

Omicron Persei 8

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 5x16 The Body

A harrowing episode with excellent writing and directing that makes for a very accurate portrayal of what goes on in those first few hours after a loved one dies.

Additional note: There is no background music anywhere in this entire episode.

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Good action flick. Went exactly as expected but you can't expect too much from a film like this. The Rock is on point as always, he's really doing great lately. There are a few scenes that if you're afraid of heights (and watching it in 3D as I did) you might clutch your chest a bit.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 4x10 Hush

By now "Hush" has become a classic and is considered to be one of the best episodes of the show.

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Charmed: 1x04 Dead Man Dating

Featuring a young John Cho, who later became known for portraying Harold in the Harold & Kumar films, Chau in the short-lived TV series Off Centre, and Sulu from the JJ Abrams' Star Trek films. He does a very good job and is clearly already a very talented actor even at this relatively young age. Made this for a very enjoyable episode!

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 5x01 Buffy vs. Dracula

Featuring Rudolf Martin as Dracula who also played the part in the Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula horror film which was released a month after this episode first aired in September 2000.

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Escape Plan 2: Hades

I really enjoyed the first one but sadly this sequel is nothing like it. It features a whole bunch of people we don't know and the ones we do barely have screen time. Stallone himself only appears for fifteen minutes total which is a damn shame. It was also an incoherent mess and a story that made absolutely no sense whatsoever. There was no emotional attachment to any of the characters yet they tried to make certain scenes "sad" by adding tragic music. Sad music isn't enough to make me care. Please Sly, you can do better than this.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 4x15 This Year's Girl (1)

The first scene has a tiny bit of foreshadowing for the next season.

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Panic Room

Pretty good movie. Nice camera work and editing too.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 2x03 Projections

One of my favorite Star Trek: Voyager episodes comes surprisingly early into the series!

Directed by Jonathan Frakes, this is a Doctor-centric episode that features very little of the rest of the crew. The Doctor (Robert Picardo) really shines in this one and the story may mess with your mind (or circuits as the case may be).

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Masters of the Universe: Revelation

First of all, while it isn't nearly as great as She-Ra (obviously) it is still enjoyable. And while I "get" why the fanbois got their panties all in a twist they seriously just need to get over it. This is not a bad show at all.

The art and music is all great. It fits the show well. The character designs are all true to the '80s version, just with an updated style and it looks good. The voice cast is of course amazing with many great stars in it and they mostly do a great job. Unfortunately I feel that casting Sarah Michelle Gellar as Teela was a miscast. And only because her voice doesn't seem to match the strongly built character. It just feels off.

The fleshing out of secondary (and tertiary) characters is really nice as they finally gain some depth, even if it is just a little it is still more than we've ever had. I love Roboto, and even Orko got some actual proper dialogue! Backstory even! Orko!

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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 1x01 The Sword (1)

Excellent first episode! Adora is adorable, Catra is awesome, and their relationship is just too cute.

Adora runs into Glimmer and Bow in the Whispering Woods while looking for the sword that called to her. They just view her as an evil Horde soldier and manage to capture her.

Adora gets conflicted when she hears and sees what the Horde has been doing all this time while she's was being raised, trained, and indoctrinated by the Horde and Shadow Weaver, her surrogate mom.

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Charmed: 8x22 Forever Charmed

Lots of time travel and seeing old faces return for this final episode. Enjoyable for those parts.

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Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Enjoyable, some fun scenes, but far less epic than the first. It's also a very obvious setup for the next one, which seems hinted at to be much more epic in scale.

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One Day at a Time: 1x01 This Is It

Great start of the series! Does a good job of introducing the main cast and really sets the tone of the series. A good mix of tears and laughter.

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Last Man Standing: 4x12 Helen Potts

This episode features Patricia Richardson who played opposite Tim Allen on the show Home Improvement as his wife, Jill, back in the '90s. There's quite a few in-jokes and paying homage to the old show all the way to the silly animated screen wipes. Great episode.

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The Watch

Has its moments but overall it's just a bad movie. Watchable but don't expect too much.

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Bird Box

Super tense all the way through, fun cast; definitely enjoyed this film.

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Charmed: Season 8

Without a doubt the worst of the Charmed seasons. It even has a new theme song, which is awful. They could have ended the show after Season 7 but alas, we get "Billie" who is as dumb as a brick (not in a funny way) and "Christy" who is annoying every single second she is on screen. Alongside that we get new demons that look the same every episode because hey, they just keep killing themselves anyway so whatever moves the plot (ha!) along. The middle episodes are at times frustrating and cringeworthy to watch and the season often moves forward with subplots that are just there because they know it's the final season. If you don't feel up to it, you can totally skip this and assume everything ended with Season 7. That was a good ending.

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Johnny Mnemonic

To think The Matrix came only 4 years after this. A world of difference.

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Star Wars Rebels: Season 2

The series "Star Wars: Clone Wars" is really required watching before starting this season (or series). Storylines are continued and lead characters make more than just singular appearances in Rebels. Go watch Clone Wars if you haven't yet!

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Masters of the Universe: Revelation: 1x05 The Forge at the Forest of Forever
  • Adam's back, I guess?
  • ..wat... "He-Ro" ? ...llllooollll
  • oh god, the flying saucer pads
  • aaand there is Greyskull.. The myth, the legend?
  • magic + tech = big bada boom?

  • oh ffs communicate people!

  • moss man back, still dead though.

  • sword fixed

  • oh, boom

  • dammit, stop killing characters!

  • Evil-Lynn was always my favorite, but now? Hot damn!

  • will he or won't he?

  • sailor moon transformation!

  • all's well that ends well?

  • oh .... Shit. Well.. Okay.. That just happened..

  • oh.. Oh no... Oh nooooo holy fucking shit lmao nice cliffhanger I guess

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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: 1x05 The Sea Gate

Adora and the gang go to Salineas to try and recruit the gloomy Princess Mermista for the princess alliance. There She-Ra attempts to fix the sea gate while Catra is off to try yet again to bring her back to the Horde.

Features the first appearance of Sea Hawk, who annoys most of the gang at first but grows on them (and possibly the viewer) and turns out to be essential in the end.

There's a sneaky Star Wars Kessel Run reference in there.

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The Predator

Rated R as it should be; plenty of on-screen gore. The predator has a lot of on-screen time and it's a guy in a suit rather than CGI.

There's plenty of humor and the action doesn't stop for the entire duration of the film. Felt a lot like the classic popcorn flicks of old but with fancier technological effects.

It may not be a very good movie but it was definitely highly entertaining. Loved the nods to the old Predator films.

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The Gifted: 1x06 got your siX

Expected the episode to end with Caitlin teaching the refugees a science class, with maybe only one or two 'students' present, but saw none of that yet. Guess they're saving that for a future episode. Also, please don't let Lauren and Wes become a thing before we see them have more meaningful moments together. A 10 second 'visit' to fake Rome doesn't equal a romantic connection. In other news, Andy is still a whiny kid. Somebody please slap him!

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 1x07 The Andorian Incident

Enter: The Andorians! Featuring Star Trek guest star veteran: Jeffrey Combs (Brunt (FCA), Weyoun, Shran, etc)!

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One Day at a Time: 1x03 No Mass

AKA: The One About Religion.
Introduces: Carmen - The Goth Girl.

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Charmed: 1x19 Out of Sight

Uh oh. It's been coming since the beginning of the season and now shit just hit the fan!
Poor Andy. He got a little crazier each time Prue was spotted in yet another murder case. I feel bad for the guy.

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Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
Masters of the Universe: Revelation: 1x04 Land of the Dead
  • I guess we're in hell.
  • oh shit
  • trope heavy interpretation
  • huh, that's definitely a revelation. First time Orko is actually interesting
  • omfg she said "bollocks"! Lmfao

  • zombies!

  • Fuck, I love Roboto

  • tropy tropy trope

  • oh no... Buffy is The Chosen One?

  • oh shit .. "What.. Are you?" "I'm your worst nightmare."

  • Sword 1 get.

  • glow in the dark Skeletor looks weird

  • well then. That just happened.

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The Golden Girls: 2x24 To Catch a Neighbor

Great episode. Kinda fun to see a young George Clooney.

This is also the episode the gif of Blanche spraying herself with the water bottle comes from.

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