Arelis Guerrero


Omicron Persei 8

The Circle

Season 5 contestants are so annoying :rolling_eyes:.. can not deal with all the screams and fakeness. Overall, this is a background noise show I don't take too seriously, but still, they manage to get on my nerves :sweat_smile:

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Black Mirror

From being one of my favorite shows of all time to a steady decline after Netflix took over it. This past season is beyond bad, in the sense that is no black mirror but a different show altogether. Such a letdown..

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Black Mirror: 6x04 Mazey Day

Probably the worst episode of Black Mirror, and definitely the worst season. It's like they are writing for a complete different show.

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The Flash: 9x13 A New World (4)

I rolled my eyes so many times during this finale, not even sure who wrote this mess, full of cliché and nonsense... at least out of its misery and finally over.

Even thou this finale was sub-par, I enjoyed the flash over the years and glad we got closure.

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Poker Face: 1x02 The Night Shift

The first 20 minutes or so of this episode were great.. felt like a different show all the sudden, and I got really invested on the drama and suspense.. it was also a nice transition and more uplifting and funny vibe afterwards. Good episode overall.

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Locke & Key: 2x07 Best Laid Plans

There is just so much stupidity :pensive:

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Survivor: 16x06 It Hit Everyone Pretty Hard!

Wow Eliza wished that on Jonathan #witch

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Dispatches from Elsewhere: 1x10 The Boy

I believed this show had so much potential at the was weird and mysterious.. then after the Clara episode everything has been downhill to the point that the finale is nonsense, is in-your-face, and over-the-top summary of a mystery that was never there with a pointless self introspection, without any real grow, and a 'we' message...that is just pointless. So sad when a show that could have been good is just a massive waste of time. I'm not even sure what is the point of it all and how this could be produced on the first place. I'm just glad is over for once.

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Love is Blind: 1x01 Is Love Blind?

4 days later and you are in love :joy:..this is insane.

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Locke & Key: 1x06 The Black Door

One thing is having no fear another one is being completely reckless, dumb, selfish, and annoying. Like if you have no fear why not go alone into the cave... nonsense drama.

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Omniscient: 1x06 Don't forget that I'll keep my eyes on you

Predictable at best... I think it was extremly obvious what was going on.

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How to Get Away with Murder: 6x06 Family Sucks

Welll I think Analise is not actually dead.. they just faked it so she can escape and start over with the new passports.. and all the murder scenes is about some other dead body.. like Nate or Laurel. Too early to tell...let's see how the story evolves...

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The Flash: 6x01 Into The Void

Solid start! Looking forward for the rest of the season. The only downfall is Iris magically being able to stand on her feet during a black hole ..and somehow a man twice as big as her being suck into it... and she helping him which is nonsense. Besides that great episode...I really want to see Killer Frost in the real world.

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Cable Girls: 4x08 Chapter 32: Luck

Angeles super long goodbye scene is beyond absurd. Just carry her and get the f. out! Really ruin the mood.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

That ending was so disappointing, I cannot even describe with words the letdown. I'm just happy is over, and we got at least closure. Time to move on to other shows, and forget this season ever happen.

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The Flash: 5x22 Legacy

It was an emotional season finale, I'm sad to have sherloque and vibe gone, but I'm glad the whole cicada plot is finally over and we got reverse flash back. And so thrilled that the whole schway nonsense with Nora is over, it was just too over the top, repetitive and annoying lately. That final clip was also promising. Looking forward for next season of Flash Vs Reverse Flash..and to finally know how the Flash disappears! 8/10

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Westworld: 2x10 The Passenger

Have you ever question the nature of your reality? #fidelity

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Game of Thrones: 8x04 The Last of the Starks

#Missandei + Rhaegar = Dracarys !! #lightThemUp #theFinalWar

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

This episode is a masterpiece, perfect combination of tension, action and drama. The final was epic.. I didn't even blink for most of the episode. Just an amazing battle.. now is time for Cersei to die hopefully by the kingslayer hand.

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Game of Thrones: 8x02 A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

The calm before the storm. Love everyone development at what is seems to be the last day of their live. The moment of Sir Brienne was pretty emotional, kingslayer has grown so much. I think we going to have another mad 'queen' with Dany after that confesion. I'm looking forward to the dead dragon vs alive dragons fight on the battle field. I'm also wondering what's Cersei plotting on Kings Landing. Is going to be hard waiting for next week.

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Game of Thrones: 8x01 Winterfell

"I always had blue eyes" #genius :joy::joy:

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The Magicians: 4x12 The Secret Sea

-"Tell me do I have a name?"
-"Why would you need one?"
-"Starbucks mostly" :sweat_smile:

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The Magicians: 4x11 The 4-1-1

Yep, it's shark week! You can thank my uterus later! #brilliant

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Predictably and a little slow.. besides that is an okay movie 6/10

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The Magicians: 4x10 All That Hard, Glossy Armor

"I'm a king.. not a goddamn princess!" #allHailKingMargo

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The Magicians: 4x09 The Serpent

Shout by Arelis Guerrero
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-03-21T05:07:38Z— updated 2019-04-05T02:00:15Z

King Fen?... come on'... the only good thing is seeing Margo licking a lizard in the preview... hopefully we'll get Margo back in the throne soon!

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The Magicians: 4x04 Marry, F..., Kill

I saved your life bitch!

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The Gateway

it was a fair movie.. could have been better without the last 2 minutes of the movie

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Night School

Movie is pretty predictable, jokes are expected, have some laughs moments. Positive theme for 2nd chances in life, is just an okay movie if you don't have high expectations. 6/10

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Absolutely Anything

Its like a bad adaptation of Bruce Almighty, with the religion focus exchange for alien forces. I was not terrible, but could have been better. 5/10

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