
Grey's Anatomy: 16x16 Leave a Light On

15 years of character down the drain in one episode.

It's a pity Justin Chamber's character did not get a better send-off. I mean I get that the actor was leaving the show, but surely they could have negotiated a last appearance to make a better end for him.At one point (i'd not been aware of his leaving previously jst of the long absence) I wondered "wait is the actor dead ?" Since they do clip episodes when usually that's the case

Anyway I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed that Alex Karev now “has been sent on a farm upstate, where he lives happily” (ok not upstate, but still).

What do the show runners take us for ? Six years old lamenting the loss of a pet ?

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Lessons in Chemistry

This show is very quickly becoming my favorite show of the year.

It has everything from a very good writing to impeccable performances by an extremely talented cast, down to the kids, an excellent cinematography, great costumes and decors, not to mention a heart wrenching story of love, loss, sex discrimination and empowerment of a woman who just refuse to let the patriarchy (and remember this happens in the 50s) dictate how she should live her life and fights back in all the ways she can.

It has all the makings of a single season show, but even if it does not get more, in itself it's gonna be a treasure to re watch over the years.

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The Witcher: Season 1

A couple days of bliss watching, and a whole year to wait for the next segment. That's frustrating :). I loved the show, hope it lives till the end of the story is told.

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Marvel's The Punisher: Season 2

A really strong season, with great characters and tension building. Disney pulling the plug on the Nextflix Marvel's show Is a really bad move for the public, because, all those shows (yes even Iron Fist despite the critics) were just the right dosage of darkness and hope. I know that, at the time I'm writing this, neither The Punisher nor Jessica Jones have been axed yet, but there's little doubt they will be, and, if the Star Wars franchise is an example of how Disney can ruin a good story, I'm afraid that whatever reboots they'll do in the future will be far inferior to those Netflix shows. Time will tell I suppose, but I'm not optimistic.

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Definitely Emmy and/or Golden Globes material, for the story, the perfect acting and even for the discreet but good musical score.

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BLUE EYE SAMURAI: 1x05 The Tale of the Ronin and the Bride

The intricate narrative structure of this episode is truly fantastic.

Not only is part of the past of Mizu revealed, but it's woven in a subtle pattern between Akemi's future, and the present, each feeding the other and revealing a wonderful tapestry.

This is a masterful tale, and I can't wait to see the rest

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 3x08 AKA Camera Friendly

Actually the show runner gave Salinger one super power, as shown at 0:29:58. He's SuperAsshole :)

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Marvel's The Punisher: 2x03 Trouble the Water

This one was a very tense episode, sort of a condensed “Assault on Precinct 13” meets “Rio Bravo” and crosses “High Plains Drifter” vibe here. All in all, great action scenes.

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Harley Quinn: Season 1

I wasn't expecting much from this, and I've been nicely surprised. For an animated show, in these days of 'let's do everything live action and my CGI is better than your CGI', the first episode was rather good. The back story was interesting, it is refreshingly ironic about itself, a bit on the gory side. I'm looking forward to the rest of the season, to see if it holds on to its promises.

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Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver

I honestly have no idea why all those bad comments. It's a science-fiction/action/adventure flick, it does not pretend to be anything else. So yes, there are lots of elements that come from other movies, and why not ? First of all it's a discarded Star Wars script, so of course, there will be that influence, but contrary to most of the complainers, I like that myself. It's sort of "if star wars was taking place in a parallel universe". The action scenes are great (and fie to the haters of slow mo), the suspense holds until the end. Right the romance part are a little on the nose and mechanical, but again, this is not "Love Story", it's a movie you watch for its visual and entertainment value, and on that front, I fill fulfilled. I read in one of the complainers comments that there was two more movies planned and I myself will certainly thoroughly enjoy those as I did part one and 2.

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This show is absolutely riveting. Most of the episodes left me breathless.

Good animation is not rare, but brilliant one are not that many.

Everything in this is good, the story, the characters development, the animation, the editing, the action scenes, the music score, the voice acting.

I'm quite eager for a second season, though I'm wondering how the story will unfold for the characters, since Mizu will be in England, while Akemi, Taigen and Ringo are left behind in Japan. I for one would at least like to know what will happen with all of them..

In the meantime I'm giving this show a 10,because, yes, it's totally Ninja !

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Great CGI and Steampunk look, poor directing, poor acting, poor storytelling. A wasted opportunity.

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Robin Hood

This movie is just not good enough even though it tries, and probably tries to hard, to be likeable. The script is feeble, the actors barely engaging, the pop culture references too obvious, don't start me on the army tactics, the ridiculous Gatling gun like crossbows, the costumes (especially those at the party scene, worth the worst of a Philippe Decoufflé show). Only some combat scenes were credible enough to retain my attention. Not to mention the butchering of the Robin Hood tale. This should get a 4, I gave it a 6 because i happen to like Jamie Foxx

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The Three Musketeers

Painful, Sad, Bad, poorly acted, poorly directed, airships really ?
This has to be the worst attempt at adapting Dumas' novel, and god know there were bad ones out there.
I give it a 3 on account of the photography and decors, which lets be honest, are really good. But that can't save that movie which was 1 hour and 50 minutes of my life wasted.

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 10x07 April 9, 2023: Homeowners Associations

This week was a treat, 2 main stories instead of one.The HOA main segment was truly horrifying, but the Check E. Cheese one was a hoot :)

(you can watch the Chuck E.Cheese here : https://player.vimeo.com/video/815931867?h=c3093f60ed&dnt=1&app_id=122963)

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Do Revenge
Star Trek: Voyager: 4x18 The Killing Game (1)

This is an interesting episode, and we get to see Jeri Ryan singing, which in itself is a treat :)
However every time I see it I'm bugged by something : the studio settings of 1944 France are very good, reproducing a 1940's French town quite accurately, but in one instance they fail badly : there is a car prominently featured in 2 scenes, a Citroen 2CV "Charleston" a model that came out in 1980, furthermore it's worth mentioning that in any case the original model of the Citroen 2CV was unveiled in 1948, 3 years after the end of World War 2. This anachronism grates and could have been so easily avoided (there are other period related cars in the background that don't clash)

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Blade Runner: Black Lotus

So, this is definitely not animation for kids. The characters animation can be sometimes a little stiff, excepted in the fight scenes, but all is all is rather good, the decors are perfect and all the little details coming from the original movie are interesting. The script is really nice too, “blade runnery” , so to speak, kind of neo noir, though the world development is minimal, there are hints here and there of how it came to be like that, painting a subtle picture with little touches.

I binged the first 6 episodes in one session, and honestly i should have waited for the first season finale, because now I'm frustrated to have to wait for the conclusion. I certainly hope this show has a future (or at least a satisfactory end), because it's really enjoyable to watch.

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Star Trek: Short Treks: 2x02 The Trouble with Edward

Tribbles ! :grinning:. Every Star Trek show needs a Tribbles episode. They're so furry and cute and.. impossible to get rid of.

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Unbelievable: Season 1

So, this has the feel of a one season only show, and I'm OK with that. The story was perfectly self-contained and does not need to be dragged over. It is a great show, the acting is on point. You'll hardly notice the underlying score, but it's there just enhancing the various scenes. The script is very emotional, and the ending is bittersweet, knowing that the main character ends up hopeful that she'll be able to put it behind her, but also scarred as are all the other victims, and the just punishment of the perpetrator does nothing much to make them get past the trauma he inflicted. Toni Colette and Merritt Wever really do have great parts and interact perfectly with each other, but it's Kaitlyn Dever here who delivers an Emmy worthy performance. Come to think of it the whole show is Emmy worthy in my opinion, and I hope it's represented there, it certainly deserves it.

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The Man from Earth : Holocene

Honestly, this movie is far from the first one. Not a total waste of time, but as a sequel, it's just not on par with the quality of the original.

You have nonetheless to salute the effort they made, as independent movie makers to choose to distribute it to the file sharing community in addition to the regular channels, and just ask for a donation if you enjoyed the movie. Well I didn't enjoy it, but i still gave the equivalent of a movie ticket price, if only to encourage this practice. I never minded paying the artists for their work, it's the middle man, the distribution companies who benefits from their work and spoil them of most of the profits, I have a problem with.

In this case though, I truly hope they get tons of money and enjoy an early retirement, not plaguing us with spin-offs and more sequels as the end seems to hint at.

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This is a blast. Really the interaction between father and son was beautiful. The whole movie feels real, thanks partly to a great shooting but also to Kiefer Sutherland being that conflicted man seeking peace if not redemption. Honestly there is no small acting par in there, and all of them do a great job. I would highly recommend that you watched that, because it's really one of the great drama of 2016. This should get Oscars nominations, for photography, acting and giving the viewers a real good fucking time :)

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Banshee: 2x10 Bullets and Tears

You have to admire some attention to details in this show. That was filmed around 2013 and yet at 00:13:44 in a shot inside a New-York street, in a minor scene meant as a flash back 15 years earlier, so before September 11 2001, they digitally inserted the twin towers : https://prnt.sc/vGtBocEr4ssf. It's 4 seconds, they could have gone without and probably no one would have noticed, but this is real professionalism there

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Young Sheldon: 5x02 Snoopin' Around and the Wonder Twins of Atheism

A little annoyed by the continuity. At the end of the previous season, Brenda tells George that Hershel took all the chicken when he left and in this episode the coop is full.

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The Irishman
Arrow: 7x11 Past Sins

Shout by RxB
BlockedParent2019-02-03T09:12:13Z— updated 2019-02-05T07:27:29Z

This season is all over the place. The arcs almost non existent, and certainly inconsistent.The flash forwards in the previous episodes are ruining the show. Who wants to see and know that Felicity is dead, Wild dog as the compromised mayor of the glades, William as a feeble follower of his father, Ollie dead, Star City gone entirely down the drain ? I know I don't. One of the things about those show is that the heroes are suppose to give us hope, even when they're fighting nearly unsurmountable oddq. With those flash forwards the hope is all but gone and it makes the whole struggles they go through entirely pointless. Are the show runners thinking we enjoy seeing how they're gonna be fucked anyways whatever they do ? Killing the heroes at the end is one thing, but telling you they gonna kill them first hand, then making you watch the process, that's sadistic

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Bodyguard: Season 1

This show was intense. There's not so many shows or movies that have you riveted to your chair, heart pounding, scared of what could happen next. This has it, from the fist scene of the 1st episode right to the last scene of the last one. I've no idea if BBC plans another season, as the season itself wraps up nicely as one self contained story, but if they do, I'm sure to check it out. My only reservation was at the last reveal in the last episode, which I found a little too easy and not making so much sense as the alternative would have (and no, no spoiler, you'll have to watch to understand) even though it does wrap up a neat package.
Anyways a big thumbs up for this show, and i'm looking forward to watching further adventures of PS Budd, if any are made :)

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Fast paced fun comedy. I really enjoyed myself there.

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The Vampire Next Door

The acting was a little wooden, and the script could have used some polishing, but somehow the fun the crew had making that B movie seeps though to the screen.

Not exactly something you'll tell your grand kids about someday, but still a fun little flick to watch. my rating 6 and half :)

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Faraway Downs

So, I've no idea what this has been voted down so much. Granted, it's not original material, Faraway Downs is a mini-serie version of Baz Lurhman Movie Australia But far away from being too long it does the movie justice. The cinematography is superb, the acting top notch, the plot very well written. I binged that in one session and wasn't bored for a minute. My only regret is that the character of Neil Fletcher as the villain of the story was a tad underdeveloped, even though his motivations are clear it would have been nice to see what brought him to it, but it's nitpicking on my part :) . So if you've got about 4 hours to spend i highly recommend you watch this :)

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