



This is such an unbelievably feel-good anime that you just can't help but smile and cheer through every episode! The characters, the animation, the story-telling... everything about this anime is fantastic. You could go into this show knowing nothing about volleyball and after watching just a few episodes, want to pick it up yourself. It's just that good.

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Yuri!!! on Ice

Shout by SqueakyNarwhal
BlockedParent2017-01-05T12:50:09Z— updated 2017-08-16T19:41:24Z

This show is a blessing. It deals with anxiety, depression, failing and having to pick yourself back up again, and the need and want to be the best that you can be. You really feel for all of these characters and their failures and their triumphs. First anime I watched and I am forever in love. Can't wait for season 2!!

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Marvel's Jessica Jones

Finished binge watching the series and wow, what a great series it was! Very true to the original tone of the comics with some great references to the MCU and Netflix Daredevil series. Can't wait to see more of Jess in the Defenders show and hopefully in future upcoming Marvel Netflix series!

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Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2

As if it was even possible, I am now even more excited for the second season of Daredevil after watching all of Jessica Jones! Can't wait to see more of Matt, Foggy, Karen, and Claire as well as the additions of Elektra and Frank Castle! Maybe we will even see some of Jessica and Luke!

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13 Reasons Why

Honest, moving, heart-wrenching, and at times, incredibly difficult to watch-- 13 Reasons Why impacted me more than any other recently released show has. Maybe more than any other show ever has or ever will. It's not an easy watch, but I believe that everyone should give it a chance. Because it is the type of story that needs to be told.

If you are contemplating suicide, are depressed, or feeling alone, please reach out to someone.

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Scare PewDiePie

A surprisingly good time. I found myself actually laughing out loud at quite a few of the situations that Felix found himself in and and the production value was very high. If you can put aside some of the cheesier reality TV drama and set-up, and just enjoy it for what it is, it's good fun.

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Super excited for this series to start up! The comic, although a bit of a slow-burn, has been fantastic and I can't wait to see how they bring it to TV. All the previews look like panels straight out of the comic. June can't come quick enough!

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood: 1x19 Death of the Undying

Holy shit Col Mustang is a total BADASS

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 2x03 The Curse of DIO

So I was pretty disappointed at the end of last episode to find out they weren't going to have Roundabout as the ending song going forward, but holy crap now they are using Walk Like an Egyptian by the Bangles?! I thoroughly approve!!!

I really like Jotaro as the next JoJo so far as well. I'm not sure if I like him more than Joseph yet, but I really where they are going with him personality-wise. And the introduction of Stand to the power system could be really interesting-- I can't wait to see what they do with them and how they choreograph fights with them.

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 1x10 New York's JoJo

Yes!! Now that's what I am talking about!! I think this is exactly what I needed out of this anime. I already absolutely love this new JoJo and the new setting is a welcome change as well. Hopefully this show just keeps getting more bizarre!

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 3x15 Let's Go to the Manga Artist's House (2)

The backstory for Jousuke's hairstyle being the way that it is, and why he gets so upset when someone insults it, was unexpected but very welcome. It appears that Jousuke used some form of time travel in order to save his younger self and I really can't wait to find out how that came to happen-- whether it was the result of an enemy stand power, or some hidden ability that his own stand holds (similar to the way that Jotaro has the ability to stop time). Regardless, I'm excited and I also really hope that wasn't the end of Rohan. I really liked his ability.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x18 Coming of Age

I was wrong in my previous comment, this episode provides the most important contribution to the series--the Riker maneuver. Also, I really liked the small scene between Worf and Wes, and the later scene between Wes and Picard. Great writing and acting in both.

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Hunter x Hunter: 2x135 This Person x And x This Moment

When the Chimera Ant King first showed up in this show, I didn't think it a possibility that I could regard him with any emotion other than hate. I definitely did not think I would cry for his death. Any yet... Hunter x Hunter proved me wrong.

Good night, Meruem. Thank you for being an amazing, compelling, complex villain.

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Hunter x Hunter: 2x85 Light x And x Darkness

Killua: Gon... you are light. Sometimes, you shine so brightly, I must look away. But even so, is it still okay if I stay at your side?
Me: loudly cries my eyes out

I just absolutely love the bond that Killua and Gon share. Their friendship is so pure and full of love and loyalty to one another.

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Hunter x Hunter: 2x95 Grudge x And x Dread

Ahhh, Gon... it hurts me so to see you this way. After following his journey and happy-go-lucky attitude for 90+ episodes-- to see him so full of rage and resentment is really heartbreaking. I'm almost afraid to see how far he will go down the path of vengeance. I'm glad that Killua is able to be there to calm him down, but I'm not sure that when the time comes to actually fight Neferpitou, he will be able to.

And seeing Kite so broken is just terrible. I really hope there will be some way they can save him from the puppeteering, but I really doubt he will come back as his true self. Maybe if Ging actually showed up when times are looking dire for once he could help...

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x19 Heart of Glory

I feel like it was a bit of an oversight to use regular glass instead of transparent aluminum on the interiors of the ship, especially right next to the dilithium crystal chamber! OSHA would have a field day!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x14 11001001

This episode provided two of the most important contributions to the series--Riker playing the trombone and the Riker/Picard dual power walk through the Enterprise. Truly magnificent.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x13 Angel One

Riker wearing the Angel One outfit is truly a gift to mankind.

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Black Mirror: 3x01 Nosedive

Out of all of the episodes of Black Mirror that I've seen, this one seemed to have the happiest ending. Which is weird because her life is pretty much ruined as far as her score goes and who knows what happens to people who have that low of a rating, but seeing Lacie finally be able to let loose and say what she wants and just be herself was amazing. Great start to the new season!

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Game of Thrones: 7x02 Stormborn

They should just rename this season, "No one is taking Littlefinger's shit anymore." Also, I'm pretty sure Game of Thrones just ruined chicken pot pie for me forever...

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x13 AKA Smile

Claire Temple showing up was really awesome! Loved the mentions to her other 'special' friend and her interactions with Jess!

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x12 AKA Take a Bloody Number

"I hope they have free express shipping in heaven" 10/10

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 1x02 Code of the Streets

"I'm going back to Hell's Kitchen... where it's safe!"

Hahaha Turk is the best!

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Game of Thrones: 4x10 The Children

The fight between the Hound and Brienne was really hard to watch. I didn't even know who to root for; I loved both of those characters so much. And then I ended up tearing up when the Hound was dying and begging for Arya to kill him. He grew as a character and I think he really did end up wanting to protect Arya, and not just for money, and seeing him dying was heartbreaking. It will be cool to see Arya on her own. I do hope she meets up with Gendry again, wherever that boy is.

Overall though, this was a fantastic season finale!

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Game of Thrones: 4x05 First of His Name

Nooooo! Jon and Bran were so close to reuniting! :( I just want the few remaining Starks to be together, is that too much to ask? But at least we got to see a cute reunion between Jon and Ghost.

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 1x01 Moment of Truth

Great first episode! Really establishes the mood and setting for this installment of the Marvel shows on Netflix. Also, I love the idea of people selling copies of camera footage of "The Incident" on the streets. One of my favorite things about these Marvel shows is how they expand the Marvel universe on a more street level and we can see how civilians are living in a world of superheroes.

Can't wait to see how the rest of the season goes!

"I'm not for hire. But you have my word, ma'am... I've got you."

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 1x05 Just to Get a Rep

Ha! Claire Temple beating up the guy who stole her bag was awesome! Glad to see her back and kicking ass. They set some great ground work in this episode as well for future storylines for Claire and Luke. Claire becoming the Night Nurse and Luke becoming a Hero for Hire. Great stuff!

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 1x04 Step in the Arena

I agree with Izsák, this is the best episode of the season thus far! I like how they incorporated his original costume from the comics into this episode. He's right, it does look ridiculous on screen. But it's a really great moment for fans of the character! Also, the ending of this episode could provide for a really interesting story going forward since now the public knows about him and his powers.

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Twin Peaks: 1x07 Realization Time

Cooper playing back the tape and hearing Waldo the bird repeat what Laura said on the night of her death was probably one of the most chilling scenes I've ever seen in TV.

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The Legend of Korra: 4x08 Remembrances

This was just a standard recap episode and the series really could have gone without it but the part at the end with all the past villains talking on the phone together and Varrick narrating was pretty damn hilarious.

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