Richie M


Wales, UK


Tremendous film. If you're the type of person who gets annoyed at migrants arriving at your country in boats or over walls - you should be made to watch this film. And if you're still annoyed after watching it, chances are, you're an absolute c**t.

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Come and See

I've finally managed to watch it. A truly horrific portrayal of war. The character of Florya looks constantly mortified , and the Director used live ammunition on set and terrified him throughout filming so that must have been a factor. His transformation on screen is something to really savour, although probably not ethically sound. The sense of impending doom and dread is thrust into the viewers face. Even the noise of the planes overhead sound sinister. I'm not sure I'll be in a hurry to watch it again as it is a traumatizing experience but it's quite clear when watching it, that it is a massively important film. I saw 'The Ascent', made by the Director's wife Larisa Shepitko recently and thought that was superb, but this is a step up. It's surely one of the most harrowing, realistic tales of the brutality of war put onscreen. I haven't rated a movie as 10 out of 10 for a number of years. But this is a 10 out of 10. Unforgettable

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They Shall Not Grow Old

Superb. This was exceptional. Peter Jackson and his team painstakingly took 100 year old archive footage and somehow rendered it into HD. An absolute triumph. Very emotional to hear what the soldiers were going through. Should be compulsory viewing in schools or something. 9/10

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Sound of Metal

Fantastic film. Riz Ahmed plays a metal drummer losing his hearing. Olivia Cooke plays his girlfriend. One of the best of the year. Derek Cianfrance (Blue Valentine, The Place beyond the Pines) co wrote the script, and his fine balance of drama and tragedy shines through.

The performances are noteworthy, Ahmed giving an absolute blinder. The sound design is predictably stark given the subject. Hard to review without spoilers but the themes of rehabilitation and self destruction are evident. Marder also wrote 'The Place Beyond the Pines', so it's clear that this team are a tight-knit group who believe in each others work.

It's a film that would have been overly melodramatic and sentimental in the wrong hands, but the direction is absolutely pitch perfect, and the last 15 minutes or so had me in bits.

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The Night of the Hunter

Absolutely phenomenal film. Terrific villain performance from Robert Mitchum. Amazing that this was the only ever film directed by Charles Laughton. The battle between right and wrong, shown by how far a man will go to get what he wants, juxtaposed by the innocence of childhood. What a film.

But the cinematography..........just wow. I'd go so far as to say it's one of the best looking movies I've seen

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Bad Times at the El Royale

A film of two halves. The first hour is a very watchable tangled web of deceit, betrayal, crime and greed. It features some really impressive cinematography and a direction that is clearly inspired by the Coens and Tarantino. The (almost) single location setting works, and the air of mystery adds to the adequate performances by Jeff Bridges, Jon Hamm, Cynthia Erivo and Dakota Johnson.

The second half however is just a mess of sillyness, poor scriptwriting and "how do we end this while stretching it out long enough".

A missed opportunity.

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SciFi B Movie based on a short of the same name. The first 30 minutes whipped me up into a frenzy. The visuals and slow pace were perfect. From then on it declined a bit, mainly due to the clunky script, weak characters and use of a few tropes (tripping over a branch in a forest while being pursued etc). The third act rescued it slightly, as did the gorgeous cinematography, which must have been on a limited budget, so fair play to the film-makers for producing something so interesting looking. Sophie Thatcher was fine as the lead, and I would have liked to see more of Jay Duplass.

Overall, a fine effort, just lacking in a bit of invention.

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Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Exquisite. Beautiful. Heartbreaking. The photography is stunning. The performances are tender. The script is mesmerizing. Everything is perfect.

It's a perfect film. No other words needed.


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Superb show. Mysterious, good looking, odd but brilliant music cues. Esmail is a huge talent. Shea Whigham also proved he has the acting chops when given the material.

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Derek DelGaudio's In & of Itself

Did NOT expect to ugly cry at a magic show.

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Decent. But nothing more. There were some very funny moments - and the two leads Kaitlyn Dever and Beanie Feldstein are more than fine. But at the end of the day it was a movie that just wanted to be 'Dazed & Confused', 'Superbad', 'Edge of seventeen' and 'American Graffiti' too much. And didn't really succeed in any aspect of those movies.

Some audiences will no doubt relate to the characters - realising they should have partied more etc. But there are way too many slightly cringeworthy moments that spoil any depth.

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The Handmaiden

I don't normally comment on movies but I'll make an exception for this because it was astonishing. Chan-wook normally makes you sit up and take notice of his work and this was no exception. I think it's a masterpiece. I was open mouthed at both the beauty and the way the plot unravelled. An absolute must see. 9/10

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Never Rarely Sometimes Always

Sidney Flanigan is absolutely brilliant in this playing a troubled teen with a secret to keep. It's hyper-real at times. We can feel her pain. Some utterly heartbreaking scenes including one single take piece of quality cinema.

It's downbeat, sombre, melancholic and moody. And those are it's best qualities. The viewer is reminded of British cinema in the vein of Andrea Arnold and perhaps Cristian Mungiu's '4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days'. It's not over scripted, and it has a lovely washed out colour palette to ram home the "realness". Eliza Hittman is an extremely talented film-maker - Beach Rats was good, this is even better.


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The Third Man

It's hyped as one of the classic movies this one, and while there were some fantastic elements of noir and murder mystery, I think I have seen better. It looks lovely (I don't think I've ever seen so many Dutch angles in one film), and the performances are solid, but the middle segment of the movie slightly lost my interest a little. I can imagine it was a real eye opener back in the day though

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Blue Jay

This film made me weep like a 4 year old girl who just dropped her chocolate bar into a puddle. Mark Duplass has nailed it. He wrote it and got the brilliant Sarah Paulson to co star with him. And she delivers. Big time. Every once in a while, a movie comes along that rips your guts out. Derek Cianfrance's 'Blue Valentine' did this to me a few years back, and Blue Jay has done the same. The couples' relationship just feels so candid and exposed. It just got to me. It's not dis-similar to Richard Linklater's 'before' trilogy, although it's more of a neatly packaged powerpunch and it works. I just hope lots and lots of people get to see it.

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Well that film broke me internally. Damn you manipulative string music!!!

I made noises I didn't know I could make. Seriously though it's a must watch. The Directing here by Lukas Dhont is absolutely formidable, he has got an absolute worldy performance from young Eden Dambrine.

A very close friendship between two thirteen-year old boys Leo and Remi gets tested to the limit. It's almost unreviewable due to spoiler risks.

Cry tally : 6

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It's not often a film comes along that is worth the hype. But Hereditary is one of them. It has flaws, and some of the plot is quite derivative, but the direction, execution, visual experience and central performance from Toni Collette is where it shines. One of the most terrifying movies from the last 10 years.

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Like Father, Like Son
I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore

This is Macon Blair's directorial debut. Given he produced and starred in 'Green Room' and 'Blue Ruin' I was really keen to see what he could do.

The problem with this film is that it isn't quite sure what it wants to be. It's too funny to be a thriller, and it has to many serious elements to be a full out comedy. Therefore it ends up being a mish mash of both. It's a bit like a Ben Wheatley black comedy co-written by Edgar Wright. While that might sound appealing it just doesn't click with me because it gets it a bit wrong, especially in the final act.

I really liked Elijah Wood's character and I was totally on board with what the film was actually trying to tell me, it just didn't pull it off very well.

Blair is still one to watch though I feel. 6/10

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Werckmeister Harmonies

10 out of 10. The entire thing was just perfect. The choreography, the music, the lighting, the cinematography, the performances, the direction. I was completely spellbound. I'm 41 and I was just completely transfixed by this TV show and the young characters. The Arcade Fire montage in the finale got to me, as did the very last few shots. Incredible TV.

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Ali: Fear Eats the Soul
Leave No Trace

Thomasin Harcourt McKenzie gives a fantastic performance as a daughter who wants to move on and become independent instead of living of the fat of the land with her father. If you enjoyed The Survivalist, Captain Fantastic, Hunt for the Wilderpeople you may like this. There are a few subtle moments that reminded me of Tender Mercies too. It's a very tender film, especially how the couple interact with nature. The focus of the film is on the father daughter relationship arc, and how it changes, and this is key to the films strength as it focuses on the emotion of the strive for independence instead of the chase from the authorities. A really beautiful film. 8/10

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THX 1138

George Lucas' 1st film, his student project brought to life in feature format and his creative spark ignited with the help of Francis Ford Coppola. It's not a hugely polished plot and has a quite a mundane bunch of themes in it. But the visuals, considering it was 1971, give a glimpse into what was to come from Lucas. Robert Duvall is as good as ever

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Absolutely brilliant. One of the greatest love stories I'v ever seen in film. Still processing it really. Devastatingly real.

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Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter

Very beautiful movie. Loved it.

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Why is this so controversial? Why are people complaining? Isn't this how 11 year old girls behave?

It's a very decent debut and a well made film that has echoes of films like 'Girlhood', 'Pariah' and 'Ratcatcher'. The final shot is stunning.

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Wild Strawberries

So good to tick another Bergman off the list. Existential dread and guilt turning into sweet closure. Great stuff. 7.7/10

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A difficult film to both anaylse and rate. It is obviously inspirational to filmmakers as much of Goddard's work is, but it's also very meta, aloof and almost abstract at times. Some of the story is a film within a film within a film. So with that in mind, we are literally poking into Goddard's head to watch his own take on Greek Mythology / falling out of love / the struggles to keep art-forms relevant and the decline of culture. One segment is literally a 40 minute argument in an appartment, which was verging on repetitive and overlong. That said it's importance in cinema is clear.

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