sammy ray

1 follower


The Simpsons: 3x01 Stark Raving Dad

i could name multiple reasons for this to be removed from streaming, and none of them are "because michael jackson is in it"

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Ghosts: 1x15 Thorapy

i thought they handled isaac's coming out very well, it was really similar to how disney channel did it on andi mack. i was surprised he told hetty though... it would've been very easy for the writers to make her homophobic.

(ofc she would have some sort of redemption episode or something, but i'm kinda glad they just avoided that plot altogether bc it probably would've been bad)

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SpongeBob SquarePants

yes, i unironically watch spongebob... it's honestly a hilarious show when you're older.

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Black Mirror: 4x05 Metalhead

a bit of a slow start, but i liked the episode by the end. i really didn't like the black and white filter, though.

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Black Mirror: 3x04 San Junipero

this is such a beautiful episode. i don't think i've ever cried during a tv show, but i did while watching this.

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The Office

why do we need a third adaptation? especially over 15 years later...?

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Don't Look Up

people keep saying they don't like this movie but i actually really enjoyed it. there were some hilarious easter eggs, too- one of them is that on her desk, there is a photo of meryl streep hugging bill clinton, which suggests that her character is hillary. the ending makes me so sad, why does everyone who actually tried to help get burned :(

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Victorious: 1x01 Pilot

i know it's the pilot, but i feel like they should've redone it instead of airing it as-is... like rex is fucking terrifying and WHY does cat have curly hair

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the predictability of this film may have been what made it hurt more. this is amazing.

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The Office

it doesn't reflect on my profile yet since i only recently joined, but this is the default show for me. whenever i'm too lazy to pick out something to watch, i rewatch this for the hundredth time.

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Squid Game

i'm only halfway through, but so far, every moment has been so interesting and i CANNOT stop watching. it's sad that a second season is almost impossible, though, because it seems like the kind of show that can't really last long

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x16 Chapter Thirty-Six: At The Mountains Of Madness

terrible ending to a great show :(

i knew the ending wouldn't be great because it was slowly becoming worse but i was NOT expecting the end to be so rushed. i agree sabrina dying at the end was a good (and maybe the only) way to close it, but it all happened so fast. it's like she suddenly dies in the last minute of the series. perhaps if netflix had given another season, the series would have more time to complete, but with this state, the show does not feel finished whatsover.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Season 2

good, but disappointing compared to the previous episodes. the musical scenes feel very forced and probably are only there so people will stream the soundtrack.

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