


The Walking Dead: 6x04 Here's Not Here

This episode would've worked so much better as 6.03 instead of 6.04!!
An amazing episode, with great character development, not only for Morgan, but also for Eastman (in only on episode). Kudos to the writers in getting Eastman as a Forensic Psychologist who had gone through trauma himself... and the perfect thing was that he did indeed get his revenge, and showed that it didn't fulfill him and gave him peace... showing that vengeance wasn't worth it, and getting him to actually relate to Morgan.
It was perfect to show how Morgan went from the nutty guy we saw in Clear and the zen guy we get now. But after such a fast paced episode and with such cliffhangers, this episode broke the rhythm and was sort of disappointing for us who were still high waiting for continuity of 6.03

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Hannibal: 1x01 Apéritif

After a long time and lots of recommendations, I finally started watching it, and boy this first episode was AMAZING

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The Walking Dead: 6x06 Always Accountable
The X-Files: 1x03 Squeeze

Creepy mutant!!
I like the friendship between Mulder and Scully that even though she is not a full believer, at least she doesn't treat Mulder like a nutcase.

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The Walking Dead: 6x02 JSS
Sense8: 2x03 Obligate Mutualisms

The jail scene was incredible! I'm happy that Sun is finally out of the prison.
Amazing ending!

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Sense8: 2x02 Who Am I?

The ending was AMAZING! Really helped to set up the tone of the season.

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Stranger Things: 1x04 Chapter Four: The Body

Really really good!
I mean I love Joyce for not giving up on Will even though everybody tags her as crazy.
And I also adore the fact that Hopper is not an idiot that settles for the easy answer and he is investigating things on his own.
I think from now on things will be even more interesting with Jonathan and Nancy working together, and also the kids, Hopper and Joyce all trying to figure out what is going on.

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The Walking Dead: 6x05 Now
Sense8: 1x03 Smart Money Is on the Skinny Bitch

I really like Capheus! He is such a happy/positive guy and he loves his mom so much. I felt really sorry when he got robbed, and YAY that Sun helped him kick those guys ass!!
Sun is freaking AMAZING!!
Amanita really loves Nomi! I loved that she is trying everything she can to save her.

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Timeless: 1x16 The Red Scare

Interesting season finale. Made sense that Lucy's mother was part of the Rittenhouse as surprising as it was for me. And I like that Mason was playing for the long run, he may have been shady, but things aren't always black/white when dealing with things, so he'll be an interesting addition to the team.
Curious about what is going on with Jiya.

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Designated Survivor: 1x03 The Confession

I liked this episode. It shows how Kirkman is learning that politics is a dirty game and he knows he'll have to change some tactics to manage to continue there. I really like that he picked Aaron to be his Chief Of Staff, even though he is shady, I kind of like him.
The family plot kinds of bore me, happy that his personal life is more on the background because I don't really care about his teenage son's drama.

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The Magicians: 1x06 Impractical Applications

Cool episode!
I loved seeing the Brakebills' students participating in the trials, and it was even better because they had to work together.
The ending was a bit WTF… curious to see what the hell happened.
Julia's storyline is still boring

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Preacher: 1x05 South Will Rise Again

The angels are hilarious!! Practicing and rehearsing what to say when they pick up the phone was the highlight of the episode.
The Preacher really was abusing his powers... I'm curious to find out exactly what he has inside of him. It was clear that his commands initially seem very good, but they have an after effect that is catastrophic.
Poor Eugene... I wanna know what happened to him, but I really feel sorry for all the bully and hate he gets. And to hear his father saying that he should just finish the job was heartbreaking
I think i would like a friendship between Tulip and Cassidy... but the sex thing... nah

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The X-Files: 1x11 Eve

Ohh so interesting. Whenever there are kids involved in suspense like that, it's very creepy

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The X-Files: 1x01 Pilot

Nostalgic glow... This was the very first TV Show I watched.
Good episode with a cool plot and I don't even need to say that both leads have unbelievable chemistry!

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Grey's Anatomy: 12x01 Sledgehammer

Amazing soundtrack... and the story of the patients, handling the prejudice of being gay as well as the bullying (including more background on Pierce and Karev) was heartbreaking.

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Teen Wolf: 5x09 Lies of Omission

The season started off interesting, but the stalling to get anywhere in SL is just plain boring, I mean, it has been what, three episodes where nothing gets solved and we just get stuck with whining from the characters?!. Also, as far as I'm concerned, Theo, Hayden and Lian can all die or go away forever, they are annoying as hell.
And Scott is an idiotic jerk for believing Theo like that and not even give Stiles a chance to tell his side of the story.

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I like the idea of the show, but the writers need to do better research (I'm looking at you, Brazil storyline), and some of the actors need to step up their game a bit.

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Sense8: 2x08 All I Want Right Now Is One More Bullet

Lito was hilarious even though I really do feel sorry for him.
The cluster fighting was AMAZING. It might have been the best scene of the show till now.

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Sense8: 2x05 Fear Never Fixed Anything

The use of the song What's Up again was perfect!
I'm happy that they're going to start fighting on different terms now.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x05 World on Fire

A really good episode! The ending was awesome, now I really want to see how Matt will deal with things now.
Fisk is smart

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Timeless: 1x12 The Murder of Jesse James

It was a nice twist having a surviving pilot hiding in the past. I can't wait to see what she knows about Rittenhouse.

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Grey's Anatomy: 13x14 Back Where You Belong

Hate that the writers are making Arizona act like that... I get being attracted to Minnick, but to be so fake in front of Webber who has been like her best friend for the past couple of years was just so ridiculous. (she is not a teenager!)
Even though I don't like Jo, in this episode it was great seeing that the case hit her on a personal level without her playing the victim with everybody like she always does. And nice to have Hunt be the one to comfort her in the end instead of forcing a Karev moment.
Love that Meredith was still loyal to Richard, and that he went to talk to her to ask her to come back even though he appreciated the support. The best part was having her say that she wants to be better than her mother.

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This Is Us: 1x07 The Best Washing Machine in the World

A great episode to show why Randall and Kevin aren't that close. And that fight on the street ended up being hilarious.

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This Is Us: 1x03 Kyle

Beautiful episode!
Kevin showed that he really love Kate by deciding to move to NY by himself and allowing her to follow her own path.
It was nice seeing that William gave up Randall but he wasn't just a junkie getting rid of his kid, he actually was lost at the time.

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Timeless: 1x07 Stranded

Best episode so far. The fact that they got stranded in the past without having to hunt down Flynn was perfect for them to talk and make amends with each other... now they'll work together against both Flynn and Rittenhouse

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Designated Survivor: 1x04 The Enemy

Shout by Si_Crazy

I like that Kirkman is adapting, not too quickly, but also not too slow... he has taken some hits, but has managed to show strength is all his decisions. I LOVED that he fired that General, and also got that Governor arrested, and now with that ending he really is showing he is taking things serious and making the hard decisions.
Emily is far too naive and acts like a teenager with her disappointments and all... don't like her much.
It's perfect that Seth is now the Secretary of Communications, he's awesome!

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The Magicians: 1x12 Thirty-Nine Graves

Shout by Si_Crazy

Great episode!
It was great to have Quentin left behind just so he could re-connect with Julia again. Their friendship is adorable! And she finally is not annoying, so yay!
On the other hand, Eliot is being a pain!! I hope he gets back to his normal self soon.
I like Penny and Alice as friends, just not as a couple.
Things are serious now! Time for Fillory!

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The Magicians: 1x08 The Strangled Heart

Intense! I can't believe they killed off Eliza! And to find out that she was actually Jane just made her death even more sad.
I was worried about Penny, glad he is alive.
Poor Eliot! I felt so sorry for him not only finding out he had been used but also having to kill off the guy he really liked. :(

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