


Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1x12 Seeds

I am so glad Coulson told Skye about her origins instead of withholding that information from her. It's too often that shows rely on miscommunication in order to create drama and conflict and I am glad they didn't go that route because Skye for sure would have been angry at Coulson if he hid the info from her. Great episode.

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Spartacus: 1x06 Delicate Things

Oh my gods this was such an amazing and heartbreaking episode! Batiatus is not someone to be trifled with.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 8x08 Charlie Rules the World

The ending for this episode had me rolling. "Sometimes things just sort of end."

Also a great little moment in this episode between Charlie and Mac that possibly further alludes to the fact that Mac is gay and Charlie knows about it.

Charlie: "Yeah, or ugly or sick or, or male or female or whatever it is that you like."
Mac: "I hate women"
Charlie: "Yeah I-I know that you feel that way."

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Gilmore Girls: 4x11 In the Clamor and the Clangor

This was a great episode. I'm glad that we finally got more moments between Lane and her mother. Honestly though, I was kind of expecting Lane's mother to be okay with it all but maybe over time she will warm up to her daughter's activities. Great moments between Lorelai and Luke too. She almost told him but the reverend just had to ruin the moment!

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Gilmore Girls: 3x17 A Tale of Poes and Fire

Luke and Lorelei being completely platonic and talking about how they were married in Lorelei's dream and she was pregnant with their children. Yup, totally platonic. Nothing but normal friend talk in this episode of Gilmore Girls. But jokes aside, this was a really amazing episode.

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Outcast: 1x02 (I Remember) When She Loved Me

Second episode was amazing! This series continues to exceed my expectations. Patrick Fugit as Kyle is phenomenal; what a great actor.

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Preacher: 1x01 Pilot

Pretty solid first episode. Different from the comics but that's to be expected. Can't wait to see how the rest of the season goes!

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Gilmore Girls: 3x01 Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days

Noooo, why'd it have to be a dream!?

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Super excited for this series to start up! The comic, although a bit of a slow-burn, has been fantastic and I can't wait to see how they bring it to TV. All the previews look like panels straight out of the comic. June can't come quick enough!

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Scare PewDiePie

A surprisingly good time. I found myself actually laughing out loud at quite a few of the situations that Felix found himself in and and the production value was very high. If you can put aside some of the cheesier reality TV drama and set-up, and just enjoy it for what it is, it's good fun.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 2x03 New York's Finest

That fight sequence at the end of this episode was f***ing spectacular! They just keep stepping up their game!

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Marvel's Daredevil: Season 2

As if it was even possible, I am now even more excited for the second season of Daredevil after watching all of Jessica Jones! Can't wait to see more of Matt, Foggy, Karen, and Claire as well as the additions of Elektra and Frank Castle! Maybe we will even see some of Jessica and Luke!

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x13 AKA Smile

Claire Temple showing up was really awesome! Loved the mentions to her other 'special' friend and her interactions with Jess!

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Marvel's Jessica Jones

Finished binge watching the series and wow, what a great series it was! Very true to the original tone of the comics with some great references to the MCU and Netflix Daredevil series. Can't wait to see more of Jess in the Defenders show and hopefully in future upcoming Marvel Netflix series!

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 1x12 AKA Take a Bloody Number

"I hope they have free express shipping in heaven" 10/10

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