo was brought back.

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This is not for everyone. Most people expect a salacious Netflix-type of drama but it's more of a slow paced character study of a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I really liked it. Fantastic cinematography and musical score.

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This is an example of why you should never watch trailers or even read the synopsis of horror movies. You can't say it was predictable. Great job by this first time director.

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The Northman

It's has a simple story, easy to follow. There's action. Great actors. Technically wonderful. How did this flop? What more do you people want?!

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Ray Donovan: The Movie

Shout by The_Argentinian
BlockedParent2022-01-16T03:14:27Z— updated 2022-01-17T14:09:45Z

This was too fking depressing. Needed more humor, more levity.
Also, there's nothing cinematic about it. It's a series finale.

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Being the Ricardos

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Nicole Kidman's performance. Even Lucille's own daughter said people shouldn't look for an impersonation of her mom's TV character. And the shows scenes amount to 10% of the movie. So the complaints are stupid.
I thought Bardem is the one deserving of awards.

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The Power of the Dog

I thought it would turn into another Brokeback Mountain. Another cliché of a toxic man being gay. I'm glad the film is not that obvious. It's more subtler than that.
Of course, this being Netflix, this will be criticized for being slow and boring.

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It's rare seeing an arthouse Netflix original. This is a beautiful film and yes, the ending will be divisive. I still don't know how to feel about it.

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I'm not a Tina Turner fan but even I got emotional watching this documentary. What a legend, what an inspiration!

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Sixteen Candles

Shout by The_Argentinian
BlockedParent2020-07-16T18:00:53Z— updated 2023-09-12T21:40:18Z

Boy, this movie aged poorly.

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Not being American, military movies don't do much for me and the dog was like one of those annoying movie kids. And you could see the ending coming from a mile away. But I still liked some of the bonding scenes.

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More entertaining than Army of the Dead.

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I read so many negative reviewss that I watched it with low expectations. Ended up liking it. I understand where critics come from (the slavery movie fatigue IS real and the opening minutes are hard enough to make some people turn it off -and others take pleasure in what they see) but I disagree. This was not that different than The Hunt.

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South Park (Not Suitable for Children)

I thought it was painfully unfunny. Even though the message between the lines is a good one.

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Dirty Dancing

Some of y'all need to lighten the f.k up. Simple, yet charming. A fun movie for the summer weekend.

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Road House

I just watched it for the first time (the new 4k UHD looks AMAZING) and I had a blast. As others said, it has a lot of 80s cheese and some problematic female portrayals but I can see why it's a cult hit thanks to cable and the home video market.

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Taxi Driver

Seeing all the comments here calling it overrated and boring is depressing. I guess they come from the generation raised on Pixar, Fast and the Furious, John Wick and comic book movies.

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Red Rocket

I can see why people who are not familiar with Sean Beaker's movies would hate it. He doesn't make movies about well put together people in tidy up places. This is America too. Why would you want to watch another New York/Los Angeles movie?
The last scene was perfect. That's the American Dream :tm:, right there.

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If you watch it expecting a typical modern Hollywood horror movie, you'll be disappointed. This is arthouse horror.
Also, people get mad when a remake is the same as the original and they get mad when it's different from the original. You can't never win.

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If you are not moved by this story, check your humanity.
Some of the most natural performances I've seen on film.

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Most entertaining movie of 2021, for me. I heard of the viral Twitter thread but I never bothered to read it. So the story had me on the edge of my seat.
The cinematography is fantastic. I'm glad they didn't go with the neon, squeaky clean digital look that is so trendy in modern films.

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Only the bus scene is memorable. The rest is all generic. Having said that, the 90 minutes fly by and it's entertaining to some degree.

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The moral panic around this movie is something straight out of the 20th century. I can see why it makes people uncomfortable, though. It's supposed to! It's a good, relevant story.

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