

Omicron Persei 8


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.


My favorite TV shows and movies.


The films that left my mind fucked. Good or bad (mostly good, I like a good mind fuck). Lots of open endings, phylosofical space and wtf moments. Pretty complex as well at times. And sometimes not at all, what you see is what you get but it just wasn't what you were expecting AT ALL.


Personal nostalgia.


Films that left me creeped the fuck out. Mostly sci-fi, horror and thriller. I'm mostly creeped out by aliens though.


The films I couldn't sit through. The ones I couldn't even finish. That had me complaining, feeling annoyed or just simply thinking LET THIS END! Including some you can use when you have sleeping problems.


Anything animated after 2000. If it was good enough it end ups here. If it was unwatchable then it'll end up in the never to be watched again list. Different list for pre 2000.


These films are the right kind of stupid for me. Guess it's just the humour I appreciate. So that's just personal I guess.


The bar for horror and thrillers is fairly low as it is (imo). Themes are overused. Just hack and slash isn't what I find entertaining. I love a good plot twist. Some films on this list have a plot twist, but not in the spectacular way I prefer them. Some of these are just too classic too discard and some of these are sort of decent. And some of these are just plain bad. The real good stuff (according to me) is in different (and more specific) lists.


Pretty or very well known films that I personally loved. Mixed genre.


Anything that is sci-fi and enjoyable. The range is pretty wide (upbeat, dark, mysterious, simple, you name it).


No specific genre. Just films that to me didn't stand out one way or another. They're watachble but I may fall asleep if I had to watch any of these again. No hate or love from me.


For me that is defined by the story writing, sceneries and props, atmosphere and of course the acting. I love a little extra thinking, but sometimes not even necessary. And don't OVER complicate it imo (tends to just become a mess).


Films that I loved at any and all points in my life. Maybe some of it is nostalgia by now but I can easily watch any of these over and over again. No specific genre.


Films that left pretty much zero impression. Like for real can't remember the story or characters mostly.


Being quite liberal with the word "action" here. Not necessarily all straightforward action films but it's the aspect I found most prominent in these.


Films I wasn't able to enjoy much. Too much or too little going on. Bad acting, bad writing, bad surroundings...Not necessarily all in one film but for sure too much of it. Brain just sat through it with nothing going on inside.


The most cheesy and predictable films that are still very enjoyable for when I wanna put my brain on 0%. Nothing is spectacular but everything is low key enjoyable.


Kind of a weird mix of real life and fantasy. And it usually ends up with kind of a twist. Enjoyable in my opinion, but don't expect anything life changing.


Pretty much anything that isn't set in the world as we know it, has strange creatures and characters, weird modes of transportation, mythical weapons and magic. Nothing on epic scale imo, but definitely still enjoyable!


Films that seem to be telling a pretty run of the mill story. Non of this couldn't ever happen. Some of this happens way too often. And hopefully this shit only happens once. I enjoy these every now and then. Phylosofical.


Kind of real life shit but in like the worst and vile ways possible. These films made me feel like shit in some way. So if you want to watch something that is gonna rot your soul, these are it imo.


Wide range of thrillers (these thrilled me, I was thrilled). So, yeah, job well done on these films.


Super weird, kind of cringe (or a lot), many wtfs but still I enjoyed these. But I wouldn't soon watch them again...Mixed feelings that slightly tip towards the positive.


The end of the world as we know it! In one way or another. These films I found enjoyable. Nothing life changing but a good watch.


Films that just left me with big WTF letters over my head. Wtf did I just watch? Wtf did they turn this into? Wtf happened? Wtf is the point of this? And so on...


Anything animated pre 2000.


For when I at least want to be SOMEWHAT scared or creeped out. Wouldn't call any of these masterpieces, but they're definitely quite good imo. Looking at originality, storytelling, atmosphere and acting.


Films that made me wonder "what if this shit was real?".


I don't watch much of this but still needed. Just drama as in, yo, life is hard. Not drama as in omg this bitch slept with ma man and now ima ruin her hairdressing appointments for the next five years.


When the adventure brings some fictional aspects to enjoy.


Films with monsters!


All the follow-up films that just didn't live up to expectations, left me with a feeling that it was just unfortunate because it could have been so much better and/or were just plain BAD.


Just everything that wows me that is completely made up and magical!


Couldn't quite put my finger on the genre of these films but found them enjoyable nonetheless.
