
Dune: Part Two

best film I've seen in theater in recent years, I nearly forgot what quality cinema looks like since Hollywood constantly produces :poop:...

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Fargo: Season 1

this season was awesome! it does have its small imperfections in the form of way too many coincidences, people being at the right time and place, and characters doing kinda stupid shit like in the last episode why bother dragging the bodies of the fbi agents instead of going after lester? also I feel bad for poor linda, she was the sweetest girl in the entire show, why do her dirty like that, lester? :cry: ... sadly I have a strong suspicion it only goes downhill from here with the rest of the seasons...

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Rick and Morty: 7x02 The Jerrick Trap

just as I suspected... Morty's voice sounds way off in this episode, seems like they used up whatever J.R. managed to record before the scandal... Fuck Adult Swim, Hollywood and this bullshit "guilty until proven innocent", they wont release Jeffrey Epstein's client list, but will virtue signal at first chance they get... same thing happened in the Expanse, so fuck Amazon too...

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Rick and Morty: Season 7

new trailer just dropped and it sounds like garbage... we want J.R. back!

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I really enjoyed the 1st season and got invested into the show, the 2nd season however, the Atlanta case, the moms of the victims had way too much of a condescending attitude coupled with sass that just felt out of place in the context of the murders, and not to mention the classic netflix trope of "muh black brother"... and Wendy just got uselessly sidelined and I really couldn't give a sh!t about any of her personal experiences, nor could I care any less that she was gay, which is why I literally skipped all her scenes and haven't noticed anything missing... otherwise, its a great show and I'm really bummed that it got canceled...

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For All Mankind

the scene in episode 2 where they exposed on live tv the german scientist as a nazi collaborator or whatever was so dumb I just couldn't watch anymore... usually I'm ok with slow paced shows and with large cast but this felt like it dragged on forever while barely anything interesting would happen, its clear the writers didn't knew how to develop the characters and they just crammed some woke bullshit as filler or something...

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Alchemy of Souls

weirdest mashup I have ever seen... it feels like a spanish telenovela but with asian fantasy elements and some scenes feel just like bolywood...

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although deeply flawed, it is an interesting piece of mystery and thriller! like for example their job is to look at random numbers and delete the "bad" ones so it is implied that their implants tells them what to delete, so you're telling me this shit couldn't have been automated? and if such memory manipulation tech did exist it would have way better applications than this corporate dystopian hell :laughing: but anyway I really enjoyed the buildup and the suspense. maybe the only thing that felt out of place was the gay relationship between burt and irv, which felt more like woke propaganda :angry: rather than actually contributing something to the plot but whatever... overall it was a good show with a interesting concept and I hope there will be a 2nd season 'cuz the cliffhanger really did leave me wanting more :smile:

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Alice in Borderland

1st season was so-so, 2nd was filled with pseudo-bullshit and cliches... we still don't get any clear answer as to what happened to the people, the world and who was running the games... nearly every character is fatally wounded but still survives 'cuz drama I guess... there is some teaser to a potential 3rd season but I'm glad it never happened as I've lost all interest in this show...

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The Legend of Vox Machina: Season 2

better than the 1st season, but now every fight looks impossible to win, LOL

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Agatha Christie's Poirot: 2x02 The Veiled Lady

this is one of my favorite episodes! the way Arthur dashes out the window after they're caught breaking in the house always gets me laughing :laughing: and how Japp is teasing Poirot siting in his prison cell :rofl:

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Regular Show: 8x31 The Power

so Mordecai went through all that bullshit with Margaret and CJ just to end up with some random that doesn't even have a voice actor, LMAO! Good show though!

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and destroy what is good

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Marvel's The Punisher

the action itself is okay, but it bothers me a bit too much that people in this show and mainly the Punisher himself would often get beaten to a pulp, shot and stabbed, then he would proceed to sleep it off and go on fight the next battle... the plot is also kinda mediocre and left me with little to no interest in the 2nd season and I think I'd rather watch the Daredevil again... also something that I've noticed in this show are some of the most awkward sex scenes I've ever seen on screen to date, like at some point you'll see people getting tortured and killed then suddenly it will jump to some couple fucking, like what the hell is going on?!

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The Witcher

the 1st season was barely watchable, but this is as much as I can suffer this woke shit...its basically a diversity fest with a constant attempt to portray a oppressor-oppressed narrative...

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

Kind of a dumb plot and an even dumber ending... But somehow it still was an entertaining watch, though for me the most exciting moment in the entire movie was the scene with Matt Murdock aka the Daredevil which I'm hoping will come back with a new season

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played LoL back when scripting was a thing... anyway TLDR the game is pure dogshit, but this show somehow goes above and beyond with awesomeness! in gaming I always preferred DOTA and coincidentally they also have a show but its nowhere near Arcane's level which is a shame since DOTA also has very rich lore that could've been incredibly famous if it received as much love as Arcane did...

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Free Guy

decent to watch when you got nothing better to do, but otherwise its filled with dumb stuff, like I remember this conversation where this dude was talking about failed dreams and college debt or something and this other guy just called it "white privilege", lmao! call me a snowflake, but this just screams political agenda to me

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Season 1 was the best... everything else that comes after it is just boring, chaotic or political... the usual Hollywood agenda of black victimization, white 'guilt', and gay "segregation", classic american propaganda... it had potential, but I just hate the writers for being this racist...

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DOTA: Dragon's Blood

a bit of a clusterfuck and most of the time I don't understand what the hell is going on but I still enjoyed it very much since I'm a sucker for fantasy. Gotta say that I was a bit confused since I honestly thought DOTA lore was the same as Warcraft. Haven't played either game for very long but I still like the lore behind them.

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Solar Opposites

this feels like anything that didn't made it into R&M was put into this show instead... they painfully tried to make Hulu look great with some cheap "inside" jokes, to the point it become so obnoxious it made me hate it... it was definitely more gory than R&M but it was also more political, lots of bullshit about how jews are cool, some gender identity satire, and they even went as far as being openly racists towards white people even using racial slurs like cracker... Overall I hate every character, I didn't enjoy anything about this show except one thing and that was the story of how the alien kids abducted people by shrinking them and putting them into this wall terrarium and now they had to learn how to survive in their new world... honestly the wall saga was so good it was the only reason I continued watching...

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Rick and Morty: 5x01 Mort Dinner Rick Andre

We finally arrived at season 5 and R&M is still going strong! I mean holy shit! Where else can you get this amount of chaos, tragedy, comedy and action packed into only 20 minutes! Absolutely brilliant!

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Definitely one of the most brutal animated shows I've ever seen! I really hope they improve on the quality for the 2nd season since its a shame if the animation doesn't hold up to the epicness of the story...

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Godzilla vs. Kong

I could smell the SJW bullshit right away... "women strong! men cowards! girl power!" yeah, fuck that shit... putting that aside the rest of the movie was just average... sure, it was visually impressive but otherwise it was very predictable and also kinda dumb in some aspects...

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The Expanse: Season 5

What the hell?! I liked this season and I love this show, but that last episode... why the hell did they killed off Alex Kamal like that? His death was so sudden and random, especially given what Naomi went through I was almost certain that SHE will bite the dust, instead the show does a 180 and just offs Alex... WTF!?
Also I gotta agree with other comments, there was a bit too much personal drama, I actually skipped some moments that dragged on too much and didn't impact the story in any way...

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The Boys: Season 2

yeah, this season for me was kinda meh... putting aside all the blunders that were so painfully obvious, there is the issue of characters always appearing or being there just at the right time that imo bothered me more than it should have... and of course there is the never ending modern day drama about races, homosexuality and all that american bullshit and how could forget the undying antagonists of humanity, the nazis... like seriously? who writes this shit? some jews?

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Altered Carbon: Season 2

the 1st season was better in every aspect... sadly the 2nd one was filled with cliches, way over the top and very predictable story... also netflix just had to push their sjw agenda about same sex marriage and only actors of color in main roles... what a load of bullcrap...
I see people really liked Poe's character and I think that is because he was the only one with good acting skills...

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The Witcher

when going into this show my greatest fear was that Cavill was not fit for his role, but f**king hell the dude nailed it! I legit thought that they might've hired Doug Cockle (the one who voices Geralt in the video game series) to dub over Henry, that's how similar they sound. And of course Henry delivers more than just voice, his performance was very good. Too bad I can't say the same about any other character in this show... Overall it wasn't bad but it felt kinda trippy at times and the timeline stuff made it even more confusing...

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Rambo: Last Blood

Lets be honest, we all went to see the movie for the action, for the gore which was spectacular by the way! We all knew what it was about... except the piece of shit who brought his kid to the movie and his wife started yelling at him and due to her sitting next to me she was also yelling in my ear and not even my shushes would calm her down... I mean bitch can't you take it outside?!

Okay, okay... the movie, obviously isn't a masterpiece, the acting? the dialogue? You'll find better dialogue on 4chan... The story? A mix between Taken and Home Alone... But even with its flaws I still enjoyed it... why? I don't know, '90s nostalgia, I guess...

If you're a fan of action flicks, this movie is for you. But keep in mind this is not a family friendly movie...

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