Jesse Brouse


Omicron Persei 8

In the Tall Grass

I'm a Stephen King fan with that being said I'm disappointed with this film. I get the plot, I get how the field works... but its bland. There's really nothing that excites you.

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The Lion King

I cant say I like this film with me being a 90s baby I strongly believe that the original shouldve been left alone or in the very least animated cartoon. For me, I didnt care to much for the realism it was just strange in nature. I doubt I will watch it again... just ehh.

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This film goes to show exactly how Deadpool is just in the comics... comedian, dumb and gruesome. It's much more hilarious than gruesome but has that slight touch of it.

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The Dark Knight

By far one of the best Batman films I've watched. Granted the Joker is definitely the spotlight of the entire film!

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In the Shadow of the Moon

I watched the film thinking it would be a great time killer, to an extent it was good but lost my interest 3/4 of the way in.

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Starts off very well and gives a deeper insight about Brightburn which helps in the long haul but there's almost little to no information about the powers that had fallen over him. Yes, I know how he got his powers and why but for those that do not... hence why I mentioned what I did.

As it goes on he gets wiser and deadlier maybe even smarter (to an extent) it just becomes more gruesome further in. But the story sorta falls short since all the main characters are killed so it leaves to question.. how exactly will, or if they will, make another film to tie up this film?

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Alita: Battle Angel

I am not big into anime, a lot of it looks and seems pointless. I made a exception for this film for a friend and it definitely has sparked my interest. The graphics... really good. The storyline... even better. I'm actually looking forward to the next installment to see what happens.

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Lots of acting errors and some mishaps but honestly it really makes the movie better. I like the Harry Potter films, especially the older ones since they seem to have a tad bit more interest to me. Not one of my favorites, this one that is, but overall something that I think the entire family can enjoy!

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Home Alone

Classic. That's all there is to it... I've watched this over and over so many times and never gets boring.

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The Irishman

While it's more along the lines of a Hoffa film, it is also focused on the Irishman as well. I do think that theres quite a bit left out, granted it is 3.5 hours long, but theres still bits missing. if your into old school mobs... this is definitely worth watching just be prepared to lose quite a bit of time.

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Angel Has Fallen

I dont see the fuss about this one, it's not good, not that great.

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Movie felt almost as a spinoff from another film (not gonna say which) but overall its decent just not my kind of film.

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Disappointing. Really had some high hope for this one but it was okay.

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Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

I'm honestly still on the fence with this one, it's interesting but it just doesn't have that feel to it like the original. Some remakes just shouldn't be made and I think that this is one of them.

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Ex Machina

Definitely a well thought out film and maybe something that could even be related to AI's future in the real world. In time that is...

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When I saw the trailer for this I was excited because for once I thought there would be a great plot... great acting... and of course aliens.

Okay so maybe I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up... the story is actually pretty good but it's the lack of action that's missing. It's more closely related to a drama than thiller. But.. it's still a good film overall...

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Kingsman: The Golden Circle

It's a good movie overall but compared to some of the others it didnt really have that education I was expecting.. well not a lot or enough anyways.

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I wouldn't say this is a waste of a film but its definitely not worth the hassle watching again. It was alright overall, but I've got more questions than answers from this film.

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Definitely a film worthy of Stephen King... if this doesn't make you jump in the night then I dont know what will.

Its exactly how Pennywise should be and more...the story is very well thought out. It is somewhat graphic... it's a horror film so that's to be expected... but its definitely more gruesome compared to the original.

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Inside Man: Most Wanted

Interesting movie but it does feel like a copycat from another film (honestly I cannot remember the name of the film I'm thinking of) but in that film they do the same thing, misdirection. (it's not swordfish)

The plan is to rob the federal reserve's gold, pre 1940s gold which would be Nazi gold, get away and hopefully succeed. I won't spoil it.

Overall.. its decent. Just to many films these days wanting to replicate another and just twist the storyline.

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Alien series have been around for awhile and this film, in my opinion, is perhaps the best one so far.

It starts off by showing that humans are traveling light years away from earth to find their creators. They believed that humans were engineered by advanced civilization and the questions they had were:

Why create humans?

Who are our creators?

Are there other worlds out there that can support complex human life?

I'm sure I am missing a few but those three are the main reasons they are doing what they're doing. Once they arrive, things seem normal at first but not for long... they find out that our creators were planning to destroy humans, while the others seemed to disagree and wanted to leave humans alone. A war broke between themselves, eventually one survived which still had the intentions to destroy earth.

Question is: why?

I'm awaiting the next film in hope it will answer that question.

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Seeing the previews really had me wanting to see this.. with me being a Sci-Fi fan... it was a must.

Definitely a disappointment. Lacked more details.. the graphics should have been so much better considering this day and age.

Overall... it's a okay film. Not a real eye catcher.

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John Wick: Chapter 2

While Chapter 1 gives us a bigger insight on what happened and why Wick does what he does, Chapter 2 really doesn't have a strong storyline. A storyline that would divide itself from the first.. it's own storyline that is. Granted it's still a great film just believe that there could've been more to the story.

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The Lion King

Another childhood classic that they just had to remake a new one and for what? I don't think there's any mishaps in the storyline since it's very well thought out. Not bad for a older film eh?

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Pokémon Detective Pikachu

Growing up Pokemon was the game of choice for most but it quickly wore off its welcome. While I may not grasp the concept of the game, I do understand films a lot better. Graphics are pretty good and the story is surprisingly really good... it's the lack of interest on my part hence its low score.

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I watched this with my daughter and it was alright, not really a film to brag about but decent. I think the fact that most of the songs are good is why so many like it.

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I'm a very big fan of Sci-Fi and space so it's no surprise that I love this film. It goes to show that we as humans need to explore the universe rather stay just on Earth. Is there other worlds out there that can support human life? There has to be... so be prepared to spend around 3 hours enjoying this film, it's worth watching more than once to fully grasp on what's happening.

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It Chapter Two

With the remake of IT Chapter 1 it was a extremely well made film, I sorta had the same expectations for Chapter 2. While the graphics are great, story is well thought out.... it seemed and felt pennywise was knocked out of it the entire time. There's not much action on Pennywise's side (just some mind tricks and a few gruesome parts) the story was heavily reliant on the kids past (which is what the original did.. ) but I did not expect it to take almost 2.5 hours for it.

It definitely could've used more time... I think it was rushed to be finished. But I'm hoping Chapter 3, will finally expose how Pennywise came to be and very indept with why.

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Avengers: Endgame

By far the best Avengers film, it ties up nearly all the loose ends. Graphics for this film is insane... even in 4K its extremely well done. Be prepared to lose at least 3 hours of your day watching this.... the ending is... well quite shocking.

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John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

So the 1st film made a lot of sense as to why he came back and did what he did. The second part was a bit more indept but it did sway from the original reason. I gotta say with this 3rd film... it helps tie up the first and second part of the films. The ending of this film wasn't a huge shock, but definitely unexpected. Worth watching again!

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