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big balloon blood monkey just want fist bump :pensive:

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The French Dispatch

the most visually satisfying work I have ever seen bar none.

we’re talking about Léa Seydoux, right?

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The Suicide Squad

Gunn really took the “your mom” jokes to a new level

this movie is ridiculous and I love it

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The Queen's Gambit: 1x02 Exchanges

Shout by sarah
BlockedParent2020-11-01T03:52:14Z— updated 2020-11-07T14:27:43Z

The fact that I, someone who has played chess once in my life, can get so completely sucked in to two people playing chess in this show is amazing.

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The Queen's Gambit: 1x04 Middle Game

Shout by sarah
BlockedParent2020-11-01T15:02:39Z— updated 2020-11-07T14:28:05Z

Absolutely insane. The way they characterize the Russian as some cold robot-like player who shows no personal thought for his moves is amazing. And of course Beth’s mom dying in Mexico City was super unexpected . I cannot wait to see where Beth goes from here.

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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

this is by far one of the best marvel films I’ve seen in a hot second (I’m lookin at you black widow). the martial arts choreography is just :asterisk_symbol:chefs kiss:asterisk_symbol: especially when it comes to the air-bending choreo. just gorgeous. awkwafina gave a much better performance than I expected, which is always a nice feeling, especially in conjunction with simu liu. I also thoroughly appreciated the opposing forces between fala chen and tony leung as the parents and how dynamic leung’s villain became.

overall a super, super solid film by marvel (that I would not mind being separate from the mcu :D)

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Free Guy

it feels like there’s 10 different story arcs, but I think I liked them! the day I stop loving ryan reynolds is the day I’d like someone to destroy my servers please and thank you

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Jennifer's Body

definitive proof that every popular indie band is in league with satan

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A Quiet Place Part II

forgot how substantial the difference between a theater screening and a slow computer running 123movies is

this was absolutely gorgeous in every way imaginable

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2

logically I know that there are many things wrong with this movie (and the series as a whole).
emotionally, however, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are the only things keeping me afloat. I don’t think a superhero movie has ever made me cry more than this one. 

therefore, my brain says no but my heart says yes

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apparently Disney knew I needed a CMBYN x H2O crossover before I did

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The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie

there is no audience this movie isn’t for

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The Green Knight

we’ll, for a movie that I patiently waited like 6 months for, I can say it was definitely… interesting. 

the cinematography is gorgeous, the acting is gorgeous, the atmosphere is gorgeous, etc, etc. my only gripe is my complete surprise when the movie ended and I didn’t really know what happened. after some reflection I can understand the impact of Gawain’s journey more, but I think it just wasn’t my cup of tea in every place. 

that being said, would definitely watch again!

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

I honestly think I was like in shock when I first saw this because oh my god it is so sad

like, Andrew Garfield still stands as my favorite iteration but holy shit does Tom Holland know how to make a bitch sob

anyways, the experience of watching this very soon after watching both the Raimi and Webb versions is so much better than going in cold. the emotional weight of Garfield catching MJ is just gorgeous and the Maguire/Doc Ock mini-reunion is :asterisk_symbol:chefs kiss:asterisk_symbol:

I’m really glad Marvel decided to take such a ballsy turn with the ending and am honestly so incredibly excited to see where they decide to take it (and praying that they don’t go down the Fantastic Beasts route)

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Spider-Man 2

no matter how much money they spend, marvel can never beat the El Train sequence. 


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Squid Game

it’s the fact that I’ve never cried that hard in my life for me

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Portrait of a Lady on Fire

I’ve never felt so many emotions at the same time in such great quantity. I don’t think I can explain the raw emotion of that last scene with just words. It’s just one of those things where once you experience it, you feel like you’ve reached the depths of the human spirit.

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The Queen's Gambit

Shout by sarah
BlockedParent2020-11-01T18:37:25Z— updated 2020-11-07T14:28:24Z

Absolutely amazing. I did not think it was possible to be so enamored by two people moving some wooden pieces on a game board - to tears, even! Anya Taylor Joy is spectacular as Beth and I think anyone who watches this show will feel the same.

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Just watched Halloween for the first time and... it’s okay. Obviously I’m sure it was more revolutionary when it came out, but it does not stand the test of time. The directings okay, the acting is subpar, the plot is shallow, and, in my opinion, it wasn’t scary. 5/10 for me.

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Bo Burnham: Make Happy

Absolutely one of the best comedy specials I’ve ever watched. Bo Burnham has such a unique sense of what it means to be an entertainer and a comedian. I laugh at almost all of his jokes, but at the end of this particular special I usually find myself sobbing a good bit. Don’t even know why. Just a really powerful message if it resonates with you in that way. If not, then it’s just a really good thing.

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Merlin: 5x13 The Diamond of the Day (2)

I really have no idea what to think about this episode. I can say it does not deserve the scathing reviews it’s gotten. After patiently waiting for 5 seasons I finally got Merlin telling Arthur that he’s a sorcerer. I’ll be honest, when Merlin turned into the old man I lost so much hope, but that brought it back ten-fold for me.

It would have been nice to see Arthur be saved once more by Merlin, but I think it’s quite poetic that he doesn’t have to once Arthur has found out who he really is. The last scene was a bit of a confusing way to end though, as I’m not sure any sorcerer would be powerful enough to live like a thousand years. But this is Merlin, so maybe just one last thing to overlook with blissful ignorance.

Overall, this has become one of my favorite shows. It’s not the best in terms of writing or directing or set design or originality, but it’s just one of those shows that has a soul and such a lovable personality with such amazing characters that you can’t help but love it.

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Merlin: 4x01 The Darkest Hour (1)

This was probably the best first episode of all the seasons. You can tell the budget was higher, and I could feel the tension in the scene where Merlin was too afraid to go pick up a candle in the dark. I really hope it keeps this momentum going because I can see a really good season coming from this.

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Promising Young Woman

I did enjoy this movie. however, some parts worked much better than others. I would say my favorite aspect is the character manipulation and development through the film. carey mulligan is spectacular and I can’t say anything more about bo burnham that someone else hasn’t said. I knew going into this that he’d be an asshole, and he still roped me in with that bicycle line. damn you, lanky brunettes!

that being said, the ending absolutely left something to be desired. as others have already mentioned much more eloquently than I can, cassie’s death and subsequent “revenge” felt more like a cheap audience emotion-grab than a fitting resolution. I truly think the film’s message would have been communicated so much better if the posthumous “revenge” was left out, because it really makes the storyline feel… cheapened. it reminds me of the ever-popular “bury your gays” trope of the 20-teens ish, except instead of LGBT+ members, it’s victims of sexual assault who seek justice.

overall, I commend emerald for what she attempted, but I’d like to see a piece with a bit more sensitivity and consideration in the future.

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Atlantis: The Lost Empire

holy moley, this movie is gorgeous. I like to think about what films like Luca could have been if they had the same passion and story as this one… maybe one day again.

also somehow more greatly reaffirmed my propensity towards lanky brunettes with glasses. it can’t be helped.

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James Acaster: Cold Lasagne Hate Myself 1999

the only reason this didn’t get a 10 is cause im an american who really likes memes

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The Devil All the Time

This movie felt like it should have been something... more? The cast drew me in, which I think is what most people like about this, and they didn’t disappoint. Hearing Tom Holland’s newfound southern accent was an amazing experience. However, the plot was a little shallow. It’s like they tried to make something very deep with all of the religious tones and symbolism, but what I came out with was a spoon-fed “this pastor is bad and represents everything fucked up that people have done in your life in the name of Christianity”. I don’t know, maybe I just didn’t get it, which is a very real possibility considering I’m the farthest thing from a film critic. I enjoyed it as something to pass the time and swoon over the cast with, but nothing more.

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Merlin: 5x05 The Disir

This episode was kinda insane. The scene with Merlin fighting between magic coming back to Camelot and Arthur’s life was absolutely amazing. And when he chose the latter, just, I got chills. And then Mordred walks out completely fine?? I could literally feel the despair Merlin has when he realizes he made the wrong decision. I’m assuming that Mordred knows something about how Arthur chose Camelot over him, which will probably lend itself to the prophecy. Really good episode.

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The Flash: Season 6

I literally forgot this entire season. I watched it when it came out, and then a while later I remembered it and had to think about whether I had seen it or not because it was so forgettable. Don’t get me wrong I’m a huge fan of the flash and the first seasons were amazing. But someone needs to put this show on the chopping block and put the fans who hate watching this show get worse and worse, like me, out of their misery.

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Top Gun: Maverick

traded the 80’s flair and (some) homoeroticism for miles teller and the coolest, most heart-racing action sequence I’ve ever seen

I’ll take it.

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Punch-Drunk Love

I don’t think I’ve ever felt that amount of sheer uncomfort-turned-satisfaction in my life, and I don’t know if I ever will again.

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