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The Family Man: 1x06 Dance of Death

This was good. The fast paced sequence was completely enjoyable. I hate Moosa so much right now. He's my Ramsey Bolton of this series now.

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The Family Man: 1x05 Pariah

This is sure to he a simple masala series. Broad brush strokes make it easier to categorise as such. Field agents remain sloppy, civilians uncharacteristically help plot devices. Half done. Half more to go. Probably some good shots of Kashmir could be a saving grace.

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The Two Popes
The Disciple
Silent Waters
Mind the Malhotras: Season 1

Falls flat purely due to direction. The actors are talented enough but there are just awkward cuts, bad editing and no coherent thread throughout the episodes. Felt like a first year assignment for someone.

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Ace in the Hole
Arjun: The Warrior Prince
Drishyam 2
How I Met Your Mother: 9x14 Slapsgiving 3: Slappointment in Slapmarra

Why is Ted so miserable all the time. I am just finishing this season, I can just stand him these days. Also, what a waste of filler episodes are these. Just counting till the end?

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AK vs AK
Inside Llewyn Davis
I Lost My Body
84 Charing Cross Road
About Elly
Dark City
Bandish Bandits: 1x03 Roleplay

Second viewing now. This is apparently done by those who made the trailer. Easily the poorest episode of the series, except, Latt Ulajhi rendition by Shreeya Sondur, Tridha Choudhury. Respect to both these ladies. I wish there is more from them here.

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13 Reasons Why: 2x01 The First Polaroid

Not sure what to expect from this. The end of first season was potent. It left at a melancholy note which went with the rest of the season. This is taking a dark turn from the start. Steroids?

Both Hannah's and Clay's fathers were missing. Not sure if they will be joining?

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13 Reasons Why: 1x12 Tape 6, Side B

This was brutal. Easily the most brutal of this series and easily one of the darkest episodes I have ever seen. As the series began, I did not expect this series will go this dark, but slowly it did.

Just until a few episodes back, I remember commenting almost dismissively that her problems are more about her personality than anything else but damn the episodes after that. Things just went darker in each one. The moment Hannah gave in, something inside me died, seriously.

I hope Bryce is punished seriously for this.

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Special Correspondents
13 Reasons Why: 1x09 Tape 5, Side A

One of the best episodes till date and not for the intense scene which could be avoided. I think making you uncomfortable was the point. If that was, then they succeeded.

But I say best only for Clay's acting. what a brilliant delivery outside the police station . The right pauses, the helplessness he captured it all succinctly. He can go places.

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13 Reasons Why: 1x08 Tape 4, Side B

Shout by Sol

So at every stage, this girl just goes on trusting random folks like there is no tomorrow. Be it Zach, this magazine dude, Justin... One can't be blamed for thinking what's wrong with her.

Her first poem (which she shares with random strangers) is so personal, that it's unreal.

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13 Reasons Why: 1x07 Tape 4, Side A
13 Reasons Why: 1x03 Tape 2, Side A

Frankly, I'm as much confused as Clay right now....
American highschools are strange and kids are quite rich. I couldn't have afforded a coffee at a cafe everyday.

You'd think, I'm nitpicking, but I guess that and Clay's flabbergasted confusion are the few things comprehensible right now.

He's wondering what why is he stuck in the this set of events, I share his thoughts.

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The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
Gotham: 5x10 Legend of Dark Knight: I Am Bane

He's still not legible. They stuck to canon.

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