


CSI: Vegas: 1x07 In the Blood

I had a major deja vu. I am sure I've seen some criminal show with this theme of a juvenile delinquent halfway house and a pricey horse. But I never had access to CSI vegas... So how the hell do I know the episode?!
Funny enough, I don't remember this cast. I have absolutely no recollection of any CSI member.
Could have sworn it was on criminal minds or something :thinking:

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x09 Grievous Intrigue

How many clones did they sacrifice this time? Feels so calloused every time.

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The Outfit

that was a lot of secrecy, double-crossing, lying, betrayal, was even a single word he ever uttered true? not good at lying? if that's not good, I wanna see someone who he considers good :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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SAS: Red Notice

first of all, those eye close up shots... what the hell?
second, the amount of betrayal is staggering.
third, towards the end, when Tom pursues what's her name and it gives off some odd vibes. a bit like Mr and Mrs Smith. and they Actually PAUSED? Girl, did you actually expect him to join you? of course he's going to kill you. because he can. because you made him bleed. and because you made his favourite human bleed. even if he wasn't capable of love, he likes her around for his own sake. he likes her around way more than you... delusional much, Grace?

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Reacher: 2x07 The Man Goes Through

they used to be law enforcement... but they act like a bunch of psychos :scream:

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

well, I'm only a few minutes in and I (as a German native speaker) am pleasantly surprised that the Nazis are actually speaking quite well German.

Movie Nazis usually speak with an horribly broken accent. This much effort to detail grants at least an open mind on my part.

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Mutant X: 1x03 Russian Roulette

why is Emma wearing that outfit at the end? the one from the intro. it's just so ridiculous....

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This might be the first time I am not absolutely annoyed beyond measures from Awkwafina. She plays always the same role. Vulgarly swearing sidekick.
This time it's not as annoying, not as vulgar. Maybe even a bit more range.

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Okay, that psycho of a father put the girl in his head but where did Ian get his fighting skills from, all of a sudden?? Also, who have thought, that Adriana herself would have been victim to a loop? That ending is a open... Seems that they are angling for a sequel.
Fells more like an extended pilot for a show.
As a stand alone film it feels to open, not enough closure...

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Hack My Home: 1x07 Surprise Bedroom

Well, Brooks has some space now,... but he already has to bend over to there. I wonder how that works out in 3 or 5 years for him? He probably won't bring a partner up there, I guess :thinking:

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Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

I never knew there was a sequel :sweat_smile: When prime said 2012 I was confused. I could have sworn the the ghost rider movie was older. Turns out this wasn't the movie I expect. Had no clue they made a sequel after the MCU was 3 years and 6 movies into it's stride :sweat_smile:

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Will Trent: 1x02 I'm a Pretty Observant Guy

They have a murder victim on the 8th floor, and on the 3rd floor they are already winded? God forbid they have to chase a perp on foot :see_no_evil:

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Queer Eye: 7x05 Deli Dan is a Dream Man

I have never seen anyone so .... put down like Dan. It feels like he is just going along because he doesn't want to say no. There is so little happening in his demeanor. I wonder if he is on the spectrum :thinking:

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x09 Võx

Shout by Syntis
BlockedParent2023-04-14T14:07:46Z— updated 2023-04-15T21:42:49Z

First of all people have teased the Borgs have been involved. But it still feels like season 2 is been retconned. Hope they pull it off to tidy that up in the last episode.
Second, they could've handled the whole affair better, the choice of villains feels a bit hap hazardly in this episode's light.

And Jack just seems totally unlucky. Makeing the wrong choice at every turn.

And Thirdly, I can't forgive them for killing off Shaw. The internet was teasing me with possible spin offs.

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x08 Surrender

I can't help but think, that Troi is a changeling, like a plan B or maybe even the actual Plan A all along to bring Jack to open that damn red door . :thinking:

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Game of Thrones: 7x02 Stormborn

Stannis told Jon that they had a buttload of Dragonglas on Dragonstone. But it takes a letter from Sam to bring this to Jon's attention. :person_facepalming:

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Game of Thrones: 7x01 Dragonstone

For god's sake, I was eating breakfast (porridge) when Sam did his chores. It was a near thing :nauseated_face:

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The Last of Us: 1x01 When You're Lost in the Darkness

First 20 minutes and I love the nostalgia. Backpack like back then, the cellphone, DVD, oven with the analogue clock, the Bush picture in the classroom... I even wondered, if they had used old footage for the bus drive, The scenery, whatever :sweat_smile:

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The Last Ship: 1x06 Lockdown

I don't get Quincy . Why is he stirring every thing up?

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Pretty Woman

Barney was the highlight of the movie. How he treated our girl decently even though he knew she worked a disreputable job.
And his delight every time he sees her thrive

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Spider-Man 3

I thought the guy who killed uncle Ben died when he "fell" out of the window, with Peter there to help.
I am confused....

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x08 Ribbit and Rip It

WTF? Just because a woman does online dating, searching for companionship that doesn't make her a slut. Sure I be pissed if someone had broken my trust like that and publicly embarrassed me like that. But that only makes the idiots who did the deed make look more shady

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 4x22 For the Cause

Eddington is quite the actor. Who had thought it, this tight laced, stuck up, straight as an arrow appearance was the act of the century.
To hide all this contempt for the Federation and the life he lead up until this point, requires more finesse than I would have credited him with

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Jenny's Wedding

The title says it all.Jenny's wedding. There is absolutely nothing about her bride to be, Kitty. We don't even see her parents at the wedding. Was the comment about Kitty's parents in Portland to allude that Kitty hasn't been out of the closet to her family? Or did they break with her?

My favourite is the brother. Silently suspecting and not judging.

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Game of Thrones: 2x10 Valar Morghulis

Pycell showed his not so frail nature openly to Tyrion :wink:

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Stargate Universe: 1x01 Air (1)

So, having a discussion to shut down the gate, running through half the base, blasting a caved in corridor, having everyone grab some provisions, packing a mysterious suitcase and all that is supposed to have happened within mere 6 minutes? Ambitious :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Instant Dream Home: 1x02 Schoolhouse Rock

So, the families know they've been nominated, but not that they have been chosen? I mean, the before interviews make no sense otherwise :sweat_smile:

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Banshee: 1x03 Meet the New Boss

That was extreme. He should have waited for the douche to resist arrest :rolling_eyes: so he was just another bully.
Doesn't seem healthy to work through your trauma like that. :nauseated_face:

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Magnum P.I.: 1x01 I Saw the Sun Rise

They sit in a cell as prisoners of war and have black powder and a Zippo?! Seems legit :rofl:

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I am still watching. I was reluctant to watch, because I don't like Jared Leto. But this one doesn't seem to be quite as bad as his other roles. ....
And Matt Smith I don't particularly relish either. When he was doctor who, the stories were well written, but I never warmed up to him.
And why on earth does it seem like the Batman them from the dark night plays in the background?!

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