

Omicron Persei 8

The Witcher: 2x02 Kaer Morhen

Kaer Morhen is so beautiful. :sob: Also Vesemir looks way younger and thinner than in the game. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: We're slowly coming into timeline regions that gifted us with hundreds of hours of beauty and joy in The Witcher 3. Can't wait to see more. Also Henry Cavill is the best cast they could have ever found for Geralt's role, this feels so real, he looks exactly like in the game, just a bit younger. Also the ending shot of Kaer Morhen, even with the pillars Ciri was training on blindfolded in the tutorial part of the game. :sob: I might tear up at some point if this continues to be executed this well, just because of remembering the beautiful times I had in the game. I'm glad they didn't butcher this series. Looking forward to the rest of this season!

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Alice in Borderland: 2x08 Episode 8

I think this episode made up for everything negative this season had to offer with bad decisions and writing. The scenes with Mira were mind-blowing and I'm not fully sure where to place those and who she was in the end. So both seasons happened during the one single minute those victim's hearts weren't beating anymore and everyone, who died in the Borderland didn't survive the meteor impact (so basically couldn't be revived in the real world and died "in-game" when they were declared dead in the real world)? I'm satisfied with this ending even though it's sad that noone can really remember each other which makes sense though because it happened in everyone's own head (but still they were in the same place :thinking:). Now give us a spin-off where they all become friends in the real world. :heart_eyes:

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Alice in Borderland: 2x02 Episode 2

Interesting game. The only downside for me was, despite the arena being so extremely huge, they return to their own bases within a few minutes and find all items even though that arena probably has 20,000+ containers. And everything within 2 hours. I still think the first season was better thought out – there are way too many scenes this season that just doesn't make any sense and we're only 2 episodes in. :thinking:

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Steins;Gate: 1x24 Achievement Point

This was truely amazing. Pretty touching anime with many moments of despair and also joy, a lot of ups and downs, fantastic characters and a well thought out plot. And of course the beautiful ending. 10/10 would (and will) watch again. Thank you for this masterpiece. It was a true pleasure.

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Alice in Borderland: 2x06 Episode 6

This King of Diamonds was probably my favorite game so far. Also interesting that Chishiya was a doctor in the real world.

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Alice in Borderland: 2x03 Episode 3

RIP Tatta, RIP Kyuma. And the amount of dumb scenes adds up again.. How is still an old woman alive for the Jack of Hearts game and a bunch of others who seem like they're scared of their own shadows? By now only the strongest players should be left, yet we get the biggest scaredy cats we had in 13 episodes. :expressionless: The game itself is fun though!

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Lost in Space: 3x05 Stuck

Debbie is probably my favorite character in this series. No shittalking or randomly doing extremely dumb stuff like all other characters, just running around, eating yummy space worms and cuddling with daddy. :chicken:

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Star Trek: Picard: 3x09 Võx

I'm not crying, you are. :sob:

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Alice in Borderland: 2x01 Episode 1

Dude is the King of Clubs and kills people precisely from hundreds of meters away and then fails to kill anyone while chasing them in a car while demolishing whole cars that are between the main casts car and himself. And of course the main cast's car survives a whole frontal crash at 70+ km/h with a perfect landing on the hood.. With 2 scratches on Ann and nothing else. :neutral_face: I remember season 1 being smarter than this even though it's been a while since I watched it, hope this season is not a complete fail. I understand that the main cast has to survive somehow but that was just dumb and could have been delivered in a tiny bit more realistic and enjoyable way.

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Alice in Borderland: Season 2

This season started of with a lot of questionable moments and decisions but the ending made up for all of it (at least for me). I want a spin-off, where they all become friends. :sweat_smile:

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x07 Dark Page

Normally the episodes with Lwaxana are kinda funny, this one was sad. :( Actually the first Star Trek episode I shed a little tear.

And the guy was creepy, I‘ll have nightmares of him, staring at me with that face, trying to penetrate my brain.... Uuah. :D

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 7x05 Gambit (2)

That ending was funny haha :D

Pretty good double episode and I loved the dialog between Data and Worf. It showed once again that there is the one side with the rules and stuff but on the other side they are all pretty good friends. And it always brings a smile onto my face when Data talks about friendship. :)

Only 21 episodes left. I‘ll miss the crew of TNG. I hope I‘ll like the ones from DS9, VOY and ENT too (as mentioned in earlier comments, I‘m a first time watcher, so it‘ll be exciting to get to know them :)).

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Steins;Gate: 1x23 Open the Steins Gate

This.. anime.. is.. insane.. Wow..

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Steins;Gate: 1x22 Being Meltdown

This was, by far, the saddest episode, especially because Kurisu came back to the lab the moment Rintaro switched to the beta world line. It broke my heart. :( I wonder what episodes 23 and 24 are there for.. I might have a clue, but let‘s see..

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Wednesday: 1x07 If You Don’t Woe Me by Now

WHY AM I CRYING OVER A DEAD HAND???????? :see_no_evil::sob: Also FU Tyler. Still a cute scene. And the date in the tomb lmao, worked for me. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Glad Enid is back, Wednesday and her are just perfect for each other.

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Big Mouth: 5x08 A Very Big Mouth Christmas

This was the best episode of the season! Let me tell you the story of Vader Johan.. :rofl:

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: 1x26 Take Care of Yourself.

Wow, the last episode and first half of this episode were really exhausting because I didn't expect such deep and psychological moments in the series finale but it definitely fit in well. The alternative reality Shinji imagined was a fun part to pull you out of that exhausting part and him finally realising that he can't really change who he is and finally starting to love himself was a quite good ending to the whole story. This whole anime was very different and I'm glad I watched it.

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The X-Files: 1x13 Beyond the Sea

One of the best episodes in the first season and even the entire series. Brad Dourif did an EXCELLENT job, perfect execution in every single scene, paired with the struggles Dana experiences. She is starting to believe. :)

Fantastic episode!

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Star Trek: 2x11 Friday's Child

Oochy Woochy Coochy Coo, Oochy Woochy Coochy Coo! :)

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Itaewon Class: 1x04 Episode 4

Oh god, I love Yiseo! :heart_eyes: I didn't expect much from the drama, just started watching it because it got recommended to me many times. I'm glad I finally started watching it, this is really enjoyable. The character developments are interesting, I'm really looking forward to see how everything will go on in the remaining 12 episodes! I was already hyped after the great first episode but slowly things are starting to get really exciting!

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My Name: 1x01 Episode 1

Starts off pretty promising. I mean it's kinda a classic story (girl wants revenge for the death of her dad and becomes a killer) but so far the execution is really good. If it wasn't 10:30 pm here already, I'd probably binge this in one go (it's only 8 episodes) but I guess I have to take a break for some sleep later. :sweat_smile:

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The X-Files: 8x19 Alone

Shout by SinanOnline

Pretty good episode and although it's not related to the plot, I loved the ending scene with Mulder and Scully arguing over if it was a UFO in the first film or not. Hehe

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The X-Files: 3x21 Avatar

Skinner is such a likeable character, it's sad to see him in this situation.

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The X-Files: 1x01 Pilot

Ooooh god, how I love this series. I don't think I ever finished it, so it's about time. Starting from the beginning, 25/26 years after it aired for the first time. And what a beginning it is! One of the most iconic duos in TV history, pure joy to watch their development throughout the series.

I was 8 years old back than when the synchronised version was released in Germany in 1994. I was allowed to watch it on TV although it was advised for viewers over 16. Still thankful for that. I'm so hyped to watch it again now..! Brilliant start to a brilliant series.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x23 I, Borg

Wonderful episode. Seeing Hugh developing an identity is interesting and I hoped that he would have chosen staying on the Enterprise. But somehow it's a wonderful thought that he went back to kinda "protect" the crew of the Enterprise from the Borg. He became a bit of an empathic human. Seeing him turning his head to Geordi the moment he beamed up to the Borg ship leaves the good feeling that he seems to remember what happend. I don't think that the Borg will turn into feeling creatures like Picard imagined but maybe we will come back to this episode sometime in the future – mentioning again, I'm a first time watcher and don't know much about the upcoming story, so I still can hope. :) 10/10

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 5x02 Darmok

Wow. Wouldn't have thought that the episode would rise up THAT much. Truely a wonderful episode. Started a bit annoying because of the strongly limited language of the Tamarians – hard to imagine that you can reach such a technology level with that limited use of words. But it got better once Picard started to understand what Dathon wanted to tell him all the time. You could really hear the desperation in Picards voice the moment the Enterprise tried to beam him up. Really nice and touching!

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 4x25 In Theory

It's kinda sad to see Data's clumsiness in this episode. He tries so hard. :(
He is such a likeable character, I sometimes feel really sorry for him. Brent Spiner is playing his role perfectly, as usual.

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The X-Files: 8x12 Medusa

Damn, seeing Kelso in this as an annoying piece of whatever was really irritating.

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Thor: Ragnarok

Holy shit, why was this so funny?! :D :D :D I really love comedy, laughing can save anyone from the most negative feelings but sometimes I have a feeling that the Marvel movies go a bit too far with that. Every single Marvel is funnier than the one before. I wonder where that will lead to.

Seeing a speaking and laughing Hulk made my day hahaha and Cate Blanchett fits perfectly into the role of Hela, very good choice! And Korg was hilarious, I mean wtf. :D Aaand good to see Loki again, more or less ignoring the tesseract to save everyone, but his little sneak to the tesseract was priceless!

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The X-Files: 3x02 Paper Clip (3)

This triple episode.. I don‘t know what to say. So much happened in those three episodes, so many twists, so much important information we waited for so long.

And it‘s such a fucking good feeling to see the Smoking Man, who always seemed tough and strong, in the way he was presented. A little fish who is smaller than he thinks he is. And Skinner.. Oh Baby. I love the role of Skinner so much and Mitch Pileggi is playing that role flawlessly. God I love this show.

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