Sopherian van Ettinger


Netherland Zaandam


"The Batcave is literal perfection."
"It will be...when it becomes a kitchen."

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What is a Woman?
Five Nights at Freddy's

I know the lore so I was excited for the movie.
I've been waiting for this movie for a few years now!
Sadly enough, it is disappointing.

To start with something positive... The animatronics look incredible!
The character models of Freddy, Chica, Bonnie and Foxy look absolutely AMAZING. They are SPOT ON!
But the script, the dialogue, the acting are just mediocre.
The movie isn't scary and it all wasn't as dark as I hoped it would be.

It could have been so much better!
And after YEARS of working on this movie it's sad to see that this is the outcome...

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Shout by Sopherian van Ettinger
BlockedParent2021-01-22T13:51:55Z— updated 2021-03-14T01:38:18Z

Episode 1 was meh...
Episode 2 a little better.
Episode 3 First half mwah but then... interesting!
Episode 4 Everything is starting to make sense now and the first episodes no longer suck anymore! Everything is happening for a reason... wow! Mind blown...
Episode 5 give me more please!
Episode 7 What a rollercoaster oh my gawdddd
Episode 8 WOWWWWW!!!!! I need more!!!!
Episode 9 NOOOOO I don't want this to be the end... I need more! I want another season!!! This was AMAZING!
I loved it so much! Best thing I watched in a long long LONG Time!!! :hearts::hearts::hearts:

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The Walking Dead: 8x04 Some Guy

What a shitty episode. They could have easily helped Shiva.
Shiva didn't have to die! Dafuq...

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Peter Pan & Wendy
Before the Flood

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
We must become the change we wish to see in the world! ♥

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Dexter: New Blood

Welcome back Dexter Morgan :hearts: God I missed him so much! And Deb too omgawd I'M SO HYPED!!!!
So glad they didn't change the music either it felt so nostalgic.
This season is a dream come true. I have tears in my eyes of happiness.

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Take Care of Maya

This is such a heartbreaking story... The healthcare system failed this beautiful family, they completely destroyed them.
This story is unforgettable, it's so haunting. Wow... It left me absolutely speechless...

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The Little Mermaid
Bad Moms

This movie is pretty good! It's fun to watch. The thing that is even more fun to watch for me are the ratings.
A lot of guys rate this movie a 1 and say it's shit and not funny at all.
Don't listen to that... It's most likely just because this movie is about strong independent ladies that stop taking bullshit from their guys.

Maybe it's not the best movie in the world... But it definitely deserves way more than just a 1.

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My Name Is Earl

My name is Earl has to come back!
We deserve a good ending of the show...
Its unfair saying to be continued and then they suddenly stop the serie to make place for new ones... Earl teached us all wise lessons...
I have one for NBC too Finnish something before u start on something else... what an (*$#@!&$ so unfair...

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The Walking Dead: World Beyond

oh no.... ohhhh noooo... This is so bad!
It should be called "The bored to death"
Because that is how I felt after watching this.

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Army of the Dead

Dawn of the dead is one of my favorite zombie movies so I was really excited for this!
I'm so disappointed... A stupid story where nothing made sense! If that boss only needed that head why did the others needed to die? They could just take the money and the head! Everyone happy... And why did those 3 chicks stay in that room?! They could try to escape... It's not like they were chained or in a locked room!

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Money Heist: 1x01 Episode 1

Shout by Sopherian van Ettinger
BlockedParent2018-07-11T17:13:17Z— updated 2018-11-30T03:06:14Z

The ratings for this episode are so high and I don't understand why.
It's okai/good, but it has so many flaws that nobody seem to mention and it annoyed me so much.
That bank was so unsafe, they opened the bank safe in no time without any problems.
Where are the camera's? Not even a camera inside the safe!
The professor didn't give a sign or what so ever, why did she run outside?
They had their masks off most of the time, why? Why take any risk?
I know the hostages were blindfolded, but more could have gone wrong.

I probably take everything way too serious...

UPDATE 30-11-2018
Boy oh boy... what was I wrong when I wrote this comment.
This serie is a must watch! It will blow your mind.
I rate the entire serie a 9! It's that great.

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I haven't been so frustrated while watching a movie in ages...

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Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness

I waited months for this, I was so excited! But I guess my expectations were too high... Since sadly enough it turned out to be a bunch of meh... ! It was alright...

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I was looking forward to this movie... Sadly enough they turned it into a "White people are bad and racist, Kill all white people! Black Lives Matter!!!" movie.
Some characters are very unlikeable and the acting is often really bad.
Horrible movie and a waste of time.

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The Cloverfield Paradox

I was excited because I loved Cloverfield! But this cliche filled movie was just terrible.
Except from saying the word "Cloverfield" a few times, There is nothing "Cloverfield" about this movie.
Many unexplained plot lines... And ugh... Tam...
Everyone on the ship talks English, Tam understands English...
She must, Since they have long conversations and Schmidt doesn't translate it.
Seems like Tam refuses to talk English and speaks Chinese instead!
It annoyed me, because it just didn't make any sense.

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Choose or Die

Awesome concept but executed poorly.. It wasn't super bad, but often slow and parts don't really make sense specially around the ending.

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Halloween II

I really enjoyed the first Rob Zombie Halloween movie, But this one is pure trash!

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Cool Kids Don't Cry

Ik ben het helemaal NIET met JSmith19 eens... En ik kan niet eens begrijpen dat er iemand zo over deze film zou kunnen denken. het is een zielige film over een jong meisje in de bloei van haar leven met Leukemie... Ieder kind en zelfs volwassene zouden deze film moeten kijken. het geeft Informatie over wat de ziekte inhoud en hoe je er mee om zou kunnen gaan. dus nee... niet veel gelul en er zit veel actie en drama in de film. Zeker een aanrader!

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The Walking Dead: 8x09 Honor

This is AMC's... The Boring Dead... zzzz

This show is getting worse and worse with each episode...
But after watching it for 7/8 years it's hard to let go!
This episode was soooooo long and goddamn boring.
I can't believe there are people here commenting, giving it an 8 or even a 10.
I didn't think I would ever say this, but Fear the walking dead and The walking dead should just end it...
And NOT put both shows together.

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Black Mirror: 4x05 Metalhead

So many things that are just impossible. It didn't make any sense! Worst episode of the season.

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Is It Cake?

Fun concept! I love seeing how creative some people are...
However, the host is super annoying, it's all very awkward and some people are so over the top I can't stand it.

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If Anything Happens I Love You

This was a rollercoaster of feelings.

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a lot of action, killing, blood, naked chicks, sex, good acting!
Just how i like my horror movies.
Better than all the Halloween movies combined.

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Day of the Dead: Bloodline

Basically an obsessed, stalking, highly intelligent zombie...
It all just doesn't make sense! And the acting is pretty bad.

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The Babadook

And the award for most annoying kid goes to???? Samuel from The Babadook!
The only scary part of this movie was the amount of boredness that it brought me.
Trust me.. It was overwhelming boring and it was so incredibly bad.
Honestly i think it might doesn't even deserve a 4!

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My expectations were way too high after seeing all those 10's and 9's given to this movie.
It was decent... It has a lot of "what a coincidence!" moments, unrealistic events and reactions.
I did enjoy the last part of the movie! Still don't think its worth a 10 or 9 lol

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