

New York

The Last of Us: 1x09 Look for the Light

I feel like an extra 25 or 30 minutes would have been better to draw out the drama a little more. Still, pretty good and I can't wait for season 2!

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The Last of Us: 1x05 Endure and Survive

Fantastic pacing and really intense. I think Henry and Sam are portrayed really well!

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The Last of Us: 1x06 Kin

One thing I've really been liking about the show is how they've been nailing these emotion driven scenes as well (or better in some cases) as the game. Can't wait to see if the next episode is going to introduce David's group and/or Ellie's background with Riley .

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The Last of Us: 1x08 When We Are in Need

Man that was tense! I totally see why Bella said there would be some divided opinions on this one because David was one sick guy. Like... not even the game went there haha. IMO though it worked pretty well, as it made me sympathize a little less with David here than in the game. Great episode and tense all the way through! Sad we're coming up on the finale but man... The hype is real haha. (Nice work here by Troy, did a great job!)

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Let me start off by saying that I love analog horror. It's one my favorite new genres that spawned from indie creators on youtube... With that said - If anyone else decides to try and make a full length analog horror movie, please take notes from mainstream youtube series like Walten Files, Mandela Catalogue, etc... It takes more than a few filters and a loud noise every 20 minutes to make it work effectively. Out of the entire movie there was like... one scene that felt effective in bringing that anxiety you're SUPPOSED to feel.

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Act 1 was good but it fell off pretty quick after.

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The X-Files: 2x06 Ascension (2)

Best of the two Duane Berry episodes imo. Mulder shows more emotion in this than any other episode so far!

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The X-Files: 2x05 Duane Barry (1)

I really liked the last 15 minutes, but man... what a slog. Also, strobe lights need to be illegal lmao.

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The X-Files: 1x21 Tooms

Glad to see they revisited Tooms and closed that X-File... For now?

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Lake Mungo

The mockumentary aspect is done really well. The plot (or rather b-plot?) is ok but it's a little all over the place... I like the idea that Alice killed herself because of the guilt she felt over what she did but it feels cluttered by Matt's Bigfoot decision.

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The Last of Us: 1x01 When You're Lost in the Darkness

Fantastic! Does the game justice in every possible way. Can't wait to watch the rest!

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The X-Files: 2x02 The Host

Loved the grossness of this episode lmao

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The X-Files: 1x24 The Erlenmeyer Flask

The first half of this felt like a good police procedural episode, the second half felt like an exciting X-Files episode. Looking forward to season 2 and onwards!

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The X-Files: 1x22 Born Again

Not as good as last episode but still fairly enjoyable.

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The X-Files: 1x20 Darkness Falls

The horror was done well in this episode. The only complaint I have is WHY DIDN'T STEVE TRY THE OTHER DOOR?!

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The X-Files: 1x17 E.B.E.

An interesting take on politics (at the time), fiction of the X-Files universe, and character development (especially for Mulder and Deep Throat) all in one episode. If anything, the last 20 minutes are definitely worth the investment here.

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The X-Files: 1x16 Young at Heart

Interesting concept but like "Eve", these science based episodes really need more time to flesh out plot and motives.

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The X-Files: 1x12 Fire

Cheesy but good time, and Mark Shepperd does a good job giving you "this guy is a creep but I can't tell if he knows" vibes.

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The X-Files: 1x11 Eve

Decent episode but I would have liked to see it expanded upon a little. Like it needed just a little longer for the plot to feel complete.

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The X-Files: 1x10 Fallen Angel

Aliens! Conspiracies! Spooky Mulder! After the awful last episode, this felt like a classic X-Files episode done better.

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The X-Files: 1x09 Space

Man... What were they thinking with this one?.. Like the potential is maybe there for a decent-ish episode, but every wrong turn in storytelling and writing was made here. Since we hardly even got any Mulder and Scully in this episode, I'd say the only good part is Ed Lauter as the Colonel who manages to play a man going insane from this weird cgi alien induced PTSD fairly well. Even if you're going through every episode like I am at the moment... I'd say just skip this filler.

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The X-Files: 1x06 Shadows

At first I thought it was going to be like that Angel episode where The girl had telekinetic abilities and killed those two guys. Decent episode!

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Good Burger 2

Good Burger is a childhood favorite of mine and watching this hit me with just enough nostalgia and "best hits" from the first one to keep me entertained. And it's always nice to see Kenan and Kel together of course.

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Beau Is Afraid

Very strange and interesting. It almost feels like an anthology movie with a loosely over arching plot. I don't think I'll watch this again though as I feel like it's an experience to have it as a one and done... Almost like watching a stage play :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Very tense from start to finish!

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You'd have a better time watching Fight Club and playing Payday

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Our RoboCop Remake

I miss Key of Awesome :(

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El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie

It was ok but it really needed another exciting scene or two. The diner scene at the end was fun but not really worth almost 2 hrs for lol

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The Borderlands

Found footage is usually hit or strong miss for me, but this one was a strong hit! As soon as the guys get to the church you get an intense feeling of dread though the rest of the movie. And that ending... If you've never seen this one, go in as blind as possible because the ending is truly an excellent and horrifying payoff.

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The Last of Us: 1x07 Left Behind

Storm was fantastic, and the chemistry between her and Bella was amazing!

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