Sandra Liaz


Helsingborg, sweden

13 Reasons Why: 4x03 Valentine's Day

There was no need for Jessica to decline Charlie's three different types of diet coke

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13 Reasons Why: 3x08 In High School, Even on a Good Day, It's Hard to Tell Who's on Your Side

Let me just say that Devin Druid is an amazing actor. The scene when Tyler talks about his trauma with Clay is such a powerful scene.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x10 Graduation

As Zach Dempsey said, let’s pile on the closure dirt

Started with Hannah and ended with Hannah. I absolutely loved the ending.

This episode was so much crying for me

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13 Reasons Why: 3x07 There Are a Number of Problems with Clay Jensen

This Ani chick is out of her mind. Poor Clay!

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It Chapter Two

I really struggled giving this an honest opinion. I think this focused more on special effects rather than the horror aspect. I loved the original It from 1990. And I also love the novel very much but this doesn't really do it for me. It was a good movie yes but too much computer special effects rather than just makeup spx. Anothing thing that annoyed me was Pennywise's death. It looked cheaply made. It could've been made sooo much better, but I understand how hard that would've been with their vision. One last thing that was awesome was Stephen King's cameo in the shop. It made me feel very comfortable to see him. Oh and let me add that the actors are perfect, they really succeeded with finding good actors that has a similar look as the children.

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Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts

I loved seeing and hearing their stories of how they grew up with the working of all the movies. Very beautiful way also to do a tribute to those who aren’t here on earth anymore. I fell a couple tears but also laughed

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This is not a movie it's a musical masterpiece. CryBaby was a story well written with songs with story telling. Never did I thought that Melanie would live up to her expectations but this is so much better than CryBaby. Really shows her passion and her power of writing both a story and music. Such an inspiration!

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You: Season 2

Another cliffhanger! Dammit!

I liked how we get a little bit of backstory of Joe. We slowly start to see which type of people Joe gets interested in while having the same pattern each round. My favourite new character is Forty. He brings so much comedy and dept into this season. Also I love how Ellie is the new Paco that Joe cares about.

This season had more dept in it than season 1. Although I loved season 1 I feel like I prefer season 2 over it. Season 1 was slow-paced compared to season 2. Can't wait for more!

A bit sad that Forty died at the end, I really wanted to see more of him. And now we can add three more deaths to the count of everyone who's been killed by Joe. Or partly his fault.

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This is almost a disgrace to our beautiful tradition Midsommar, but it's a beautiful movie yes. I will give it an honest opinion without all the ''Im a swede and I know how we celebrate midsummer''. This has the same kinda vibe as Hereditery but also completely different. I like how the movie was made specifically with real swedish actors that spoke real swedish. A lot was put into this movie and it was watchable. How on earth can you make a horror aspect movie that is so bright and with so many colors? I just don't get it. I enjoyed every second of this movie, even though the beginning kinda was slow it built up the story very good.

The death scenes of the elders when they jump off the cliff, is both a distrubing and a very well made scene. I kinda liked how they muted pretty much all the screams at the mans death. On a personal level I love when death scenes are muted cause it brings out so much emotions.

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The Act

What a roller coaster! As someone who has been very investigative in this story I am very impressed how they put this together. At some times I was asking myself "Why am I watching this?" As if this actually was real footage from real events. The actors are amazing at what they are doing. Also I cam understand how Gypsy can disagree on this series. I had a wonderful time watching this.

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The Perfect Date

I love the actors in this movie buuut, this movie has no story, no climax and no ending, It's basically garbage, dont watch

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I think I need some therapy after watching Charlie’s death scene

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This is normally something I would stay away from cause mostly I can just figure out everything in at least 20 minutes of movies like these. But I was pleasantly surprised. This threw all my theories out the window at the end. It’s really interesting to see something like this

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Beautiful Boy

Never did I thought that I would cry this much during a movie. This is so well done and the actors are amazing. The fact that Tomothee Chalamet went through a whole transformation to have a body that looked like a drug addict, is really dedication to his character.
I kept thinking the entire movie "It's not too bad, at least it isn't real" But I later found out that its based on a real story. That just breaks my heart.
This could've been such a long movie but I thought it was quite short but at least I enjoyed this sad and incredible movie

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Jennifer's Body

If I watched this as a teenager I would’ve enjoyed it more

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The Act: 1x01 La Maison du Bon Rêve

1 Episode in and I am very impressed. As someone who has been almost obsessed with the whole Gypsy Rose Blanchard situation, I am very pleased so far. Joey King is an amazing actress, who plays Gypsy perfect. I'll admit that I was very unsure with Joey King playing Gypsy after her role in Slender Man, where everything was just a mess. This was also very well written and I can't wait to see more

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I usually don't like swedish crime/dramas but this one is good and okay. I feel like swedish series lacks dept of script and actors that can't act. Here is kind of a mixture between actors that I recognize and some childhood acters. If someone comes from another country I recomend this still, if you have the patience of reading subtitles. And to people who will compare this to 13 reasons why, nooo this is so far from just angsty teens. While it still has the elements of suicide, drug abuse and mental illness the story doesn't really go deep into any of the three stated. It focuses more on Maja and her point of view. You will get confused in the beggining but she also is confused so it makes you still watch it, because it ties all together in the end. Just don't judge this because of 13 reasons why, I gave 13 reasons why a 2 hearts and this 7 cause you'll see why when you watch this!

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Everybody’s Everything

I have liked LiL Peep's songs but never really known much about him.
His music speaks to anyone and everyone. There is at least one song you can relate to.
There's both happy and sad songs he's made.

I didn't realize how charismatic Gus was and this documentary catch that side of him.
But I also see a lot of pain and sadness whenever I see him, in these clips.
What I don't understand is how people could take advantage of him when he was so vulnerable.

The conspiracy theorist in me want to investigate further into his death.
I know for sure that he had a drug problem but never so severe.
But the fact that there were people inside the tour bus where he died makes me angry.
Why wouldn't anyone do something? Even if he was out for an hour but no it was 5 hours.
They could've at least poke him every now and then to see if he was still breathing or even alive.

Such a beautiful soul taken too early

RIP LiL Peep

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I Am Not Okay with This: 1x03 The Party's Over

Rip Banana the best pet of all

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The Platform

This was so good! All the cymbalism of the platform, the food and the child.

The platform is a gory, ruthless and minblowing movie.

The platform is almost like a mixture of Cube (1997) and Circle (2015) with the morals and survival in focus.

Never in my life will I look at food the same anymore.

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Kingdom: Season 2

Another season of Kingdom, and I love it!
This season has more gore and blood in the fighting scenes which makes it perfect. It's not the typical zombie story but it also have other horror elements without being cheesy. Well made and I can not wait for another season to come!
Worth a rewatch every now and then since it's sooo good

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Jojo Rabbit

This has to be one of the best movies of the decade. Taika Waititi 100% deserved his Oscar with this movie adaptation. The cast in this is phenomenal. Even if this is Roman's first professional acting job, he blew my mind. There is nothing bad I can say about this at all.

To make a satire out of one of the worlds worst tragedy is very bold. Never has anything like this been made or even rhought about. No one knew that we wound get a satire out of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. But we got it 80 years after the war. Taika did really do this good.

I will tell everyone to watch this cause it has some history in it at the same time as it is a comedy.

One of my favourite scenes are the "Heil Hitler" scenes they're so hilarious.

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Marriage Story

Even if this regularly isn’t my cup of tea I still gave it a watch. I thought it would bore me to death and be kinda slow. But I was pleasantly surprised and it was easy getting into the story. It’s easy to just follow along while also paying a lot attention. Phenomenal movie!

Also the first reason I watched it was because of Adam Driver and his acting is so good in this. Men crying has me weak!

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Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

I have watched a lot of true crime documentaries but never have I ever felt this sick to my stomach. I usually can take a lot but this was too much.

First of all this is very well done. They did it very good and interesting with how the episodes are focusing on different parts of the story.

What I totally disliked was how they kept showing the videos and having the police department lady having a breakdown on camera even though she said to just stop for a minute. A miss from them was showing the actual murder (censored but you can clearly see what happens) video on screen for so long. Now Jun Lin’s mother will hear him die once again. It’s not fair to his family to have his death monetized like this.

The ending is seriously so badly done with Deanna, bitch you gave this man 2 years of attention while us watching this documentary give him 3 hours, and then blame us. He is at least stuck inside jail where he should be but at least he won’t know how many watched the documentary.

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As someone who has studied cinematography/photography I always remember what my teacher always said while watching movies. A good movie isn't just the story it's how it's made. Can you stop at any frame and it will look like a beautiful photography? Then you have succeeded.

I normally won't like a movie like this but it's so well done and thought out so it's worth a watch. Joaquin Phoenix deserves an oscar after this performance. Everything is as it should be, Nothing negative to say about Joker.

Such a dark yet mesmerizing story.
Gruesome yet beautiful

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The Hangover Part II

Not as good as the first one but the pictures at the end always gets me

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The Hangover

One of my all time favorite comedy movies

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American Horror Story: Season 8

wow this has to be in the top 3 seasons of AHS. This was so good and I enjoyed every bit of it!
Btw Cody Fern is just so hot when he's crying...okay I'm out

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Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

Dare I say this is better than It: Chapter 2?

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What a waste of time!
So bad

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