Richie M


Wales, UK

Casino Royale

REWATCH: I don't enjoy James Bond films in general. I find them crass, predictable and outdated. But Casino Royale is something else entirely. It still has certain bits of silly dialogue and ridiculous stunts but it's also dark, touching and funny. The shower scene with Eva Green and Daniel Craig in particular is very well done.

This re-watch confirmed that it still stands up as being a totally decent film in it's own right, nevermind being easily the best James Bond franchise movie ever. I'd give Casino Royale an 8 out of 10 and all the other Bond movies would be trailing behind on 5 or 6 out of 10.

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The Stoning of Soraya M.
Night Will Fall

Extremely harrowing, massively important documentary about the liberation of the Nazi death camps at the end of World War 2. 'Lost' Footage shot by the allied army and directed by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Bernstein was finally completed by the Imperial War Museum and this gets dissected here. The scale of the atrocities arepicked apart. Also touched on is the healing process of those that survived. Not for the feint-hearted. But hugely recommended.

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In the Fade

'In the Fade' throws up a few moral dilemmas, gets your heart racing and is part revenge thriller, part courtroom drama. Diane Kruger is very believable as the grieving woman with an axe to grind. The pace is perfect and the viewing felt like half of the actual running time.

There are some rather silly subplot errors, and some moments play out like a traditional american thriller, but on the whole, just when I thought the film may veer into the 'too ridiculous' territory, it always seemed to stop and pull me back in.

At it's heart it's an 'anti-hatred' movie with a very simple message but quite well done. It's nothing original and the third act is rather blunt. But the reality is that things will come to a blunt end if hatred is allowed to continue spreading.

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More proof that Xavier Dolan is a film-maker way beyond his years. It's not quite as good as the others I've seen from him but it's still pretty amazing how a 22 year old was able to articulate a script like this and direct a film this satisfying. Monia Chokri is probably the standout of the 3 friends who become embroiled in a love triangle. The film explores themes of rejection, lust and sexuality, and the music is used to really good effect throughout.

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Evil Genius

Netflix 4 parter produced by the Duplass brothers. Very intriguing.

Absolutely nuts, but great tv. The story starts with the tale of a pizza man who robs a bank with a bomb around his neck -- and gets weirder from there.'

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Absolutely brilliant. One of the greatest love stories I'v ever seen in film. Still processing it really. Devastatingly real.

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Katalin Varga

I enjoyed Peter Strickland's 'Berberian Sound Studio' from 2012, and this film made by him 3 years earlier is just as good, if not better. It has a strange tone - almost like a 1970s Agnes Varda film, but it's set in Romania in present day. It's extremely erie in places and very beautifully shot in the Carpathian mountains about a woman with nothing left to lose out for vengeance. It also features a superb (but disturbing) monologue midway through the film from lead actress Hilda Peter.

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I've not seen many Jim Jarmusch films. Dead Man was ok but here's always something ethereal and dream like about them. Paterson is the same in that it meanders along with repetitive scenes, dialogue and features. I enjoyed the overall premise, and the notion that anyone can be a poet or an artist if they have it in them.

I felt a little frustrated though that it took 2 hours to get to this. Maybe it was because I expected the themes (Twins, black and white, waterfalls) to link up in some way. I guess that's for us to work out. Maybe it means that there is a ying to your yang if you look hard enough or that there is a perfect version of you in there somewhere if you let it out. All in all, I wasn't 100% sure what the deeper meaning of it all meant. Maybe that's my error though.

A nice dreamy movie but I'm not sure it hit the high notes 6.5/10

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I was keen to look at a couple more Kenneth Lonergan movies after enjoying 'Manchester by the Sea' so much. It's long and slow (150 mins) and half way through I did wonder where it was going, consequently it does ebb and flow.. Having said that, on reflection after completing the film it is actually a pretty interesting character driven piece that explores personality dynamics in families and guilt and closure. Anna Pacquin does an amazing turn as the awkward teen, if a little hystrionic at times, and it's far more than a coming of age story.

Jeannie Berlin is also very good as Emily the deceased's friend, although is only marginally more neurotic than the rest of the characters.

I will say that it has one of the most powerfully beautiful endings I've seen in a long time. Lonergan sure knows how to captivate an audience.

I stuck with it and it delivered. 8/10

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Other People

This is a movie that deals with alot of common themes; family life, difficult news, dealing with sexuality, life and death. And it does them quite well. Jesse Plemmons is rather good as the main character, and Molly Shannon is excellent as the mum. It was very funny in 2 or 3 places but the constant product placement got on my nerves - maybe that's how the movie was financed, but every 5 minutes there was a mention of pepsi, jc penney or applebee's etc It will not break any cinematic moulds but is ok for a gentle nights movie viewing.

6.9 cup cakes out of 10.

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The French Connection

A classic. I really liked this. It felt very real, as if I was taking a tour of New York City with some cops. And some of the shots were lovely to look at. There were flaws, the biggest one was the scene in the underground car park where Roy Scheider's character literally bumps into the criminal Sal Bocca and exchanges words - I thought at the time Scheider was a dirty cop. That scene was a bit muddled. But the rest of it, wow it was brilliantly edited and acted. Gene Hackman is a bona fide hollywood legend.

The way Freakdin creates a mystery within a mystery is also great. He leaves us with little tantalysing images of French advertsiments, French logos, and the "word connection" etc I expect he was having fun with us, but I enjoyed his shennanigans.

All in all a really enjoyable cops and robbers turn with little Hollywood sentimentalism or cliches to be seen.


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American History X
Under the Shadow

I'd heard great things about this, with some movie critics even calling it the best film of 2016. It wasn't. Don't get me wrong it's not a bad film. It is very well made and the two female leads are extremely convincing. Where I had trouble was:

"slight" spoilers below
-The sheer amount of metaphors for terror/oppression that we are getting. The missile, the crack in the roof, the book, the garage door, her dead mother, the husband, the doll, the djinn ghost, the mute kid, the door slamming, the tape on the windows, the locked drawer etc etc etc

They all jumble up in to one big metaphor of oppression and terror that she experiences. Which is fine but it was just too overbearing.

Maybe I over-analysed this movie in looking for one single thing that was driving her to have a breakdown, when it was all of the things she was experiencing in her life. I'm not sure, but it just felt muddled and I felt that Babadook was a better movie of this kind of subject. Disappointed 6/10

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Meek's Cutoff

I had high expectations of this movie, namely because Kelly Reichardt is a Director that comes with alot of recommendations. It's a Western at heart and follows the decision makings of 3 families and the guide that's taking them to safety through the Oregon desert. It looks lovely, it sounds lovely and Michelle Williams, Paul Dano and Bruce Greenwood give superb performances. I enjoyed the sparse dialogue. But there was something that just didn't click with me. I don't mind the non-closure. I don't mind the minimalistic feel and slow pace, but I do feel that there was just a little bit of substance missing. The isolation, the xenophobia, the hardship, the fear of these times was captured beautifully. There was just not enough of it.

Unfortunately the movie didn't really live up to my expectations, I guess they were a bit high, but that won't stop me checking out more of Reichardt's films. 6.5/10

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The Double
Frances Ha

Noah Baumbach's neat little film about growing up in New York is quaint and quirky. I can understand why someone would think it's a bit of second rate Woody Allen rip off, but I just took it for what it was and really enjoyed it. Greta Gerwig is great as the lead, and the goofyness or aloofness just adds to her character rather than detract. Some characters are spoilt, some are unlikeably care free, some are pious and pretentious. But then that's what some people are like.

If I was to be hyper critical I'd say that the third act just announces itself rate abruptly on our laps, and could have done with a few more scenes to bed in, especially given the movies' short running time. But that' a minor quibble. Baumbach's films continue to entertain me.

I found it charming, quirky, unusual, endearing, amusing and interesting. As I was watching I was thinking to myself "I bet this film got loads of hate" and I still think that. But there's always the next Mission Impossible round the corner for the haters. I enjoyed it.

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Like Father, Like Son
American Honey

Andrea Arnold is an oscar winning director, she's no spring chicken and knows her way around. Maybe that's a factor when considering that the performances in this movie are nothing short of incredible. Loads of first timers. Loads of inexperienced kids. How she has got these performances out of this cast is nothing short of mesmerising.

The movie is long, lets be honest. But it is very rewarding and is a very accomplished way of exploring society's values and attitudes towards youngsters, poverty, opportunities etc. I found large similarities between this and her short 'wasp'. Which is no bad thing. The film also looks amazing.

I'd probably find a place for this in my top 10 of 2016.


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I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore

This is Macon Blair's directorial debut. Given he produced and starred in 'Green Room' and 'Blue Ruin' I was really keen to see what he could do.

The problem with this film is that it isn't quite sure what it wants to be. It's too funny to be a thriller, and it has to many serious elements to be a full out comedy. Therefore it ends up being a mish mash of both. It's a bit like a Ben Wheatley black comedy co-written by Edgar Wright. While that might sound appealing it just doesn't click with me because it gets it a bit wrong, especially in the final act.

I really liked Elijah Wood's character and I was totally on board with what the film was actually trying to tell me, it just didn't pull it off very well.

Blair is still one to watch though I feel. 6/10

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In Order of Disappearance

Hans Petter Moland's dark thriller delivers despite having a less than original premise. Man seeks vengeance after death of son. It must be difficult to get a film like this just right because revenge capers have been done so many times. But this film just about manages it, mainly due to the script, it's interesting enough to keep us switched on amongst the cold blooded actions on screen. Stellan Skarsgård and Bruno Ganz also give us more than adequate performances. There are elements that reminded me of Fargo, Snatch and others, and the way in which we see the 'order of disappearance' is quite novel, especially the very end sequence.

There are moments of dark comedy that intermingle with the beautiful landscape photography. All in all it's not going to tear up any trees but there is enough here to result in a decent 2 hours of film watching. 7/10

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Joe's Violin

Quite a touching documentary, although felt very forced / choreographed at times, especially when the girl meets Joe. Worth watching.

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4.1 Miles

A harrowing, heartbreaking, disturbing 22 minute short focusing on the captain of the coastguard ship on a Greek Island who gets continually called out to save the lives of thousands of Syrian and Afghan Migrants coming across from Turkey on poorly constructed vessels. There is little closure here. It's just a slice of life type short on the continuing humanitarian scandal we occasionally get to hear about.

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A must see. Simply the best heist movie of all time.

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Blue Jay

This film made me weep like a 4 year old girl who just dropped her chocolate bar into a puddle. Mark Duplass has nailed it. He wrote it and got the brilliant Sarah Paulson to co star with him. And she delivers. Big time. Every once in a while, a movie comes along that rips your guts out. Derek Cianfrance's 'Blue Valentine' did this to me a few years back, and Blue Jay has done the same. The couples' relationship just feels so candid and exposed. It just got to me. It's not dis-similar to Richard Linklater's 'before' trilogy, although it's more of a neatly packaged powerpunch and it works. I just hope lots and lots of people get to see it.

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The Handmaiden

I don't normally comment on movies but I'll make an exception for this because it was astonishing. Chan-wook normally makes you sit up and take notice of his work and this was no exception. I think it's a masterpiece. I was open mouthed at both the beauty and the way the plot unravelled. An absolute must see. 9/10

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Mind. Blown.

One of the greatest movies I have ever seen. Villeneuve is a god like genius. This is a must watch for anybody who, well anybody who wants to see one of the greatest masterpieces of modern cinema.

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Kumiko, the Treasure Hunter

Very beautiful movie. Loved it.

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