Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Class of '09

hate the stupid needless time jumping. so annoying.

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Seems they just tried to stretch out this show for way too long. Probably would have been great if they'd have kept it to one long season, or maybe at most 2 seasons. Maybe they can make this into a remake and keep it to a mini-series

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The Holiday

Dumb acting. Stupid story line. Misplaced over the top dramatic music. Unlogical mini events that have no real follow-up making it - in my opinion - a woman's story thinking that guys would just let stuff go until a day or so later.
The stupid stuff is also that a police officer who has no actual real basis but then just randomly thinks every single one of her female friends is f*cking her husband. One after the next. And other unrelated drama being pulled in endlessly.
I dont think I've ever seen any other group of 'friends' who are so guinely screwed up.

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TWIN: 1x08 The Last Day

Shout by RiGHT

A little bit disappointed by the ending
I was awaiting the big reveal that obviously Karin was his daughter.
The whole thing was a bit of anti climax.

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The Veil

A rather unintelligent plot that tries to make itself sound really smart. It is entertaining to watch, but mostly (only) thanks Elisabeth Moss.

The childess nonsense behavior that's being forced between the 2 male spy handlers Malik and Max says it all.

Which also actually is an unfortunate sign of yet another Disney series infected by the woke mind virus:
- all white men are evil. literally, every white guy you see is evil and you will be shown in detail how evil
- every black guy is disrespected by said white guys (and white women too by the way for good measure)
- every muslim is just a victim of western behavior and you should not call them radicalised because they are only fighting for their... uhh... not sure for what, just fighting, even amongst themselves and killing everyone in the process, if necessary by exploding nukes
- a woman doesnt need a man, it does not matter who the father of your baby is, as a woman you just want a kid ( - no not even sarcasm from my side, it was literally said )

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The Beekeeper

Uhm...... holy cr*p. Haha this is like watching a crazy late 80's or early 90's action movie.

Dont expect a proper story. Dont expect a serious plot. Dont expect intelligent dialogues.
Then this is a pretty cool action movie. Statham at his best since The Transporter.

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The Couple Next Door

This is an interesting series and it keeps you interested from start to finish. Eventhough the whole plot is predictable from basically minute 1.

Unfortunately the woke virus has struck this series badly. Every white guy is a bad guy; every white woman is naieve but finds a way to empower herself; the black guy is a victim of everyone else but he has his revenge on the evil white world; religious people are all crazy/obsessive/etc.
It's sad as it brings down the series for me, by a lot.

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Poor Things

The movie is a bit too artistic to my taste. The only thing (superb) is the stunning body of Emma Stone. Acting performances by Emma and Mark Ruffalo are great as well, but overal it's just a little bit too much Frankenstein-meets-Shakespeare for me.
I'll stick with a "7" out of 10, but only because I had a game on my laptop nearby to keep me entertained while watching this slow and artistic movie.

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The Outfit

i cant decide on my rating to give it a 6 or a 7. Mark Rylance carrying this all the way. Without him this would have been perhaps at max a 5 out of 10 or worse. In all honesty the movie is a bit boring and slow. But it's still captivating.
I'll stick with a 7 as it's still "good enough" entertainment.

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The Collective

Dreadfully bad acting. stupid conversations. the corniest supporting music that sounds like it was royalty free to keep budget low.
It seems most budget was spent on Don Johnson.
And speaking of budget..... Ruby Rose really needs to spent some money and take some acting lessons. And that Mercedes Varnado should go back to being a waitress or something. I think I havent seen a worse actress in a long while.

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It's just popcorn entertainment. And with alcohol, a lot of alcohol. So you dont notice how weak the stories are. For example episode 1x02 where he break in, has obviously stolen items in his posession and then police arrives and arrests the bad guys. Uhhhh right. Reality will be that police arrests at the very least the burglar, and in doubt arrests everyone to take them to the police station and figure things out later. I see people referring to The Finder, I was thinking more about Pointman (1995), but I guess that shows my age mostly :)
Anyway. It's watchable. Just corny and not very intelligent.

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Well... what to say about this. It's not bad. It's not superb. It has a bit of a Da Vinci's Demons - vibe to it. Not surprisingly also a Stars series, come to think of it.
The ending was just so predictable... I saw it coming somewhere in episode 2 already. The whole evil duke of norfolk personality made little sense to me and overal it was just.... well.... not so smart or special.

Anyway. I still enjoyed it enough, dont get me wrong. Just over-hyped.

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I very much enjoyed the first few seasons. Great fun and almost like watching a behind the scenes of the Trump precidency screwing up everything possible to be screwed up. Then at some point in season 5 or 6 it all became just too much hate, really like watching the Trump administration.
Selina was at first a little bit of a narcissistic screw-up of a underdog that you sort-off still wanted to root for. Then she became more and more that c-word and non-stop treating everyone like garbage. Then it became too much. I just started to strongly disliking her, especially the way she was treating her daughter... the showrunners probably should have given her at least a little bit of humanity still... too bad they didnt. I believe that is what killed this series eventually. Season 6 was very weak.
On the plus side, at least season 7 brought us a proper and good closing of the series.
Poor Gary.

Amazing cast, superb acting.

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Don't take the movie too seriously and it's actually very enjoyable.
Of course it's a story copy/paste from at least 144 other movies which are exactly 100% the same plot and story.

The woke level is amazingly low, as in 0. Quite surprising.

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Emily the Criminal

Its not the best movie, it's not the smartest movie. It is also far from realistic.
It is entertaining.
Wokeness level is ok.

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Road House

I actually enjoyed this movie more than I expected.
On the woke meter: acceptable.

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

On one side it was better than I expected, but still.... not very good. Chris Pine was not charming enough and not naughty enough. I guess overal the movie was "ok", but nothing really more than just that.

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The Tower

this is a great police series, but its crazy (white)male unfriendly. whatever the situation, the white man is the bad guy, or at minimum 'a' bad guy. seriously fck off........

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The Tower: Season 1

Way too much woke shite, of course every single white guy is a bad guy in one form or another.
If to ignore that, it is a very decent police series.
Season 1 is pretty good, not sure why people vote it so low

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The movie is a bit 20 in a dozen, but at least has some more realism to it where DEA (shouldnt it be the US Marshalls?) doesnt have an endless budget to do whatever they want protecting a witness.
The thing I really hate about it is the "exciting sounds and music" playing all the time. Too much. Too loud.

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Not great, not bad. Entertaining enough, but not as good an experience as for example Catch me if you can was.
All acting was a bit flat, nobody seemed to take things seriously enough or... something like that.
Love Elisha though :)

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Broadchurch: Season 2

season 1 was great, season 2 is total shite with endless courtroom sessions where that annoying defense lawyer keeps pulling aggressive angry shit. and the rest is endless drama.
totally hate this season.

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Broadchurch: Season 1

Season 1 was absolutely stunning.
A totally amazing cast. I totally binged this season.

I started suspecting the bad guy after episode 5 or 6, but it was at some point a matter of everyone becoming a realistic suspect.

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Sneaky Pete

season 1 : great.
season 2 : shite
season 3 : superb!

Too bad it ended after the third season, though it's understandable that the inspiration and stories were done.

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Da Vinci's Demons: Season 3

Way too much psychological blabla. Season 1 was superb and simply amazing.
Season 2 with the mind games, sort of alternate reality and time travel-wannebee was a huge disappointment
Season 3 was just bullcrap.

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Da Vinci's Demons

I loved season 1.
Season 2 with this endless b.s. about book of leaves started to be annoying and was a huge change from season 1.
Season 3 was just crap. Not a good change from how interesting season 1 was.

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The Squad: Home Run

It all started like some endless woke shit. Tnx God things improved quickly.
Jean Reno is just listed to get additional people watching this, He has a tiny role, so do not watch this for him.
It is a pretty decent action movie. A bit too predictable, but not bad.

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Antigang: La Relève

It all started like some endless woke shit. Tnx God things improved quickly.
Jean Reno is just listed to get additional people watching this, He has a tiny role, so do not watch this for him.
It is a pretty decent action movie. A bit too predictable, but not bad.

EDIT: this entry is a duplicate. There's another antigang la releve

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Twisted Metal

Im not a big fan of Anthony Mackie.
Too many annoying one-liners where he seems to want to sound like Will Smith.
The opening scenes are a bit too much Mad Max meets Death Race. But ok. That seems the whole goal of this series.

Also a shame that immediately the whole racism card needs to come up again with 'John Doe' saying "talking to a mildly intimidating white lady" why the skin color is important?

Anyway. If you dont take this stuff seriously, then its entertaining enough. Set your expectations low and you might even be surprised.

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The Grand Tour: 5x03 Sand Job

the screwing about with each others cars is starting to be annoying. in this case it more or less destroyed the DB9.
sometimes it's funny, but more often than not its just juvenile.

anyway. one more episode to go after this I guess.

too bad, I'll miss the specials.

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